A presentation of a gender identity and artistic expression workshop that I lead for Young Women United in 2007. Based on women of color feminist and queer theory (e.g. bell hooks, Gloria Anzald炭a).
The document discusses borderlands and border literature. It describes the borderland as a place where cultures intersect and hybridize, creating opportunities for political, intellectual, and moral growth. A key figure, Gloria Anzaldua, is mentioned as a scholar and theorist who wrote about these concepts in her works Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza and This Bridge Called My Back: La Prieta. She explored the struggles of those from mixed cultural backgrounds and identities situated between cultures.
O documento discute tr棚s ondas do feminismo e como cada uma delas promoveu a igualdade de g棚nero de diferentes formas. A primeira onda focou no sufr叩gio feminino e direitos pol鱈ticos. A segunda onda nos anos 1960 enfatizou a liberdade individual e sexual das mulheres. A terceira onda desde os anos 1990 desafiou defini巽探es essencialistas da feminilidade e enfatizou a micropol鱈tica e experi棚ncias de mulheres de diferentes ra巽as.
Gloria Anzald炭a discusses terminology used to describe Mexican Americans and the concept of borderlands. She defines borderlands as the areas around borders that blur boundaries and are sites of tension as well as intellectual expansion. Anzald炭a argues that a new masculinity is needed and that the "new man" would benefit from a social movement to help untangle from sexist behaviors and define this new identity. The document examines concepts of identity, borderlands, and the need for redefining masculinity through social change.
This document provides biographical information about Gloria Anzaldua and summaries of some of her works. It includes the copyright information and acknowledgments section from her book Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza.
The document discusses Anzaldua's role as co-editor of This Bridge Called My Back and some of her other works including Borderlands and The New Mestiza. It provides the copyright information and acknowledgments from Borderlands/La Frontera, thanking various people who contributed to and supported the work.
1) The document is an excerpt from Gloria Anzald炭a's book Borderlands/La Frontera, which deals with the cultural borderlands experienced by Chicanos and Mexican Americans living at the geographic border between the U.S. and Mexico.
2) Anzald炭a explores the history of Anglo conquest and colonization of Mexican territory in the Southwest U.S., which displaced indigenous and Mexican residents from their lands. She describes the borderlands as an open wound and the experiences of those who cross borders illegally.
3) Anzald炭a develops the concept of "mestizaje" or mixed heritage as a symbol of a new identity and consciousness for those of mult
The document discusses borderlands and border literature. It describes the borderland as a place where cultures intersect and hybridize, creating opportunities for political, intellectual, and moral growth. A key figure, Gloria Anzaldua, is mentioned as a scholar and theorist who wrote about these concepts in her works Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza and This Bridge Called My Back: La Prieta. She explored the struggles of those from mixed cultural backgrounds and identities situated between cultures.
O documento discute tr棚s ondas do feminismo e como cada uma delas promoveu a igualdade de g棚nero de diferentes formas. A primeira onda focou no sufr叩gio feminino e direitos pol鱈ticos. A segunda onda nos anos 1960 enfatizou a liberdade individual e sexual das mulheres. A terceira onda desde os anos 1990 desafiou defini巽探es essencialistas da feminilidade e enfatizou a micropol鱈tica e experi棚ncias de mulheres de diferentes ra巽as.
Gloria Anzald炭a discusses terminology used to describe Mexican Americans and the concept of borderlands. She defines borderlands as the areas around borders that blur boundaries and are sites of tension as well as intellectual expansion. Anzald炭a argues that a new masculinity is needed and that the "new man" would benefit from a social movement to help untangle from sexist behaviors and define this new identity. The document examines concepts of identity, borderlands, and the need for redefining masculinity through social change.
This document provides biographical information about Gloria Anzaldua and summaries of some of her works. It includes the copyright information and acknowledgments section from her book Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza.
The document discusses Anzaldua's role as co-editor of This Bridge Called My Back and some of her other works including Borderlands and The New Mestiza. It provides the copyright information and acknowledgments from Borderlands/La Frontera, thanking various people who contributed to and supported the work.
1) The document is an excerpt from Gloria Anzald炭a's book Borderlands/La Frontera, which deals with the cultural borderlands experienced by Chicanos and Mexican Americans living at the geographic border between the U.S. and Mexico.
2) Anzald炭a explores the history of Anglo conquest and colonization of Mexican territory in the Southwest U.S., which displaced indigenous and Mexican residents from their lands. She describes the borderlands as an open wound and the experiences of those who cross borders illegally.
3) Anzald炭a develops the concept of "mestizaje" or mixed heritage as a symbol of a new identity and consciousness for those of mult
The Aztlan Theatre is a historic music venue located in the Santa Fe Arts District of Denver, Colorado. Owned by Tim Correa since 1973, the venue is currently under financial distress (Aug 2014). Local Denver bands are uniting to host a a charitable concert to help raise money and awareness of this local treasure. This presentation features quotes of support from local bands who are behind this mission. Presentation design + original feature article courtesy of Pouring Man Productions/ KUNUNDRUM. Read more about the Aztlan Theatre history here: http://greenbeerfest.com/local-denver-bands-save-aztlan-theatre/
This document poses a series of questions about the cultural production of knowledge regarding Latina/os and their sexualities. It asks how studies of Latina/o sexualities have avoided essentialism and been subject to paternalism. It discusses how such cultural production arose in the 1960s-1970s and references influential texts and authors from that era. The document also questions how nationalist myths can be oppressive and how issues of race and passing have been underscored in discussions of Latina/o identity.
Chicana/Latina Queer Feminisms explores the author's personal experiences with issues of migration, identity, gender, sexuality, culture, race, ethnicity and queerness through youth arts programs and poetry. The document discusses pivotal theories in Chicana/Latina Queer Feminisms from scholars like Gloria Anzald炭a, Jos辿 Esteban Mu単oz and Cherr鱈e Moraga. It also examines how contemporary Chicana/Latina Queer Feminisms integrates narrative forms, responds to political trends, and constantly evolves as a hybrid genre.
The document discusses Gloria Anzald炭a's concept of mestiza consciousness as presented in her book Borderlands. The mestiza consciousness is a survival strategy that embraces ambiguity and contradiction. It promotes flexibility, inclusion over exclusion, and operating in a pluralistic mode beyond oppositional thinking. Anzald炭a envisions the mestiza consciousness as useful for building coalitions across differences toward social justice. This requires creating a common culture of mutual understanding to overcome prejudice and subjugation.
Tradition & transformation in la music amd salsavgrinb
Latin American music has its origins in the indigenous, African, and European musical traditions that were brought together during the colonial period. The differences in musical forms throughout Latin America can be explained by these colonial influences and the development of national identities after independence. Contemporary Latin American music such as salsa, bossa nova, and nueva canci坦n demonstrate the hybrid nature and continued evolution of musical styles in the region through blending diverse cultural influences.
Tradition & transformation in la music amd salsavgrinb
Gender/Sex Identity Art Workshop
1. S e r v ic e le a r n in g
w it h y o u n g
w o m e n u n it e d
K a i M a r g a r id a -
R a m ir e z d e
A r e lla n o
2. M O T IV A T IO N S
Dis nc ntm nt w e mo a a e ic
e ha e ith litis f c d m
fe inis .
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o e o a ith o e a d
-Glo Anza 炭a e king
ria ld Sp a
in To ue : A Le r to3
ng s tte rd
W rldW m n W rs
o o e rite .
3. Yo u n g W o m e n
U n it e d
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o e d ra s o
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rg niza n t m ha ize
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m o e e f ungw m n o c lo
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Op o
p rtunity to w rk w o r w m n
o ith the o e
o c lo a to s eho g s -ro ts
f o r nd e w ra s o
o a
rg nizingw rks
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Va stheus o a in a tivis .
lue e f rt c m
4. Th e O r n a m e n t
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ro re tivity and
a tivis .
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Them jo o m w rk
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ith U a a
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6. G e n d e r id e n t it y
boxe s
Ba e o a a s nm nt
s d n n s ig e
fro m Que r The ry
m y e o
c s a o ho w
la s b ut w e
e e nc o g nd r.
xp rie e ur e e
Fa ilita dd c s n
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b tw e s x a g nd r,
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thefluid o
ity f
m s ulinity a
ac nd
fe ininity, a ho w
m nd w e
ne o teo g nd r
g tia ur e e
id ntitie a c rd ly.
e s c o ing
7. Inte e ra na
rg ne tio l
m m e hipa w dfo
e b rs llo e r
va dg nd r id ntitie
rie e e e s
tob d c s da
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e lo d
xp re .
W m n fro va us
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lig us nd e l
b c ro sw rea le
a kg und e b
tovo ethe uniq
ic ir ue
e e nc so g nd r.
xp rie e f e e
11. R e f le c t io n s
YW p vid d aw rm fa ilia a fun
U ro e a , m r, nd
enviro e tha w sc nd iveto a
nm nt t a o uc
m m ra lea p s
e o b nd o itivee e nc w
xp rie e ith
g s -ro tso a
ra s o rg nizing .
Re o ilia n b tw e the ry a
c nc tio e e n o nd
a tio
c n.
Ins ira n fo futurea tivis thro h
p tio r c m ug
thea ticvo e
rtis ic .