The document outlines a multi-level marketing plan with different membership levels (Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond). It shows the pricing for each level, commissions earned from direct sponsors and team building, and total projected earnings over 30 days from a Diamond-level membership of RM6,336. If one were to maintain this level of income over a year through continued team building, total estimated annual earnings would be over RM7,98,336.
20. Silver Gold Platinum Diamond 1 unit 3 unit 5 unit 7 unit Status Unit Harga RM 560 RM 1,680 RM 2,800 RM 3,920 Direct Sponsor 10% = RM 56 RM 56 RM 168 RM 280 RM 392 PELAN PEMASARAN
21. PELAN PEMASARAN Pairing 10% = RM 56 Silver / Gold / Platinum / Diamond Kiri Kanan Silver Gold Platinum Diamond 20 unit 20 unit 50 unit 50 unit 80 unit 80 unit 120 unit 120 unit RM 1,056 RM 2,640 RM 4,224 RM 6,336 Overiding Level 1 2 3 4 5 10% 10% 5% 5% 10% 5% 5% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%