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ORGANIZATOR Hrvatski 邸ahovski savez; Zagreb; ahovski savez Zadarske 転upanije, 
TEHNIKI ORGANIZATOR ahovski savez Zadarske 転upanije, Zadar 
NAZIV TURNIRA Meunarodni 邸ahovski turnir ZADAR OPEN 2014 
VRIJEME 14. 12.  20. 12. 2014. 
MJESTO Zadar; Falkensteiner Hotels & Resorts Borik, Majstora Radovana 7 
SUSTAV vicarski sustav, FIDE varijanta, 9 kola 
TEMPO IGRE 90 minuta po igrau uz dodatak od 30 sekundi za svaki odigrani potez 
PRAVO NASTUPA pravo nastupa imaju 邸ahisti i 邸ahistkinje iz Hrvatske i inozemstva. 
Na A turniru nastupaju svi sa rejtingom 2300 i vi邸im, a na B turniru 
sa rejtingom 2200 i ni転im. 
ahisti i 邸ahistkinje sa rejtingom izmeu 2200 i 2300 imaju pravo izbora 
na A i B turniru. 
Najbolje plasirani hrvatski igra stjee pravo nastupa na pojedinanom 
prvenstvu Hrvatske u 邸ahu. 
Turnir se rejtingira za ELO i CRO listu. 
1 2200 EUR 500 EUR 500 EUR 
2 1400 EUR 400 EUR 350 EUR 
3 900 EUR 300 EUR 200 EUR 
4 700 EUR 200 EUR 
5 600 EUR 150 EUR 
6 500 EUR 100 EUR 
7 400 EUR 
8 300 EUR 
9 200 EUR 
10 150 EUR 
11 120 EUR 
12 100 EUR 
* Pod uvjetom da na turniru sudjeluje najmanje 邸est (6) 邸ahistkinja 
1600  1800 75 EUR 
1801  2000 75 EUR 
2001  2199 75 EUR 
Najbolji junior do 20 godina50 EUR 
Najbolji veteran preko 60 godina50 EUR
Najbolje plasirani igra SZ貼...50 EUR 
Najbolje plasirani junior SZ貼.50 EUR 
Nagrade su kumulativne 
Sudionici B turnira du転ni su za nastup osigurati ispravan elektronski sat i garnituru 
standardnih dimenzija. U prostoriji za igru nisu dozvoljeni nikakvi elektronski ureaji 
(ukljuujui mobitele) 
UPISNINA 200kn. Upisninu ne plaaju natjecatelji sa meunarodnim titulama. 
SMJETAJ Falkensteiner Hotels & Resorts Borik, Majstora Radovana 7, Zadar 
Ana Belamaric 
MICE Coordinator 
Tel +385 23 555 644 
Fax +385 23 555 680 
Mob +385 91 220 66 59 
JEDNOKREVETNA SOBA: 344kn (~46 Euro) / po danu 
DVOKREVETNA SOBA: 284kn (~38 Euro) / po osobi/danu 
Boravi邸na pristojba ukljuena u cijenu. 
Sudionici sa ratingom 2600 i vi邸im, u dogovoru sa organizatorom mogu koristiti besplatan 
pansionski smje邸taj. Lista ovih igraa biti e dostupna na upit nakon 15. studenog 2014. 
貼ena sa najvi邸im ratingom ima besplatan pansionski smje邸taj. 
1. kolo: 14.12.2014. u 16.00h 
2. kolo: 15.12.2014. u 09.00h 
3. kolo: 15.12.2014. u 16.00h 
4. kolo: 16.12.2014. u 16.00h 
5. kolo: 17.12.2014. u 09.00h 
6. kolo: 17.12.2014. u 16.00h 
7. kolo: 18.12.2014. u 16.00h 
8. kolo: 19.12.2014. u 16.00h 
9. kolo: 20.12.2014. u 09.00h 
Prijave za turnir najkasnije 14. prosinca do 13.00 sati u Falkensteiner Hotels & Resort Borik. 
Zatvaranje turnira je 20. prosinca u 13.30 sati. 
INFORMACIJE Luka Perani tel.: +385/23 208 129 
fax: +385/23 208 084 
GSM: +385 98 513 049 
e-mail: zdchess@yahoo.com
ORGANIZER Croatian chess federation & Chess federation Zadar 
DATE & LOCATION 14. december  20. december 2014. 
Falkensteiner Hotels & Resorts Borik, Majstora Radovana 7, Zadar 
SYSTEM Swiss, FIDE variant, 9 rounds, 90 minutes + 30 sec bonification for every 
move (from the beggining of the game). On tournament A all chess players with 
ratings 2300 and higher can take part; on tournament B all chess players with 
2200 or less. Chess players with ratings between 2200  2300 have their right 
to choose tournament they would like to play. 
1 2200 EUR 500 EUR 500 EUR 
2 1400 EUR 400 EUR 350 EUR 
3 900 EUR 300 EUR 200 EUR 
4 700 EUR 200 EUR 
5 600 EUR 150 EUR 
6 500 EUR 100 EUR 
7 400 EUR 
8 300 EUR 
9 200 EUR 
10 150 EUR 
11 120 EUR 
12 100 EUR 
* Minimum six (6) female participants 
1600  1800 75 EUR 
1801  2000 75 EUR 
2001  2199 75 EUR 
Best junior player up to age of 20 50 EUR 
Best veteran player above 60 yrs50 EUR 
Best positioned player CA Zadar...50 EUR 
Best positioned junior CA Zadar .50 EUR 
Players on tournament B have to ensure the chess clock standard garniture. 
Awards are cumulative 
ENTRY FEE 200kn except participants with international titles
ACCOMODATION Falkensteiner Hotels & Resorts Borik, Majstora Radovana 7, Zadar 
Ana Belamaric 
MICE Coordinator 
Tel +385 23 555 644 
Fax +385 23 555 680 
Mob +385 91 220 66 59 
SINGLE ROOM324kn (~46 Euro) / per day 
DOUBLE ROOM...284kn (~38 Euro) / per person/day 
All residence taxes included. 
Players with rating of 2600 or higher have free accommodation and board (in agreement 
with organizer). List of these players will be available on telephone inquiry after November 
15. 2014. 
The best female chess player has a free board. 
1. Round: 14.december.2014. u 16.00h 
2. Round: 15.december.2014. u 09.00h 
3. Round: 15.december.2014. u 16.00h 
4. Round: 16.december.2014. u 16.00h 
5. Round: 17.december.2014. u 09.00h 
6. Round: 17.december.2014. u 16.00h 
7. Round: 18.december.2014. u 16.00h 
8. Round: 19.december.2014. u 16.00h 
9. Round: 20.december.2014. u 09.00h 
Registrations will be accepted until December 14. at 1.30pm; Falkensteiner Hotels & Resort 
INFORMATION: Luka Perani, tel.: +385/23 208 129 
fax: +385/23 208 084 
GSM +385 98 513 049 
e-mail: zdchess@yahoo.com

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Zadar open-2014-raspis

  • 1. ORGANIZATOR Hrvatski 邸ahovski savez; Zagreb; ahovski savez Zadarske 転upanije, Zadar TEHNIKI ORGANIZATOR ahovski savez Zadarske 転upanije, Zadar NAZIV TURNIRA Meunarodni 邸ahovski turnir ZADAR OPEN 2014 VRIJEME 14. 12. 20. 12. 2014. MJESTO Zadar; Falkensteiner Hotels & Resorts Borik, Majstora Radovana 7 SUSTAV vicarski sustav, FIDE varijanta, 9 kola TEMPO IGRE 90 minuta po igrau uz dodatak od 30 sekundi za svaki odigrani potez PRAVO NASTUPA pravo nastupa imaju 邸ahisti i 邸ahistkinje iz Hrvatske i inozemstva. Na A turniru nastupaju svi sa rejtingom 2300 i vi邸im, a na B turniru sa rejtingom 2200 i ni転im. ahisti i 邸ahistkinje sa rejtingom izmeu 2200 i 2300 imaju pravo izbora na A i B turniru. Najbolje plasirani hrvatski igra stjee pravo nastupa na pojedinanom prvenstvu Hrvatske u 邸ahu. Turnir se rejtingira za ELO i CRO listu. NAGRADE: MUKARCI 貼ENE* A TURNIR B TURNIR 1 2200 EUR 500 EUR 500 EUR 2 1400 EUR 400 EUR 350 EUR 3 900 EUR 300 EUR 200 EUR 4 700 EUR 200 EUR 5 600 EUR 150 EUR 6 500 EUR 100 EUR 7 400 EUR 8 300 EUR 9 200 EUR 10 150 EUR 11 120 EUR 12 100 EUR * Pod uvjetom da na turniru sudjeluje najmanje 邸est (6) 邸ahistkinja NAJBOLJI PREMA REJTINGU: 1600 1800 75 EUR 1801 2000 75 EUR 2001 2199 75 EUR Najbolji junior do 20 godina50 EUR Najbolji veteran preko 60 godina50 EUR
  • 2. Najbolje plasirani igra SZ貼...50 EUR Najbolje plasirani junior SZ貼.50 EUR Nagrade su kumulativne Sudionici B turnira du転ni su za nastup osigurati ispravan elektronski sat i garnituru standardnih dimenzija. U prostoriji za igru nisu dozvoljeni nikakvi elektronski ureaji (ukljuujui mobitele) UPISNINA 200kn. Upisninu ne plaaju natjecatelji sa meunarodnim titulama. SMJETAJ Falkensteiner Hotels & Resorts Borik, Majstora Radovana 7, Zadar Ana Belamaric MICE Coordinator Tel +385 23 555 644 Fax +385 23 555 680 Mob +385 91 220 66 59 ana.belamaric@falkensteiner.com www.falkensteiner.com PUNI PANSION JEDNOKREVETNA SOBA: 344kn (~46 Euro) / po danu DVOKREVETNA SOBA: 284kn (~38 Euro) / po osobi/danu Boravi邸na pristojba ukljuena u cijenu. Sudionici sa ratingom 2600 i vi邸im, u dogovoru sa organizatorom mogu koristiti besplatan pansionski smje邸taj. Lista ovih igraa biti e dostupna na upit nakon 15. studenog 2014. 貼ena sa najvi邸im ratingom ima besplatan pansionski smje邸taj. RASPORED KOLA: 1. kolo: 14.12.2014. u 16.00h 2. kolo: 15.12.2014. u 09.00h 3. kolo: 15.12.2014. u 16.00h 4. kolo: 16.12.2014. u 16.00h 5. kolo: 17.12.2014. u 09.00h 6. kolo: 17.12.2014. u 16.00h 7. kolo: 18.12.2014. u 16.00h 8. kolo: 19.12.2014. u 16.00h 9. kolo: 20.12.2014. u 09.00h Prijave za turnir najkasnije 14. prosinca do 13.00 sati u Falkensteiner Hotels & Resort Borik. Zatvaranje turnira je 20. prosinca u 13.30 sati. INFORMACIJE Luka Perani tel.: +385/23 208 129 fax: +385/23 208 084 GSM: +385 98 513 049 e-mail: zdchess@yahoo.com
  • 3. ORGANIZER Croatian chess federation & Chess federation Zadar DATE & LOCATION 14. december 20. december 2014. Falkensteiner Hotels & Resorts Borik, Majstora Radovana 7, Zadar SYSTEM Swiss, FIDE variant, 9 rounds, 90 minutes + 30 sec bonification for every move (from the beggining of the game). On tournament A all chess players with ratings 2300 and higher can take part; on tournament B all chess players with 2200 or less. Chess players with ratings between 2200 2300 have their right to choose tournament they would like to play. MONEY AWARDS MEN WOMEN* A TURNIR B TURNIR 1 2200 EUR 500 EUR 500 EUR 2 1400 EUR 400 EUR 350 EUR 3 900 EUR 300 EUR 200 EUR 4 700 EUR 200 EUR 5 600 EUR 150 EUR 6 500 EUR 100 EUR 7 400 EUR 8 300 EUR 9 200 EUR 10 150 EUR 11 120 EUR 12 100 EUR * Minimum six (6) female participants BEST PLAYERS ACCORDING TO RATINGS: 1600 1800 75 EUR 1801 2000 75 EUR 2001 2199 75 EUR Best junior player up to age of 20 50 EUR Best veteran player above 60 yrs50 EUR Best positioned player CA Zadar...50 EUR Best positioned junior CA Zadar .50 EUR Players on tournament B have to ensure the chess clock standard garniture. Awards are cumulative ENTRY FEE 200kn except participants with international titles
  • 4. ACCOMODATION Falkensteiner Hotels & Resorts Borik, Majstora Radovana 7, Zadar Ana Belamaric MICE Coordinator Tel +385 23 555 644 Fax +385 23 555 680 Mob +385 91 220 66 59 ana.belamaric@falkensteiner.com www.falkensteiner.com FULL BOARD ACCOMODATION SINGLE ROOM324kn (~46 Euro) / per day DOUBLE ROOM...284kn (~38 Euro) / per person/day All residence taxes included. Players with rating of 2600 or higher have free accommodation and board (in agreement with organizer). List of these players will be available on telephone inquiry after November 15. 2014. The best female chess player has a free board. THE ROUND SCHEDULE: 1. Round: 14.december.2014. u 16.00h 2. Round: 15.december.2014. u 09.00h 3. Round: 15.december.2014. u 16.00h 4. Round: 16.december.2014. u 16.00h 5. Round: 17.december.2014. u 09.00h 6. Round: 17.december.2014. u 16.00h 7. Round: 18.december.2014. u 16.00h 8. Round: 19.december.2014. u 16.00h 9. Round: 20.december.2014. u 09.00h Registrations will be accepted until December 14. at 1.30pm; Falkensteiner Hotels & Resort Borik. INFORMATION: Luka Perani, tel.: +385/23 208 129 fax: +385/23 208 084 GSM +385 98 513 049 e-mail: zdchess@yahoo.com