Zen interior design emphasizes simplicity, asymmetry, and naturalness. It uses minimalist designs with sparse, neat elements and eschews ornate or over-embellished decorations. Zen design aims to reduce things to their essence and create a subtle profundity using hints like soft moonlight. It encourages living fully in the present moment and being free from worldly attachments.
2. Zen : Meaning & Origin
Zen /zen/: A 12th century Japanese school of
Mahayana Buddhism emphasizing the value of
meditation and intuition rather than ritual worship or
study of scriptures.
Sanskrit origin: Dhyana (meditation)
Living fully and authentically in the present moment
makes each instant of ones life a peak experience.
3. Zen : Principles of Design
"Uniformity of design was considered fatal to the
freshness of imaginationdesigns which are
asymmetrical are more dynamic, active
4. Zen : Principles of Design
Zen eschews gaudy, ornate and over embellished in
favour of sparse, fresh & neatminimalist design
5. Zen : Principles of Design
Reduce everything to the pitch of essence.
6. Zen : Principles of Design
Zen is artless, without pretense, or self-consciousness.
Its bare wood, unpolished stone, and flowers in the
7. Zen : Principles of Design
Freedom from Worldly Attachments
Buddhist philosophy not to be bound to life, things or
8. Zen : Principles of Design
Subtle Profundity
within Zen lies a deep reserve, a mysterious, shadowy
darknessthe hint of soft moonlight through a
9. Zen : Applied
lack of clutter, minimalist approach, use natural objects eg
stone and woodlow furniture with simple straight lines
Ornament & Purpose
essentials, remove things without purpose and highlight
one or two items and watch them stand out
conscious and purposeful environment, choose items with
determination eg: retaining plants inside the home
lots of itplacing simple sculpting can create an ever
changing dynamic resulting in flow of positive energy
earthy tones reflect a harmonious palette or possibilities,
colours should be given with decorative objects