Zambia was formerly known as Northern Rhodesia and took its current name from the Zambezi River when it gained independence in 1964. It has many natural water features such as Victoria Falls, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Kariba. Lusaka is the capital and most populous city of Zambia, with a population of 1.7 million people. Zambia is home to diverse wildlife including rhinos, elephants, lions, buffalo, and giraffes that can be seen in its national parks and along major rivers.
4. Etymology
Further information:
ï‚— The territory of what is now Zambia was known
as Northern Rhodesia from 1911. It was renamed
Zambia at independence in 1964. The new name of
Zambia was derived from the Zambezi river
(Zambezi may mean "God's river")
7. Zambia is one of the few places in the world that is so
blessed in water resorces
ï‚— Zambezi river
ï‚— Victoria falls
ï‚— Tanganika lake
ï‚— Lake Kariba
Zambia´s water ressorcess
8. Zambia has three mayor river´s
ï‚— Kafue river
ï‚— Luangua
ï‚— Zambezi river
Rich river´s in Zambia
9. L U S A K A I S T H E C A P I T A L O F Z A M B I A I T H A S
1 7 4 3 M I L L I O N ´ S O F P E O P L E , I T I S T H E M O S T
P O P U L A T E D C I T Y I N A L L O F Z A M B I A .
Zambia´s capital is Lusaka