This document is a survey asking respondents to select sources of information used to choose a real estate agent, identify the most helpful source, and rate satisfaction with their real estate agent. Respondents are given options to select from for the sources of information, including open houses, internet, recommendations, and advertisements. They are also given options to rate their satisfaction as satisfied, dissatisfied, or neither.
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1. 1. Which sources of information do you use when
choosing a real estate agent? (Check all that apply) Which
sources of information do you use when choosing a real
estate agent? (Check all that ap Open houses Internet
Association or club recommendations Mortgage brokers
Social networking websites Real estate advertisements Yard
signs Other (please specify) 2. Which source of information
do you find most helpful when choosing a real estate agent?
Which source of information do you find most helpful when
choosing a real estate agent? Fami Real estate
advertisements Internet Open houses Social networking
websites Association or club recommendation Mortgage
broker Yard signs Other (please specify) 3. Are you satisfied,
dissatisfied, or neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with your
real estate agent? Are you satisfied, dissatisfied, or neither
satisfied nor dissatisfied with your real estate agent?
2. E Moderately satisfied Slightly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Slightly
dissatisfied Moderately dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied