The document is a portfolio by Zeanne Hallback that includes projects for various clients. It describes banners and advertisements created for businesses like Flowers of Light & Darkness. The portfolio aims to showcase Hallback's creative skills and sense of wonder through motion and new perspectives on familiar subjects. It also emphasizes integrity in work and a desire to collaborate with clients.
This document provides travel photography tips and examples of different types of photos that can be taken while traveling. It discusses the importance of perspective in travel photos and provides examples of photos taken from elevated angles. It also discusses capturing context, street life, people, water reflections, unusual sights, and photos taken at different times of day including nighttime. The document is intended to inspire travelers on photo subjects and techniques to utilize during their travels.
This document summarizes a filly horse named Occasionally and her pedigree. Occasionally is sired by CK Kid out of a daughter of Playgirls Conclusion. She has an impeccable lineage reflected in her breathtaking structure. Photos show her progress from a weanling in 2008 to a yearling in 2009, capturing how she not only catches the eye but also sparks the imagination and sends the spirit soaring. Her dam is A Playgirl In Black. Occasionally is described as modern, correct, elegant, balanced and beautiful with an outstanding pedigree for both showing and breeding.
This document introduces a sorrel filly named "Occasionally" sired by CK Kid out of a black mare named A Playgirl In Black. It describes Occasionally as having an impeccable lineage and genotype reflected in her breathtaking structure. Pictures show her progress from a weanling in 2008 to a yearling in 2009, highlighting how she not only catches the eye but also sparks the imagination and sends the spirit soaring. She has an outstanding pedigree for both showing and breeding.
Evaluation Q2: How effective was the combination of your main product and anc...MeeshMedia
OCR A2 Media Evaluation - M耽ca Ya単ez
Comparing what went well with the ancillary tasks (poster and website) in relation to the main product (horror movie trailer)
This document promotes businesses getting involved with new media and social media marketing, noting that only 1% of businesses show no interest, and suggests that even businesses not using major social sites are still part of this new phenomenon.
Post digital manifesto by Thom Kennon VP StrategyOlga Bass
The document describes how advertising has changed in the post-digital era. It notes that advertising is now half dead as consumers control their media experiences through mashups. The new principles are that the mashup is the new interface, engageability is the new key performance indicator, and advertising must listen first. It provides lessons on applied listening, using search and social media, mobile and social, social media as direct response, the post-digital mashup, and social customer relationship management.
3. Introduction 6/14/2009 Zeanne Hallback VCD469 Portfolio I bring a sense of wonder and playfulness to my pieces that show my humor and create excitement. Motion, the appearance of movement, a new view on the familiar, these are some of the traits I like to include in my work. My belief in duty and integrity are not just words, but the way I try to live. Enjoy this journey of discovery as you walk through my garden. I am eager to hear from you about what you and I can create together.
9. Flash Banner for Weldon School of Music 6/14/2009 Zeanne Hallback VCD469 Portfolio
10. Banner Ad for Flowers of Light & Darkness Campaign Project: Creation of a banner ad for use online to enhance the image and accessibility of the company. Program used was Adobe Flash. Holding with the theme of flowers and luxury, the ad plays to the idea of individuality for the customer. The addition of the tagline maintains the sense of identity for the company. The images and text slide in and fade out in a continuous loop, with the whole ad set as a button that will take the viewer to the website. VCD468 Senior Project 6/14/2009 Zeanne Hallback VCD469 Portfolio
#32: You Are My Moon ZHallback The first two pictures are by the Spanish artist, Luis Royo; the third picture is Moonlight Over Port of Spain by Karin Best 1st lyric/image Two people in the moonlight in close contact with each other - a quiet, happy moment. kirei na tsuki ga warau shizuka na yoru ni warau mou ichido tsubuyaita wa anata no namae o... The pretty moon is smiling In the quiet night it's laughing Once more I murmured Your name... first stanza from Doomsday, by Gackt Camui; 8th song of Moon album 2nd lyric/image One person alone in a high and desolate place - longing for the one she loves. tsuki akari ni terasarete kuchizusanda kimi no na mo kaze ni sarawarete kieta Illuminated by the moonlight the wind even snatches away your name that I sing to myself fourth stanza from Hoshi no Suna [Stardust], by Gackt Camui; 6th song of Crescent album 3rd lyric/image Looking out over a harbor of ships, no one in sight - the longing becomes a prayer that the loved one will return someday...reminiscent of the sailor's wife sending a prayer to God for the safe return of her husband. "mou ichido anata ni aemasu you ni..." to hoshi ni inoru watashi wo aoi tsuki ha mitsumeteta May I see you one more time... So I prayed to the stars as the blue moon looks down upon me 2nd half of fifth stanza from Future, by Gackt Camui; 7th song of Diabolos album