The business will sell apartments built within large office buildings as both homes and offices. They will focus initially on selling smart home apartments equipped with automated technology. Reliability and past customer satisfaction will help the business as it works to provide stable, comfortable living and work spaces.
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1. Assignment4
3.1 What are you going to sell? a product or a service?
home and office
3.2 Describe the basic product/service you are going to sell.
3 +1 apartments are built in large offices
3.3 Describe the different types of product/service you are going to be selling.
smart home are
3.4 If you are not going to sell all your products/services at the start of your business,
explain why not and when you will start selling them.
the occurrence of stability and comfort properties of the material used in the
applications smoothly explains the occurrence of
3.5 Additional information
The reliability of our organization has made in the past business experience and customer