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                                 GN MMARGORP
                                 G N II M M A R G O R P

  M aster
Practit i oner                            workshop
NLP Master Practitioner
                                                     After the Practitioner
      Whether you work in Sales,                     c o m e s t h e m a s t e r y. I n
                                                     this course you will learn
       Management, coaching or                       the deeper secrets of
      counseling others, or simply                   NLP and the methods to
         want to be better at                        truly make you a master
                                                     of NLP only available for
        managing and coaching                        those having taken a
      yourself, youll be amazed by                  r e c o g n i z e d         N L P

        how quickly the Master                       Practitioner course. This
                                                     program contains a
          Practitioner content                       unique combination of
       becomes an essential part                     advanced NLP models
                                                     and practical coaching
         of everything you do.                       skills!

Course designed and written by
Master Trainers of NLP, it involves
amazing learning, insights and
discoveries, applying and using all
your NLP Prac tools and techniques,
practically adding to your skills base
and taking your NLP abilities up to the
                                          Master Practitioner
next level, plus, adding all of the
following to your tool kit:
                                          of NLP & Advanced
Advanced Language Patterns
                                           Life Skills Coach
Meta Programs
Presentation and Training Skills
Values and Clare Graves Model
Sleight of Mouth
Negotiation Skills
Timeline and advanced NLP
Change Techniques
Meta States
NLP Master Practitioner
 MODULE 1: ADVANCED LANGUAGE                                  participant activities and participants notes.
 Master Practitioners are masters of language. Learn          MODULE 4: VALUES AND CLARE
 how to use language masterfully and at a higher level to     G R AV E S M O D E L ( S P I R A L
 generate change, influence, persuade, and                    DYNAMICS)
 communicate with greater success. Learn how to word
                                                              Following on from Meta Programs, where you learned
 adverts, write gripping speeches & spin, encourage,
                                                              about character and personality patterns, we now add
 influence and persuade with more mastery. This helps
                                                              the deep unconscious drivers and unconscious core
 you enormously with getting people motivated or
                                                              values, our deepest programs and unconscious
 excited, convincing people, selling, negotiating,
                                                              presuppositions. This enables you to do great person to
 marketing, life coaching and therapy practices.
                                                              job fit, relationship building and strengthening, self
 Includes conversational/covert Coaching and
                                                              understanding and corporate work in HR,
                                                              management, alignment and team building.

 Learn the different automatic unconscious
                                                              MODULE 5: SLEIGHT OF MOUTH
 programmed patterns, personality traits and character        There are so many skilful ways to reframe. Increase

 traits that are running unconsciously and causing their      your ability to reframe, comment on and change the

 preferences and inclinations. Learn to do personality        direction on any debate, argument or situation. These

 and character assessments, personality profiling for         distinctions make it easier to chunk up, down or

 careers, relationships, life coaching and in business. Fit   sideways, throw doubt on the other persons position

 the right person to the right job and help people find the   and know when to use Meta Model or Milton Model

 easiest way to achieve their goals by working to their       when locked into a communication. It is great for

 natural strengths and tendencies. Knowing profile           winning arguments, for negotiating, a great aid in using

 types is a great help when you want to write sales and      the Meta model more artfully to dispel dysfunctional or

 marketing pitches to a specific person type or person        mad thinking.

 group and to target a particular audience. Help people
 choose the right partner too.                                MODULE 6: MODELING
                                                              There are so many skilful ways to reframe. Increase
 MODULE 3: PRESENTATION AND                                   your ability to reframe, comment on and change the
 TRAINING SKILLS                                              direction on any debate, argument or situation. These
 Learn how to deliver exciting and gripping                   distinctions make it easier to chunk up, down or
 presentations and training, and be articulate, confident     sideways, throw doubt on the other persons position
 and entertaining. You learn how to get yourself into the     and know when to use Meta Model or Milton Model
 training state, how to lead your audience, create their      when locked into a communication. It is great for
 states and keep their interest. Youll get the best ways     winning arguments, for negotiating, a great aid in using
 of how to sequence, chunk and prepare your                   the Meta model more artfully to dispel dysfunctional or
 presentations, including making flip charts, visuals,        mad thinking.
NLP Master Practitioner
                            PROGRAMME CONTENT PREVIEW
               MODULE              7:     N E G O T I AT I O N              into deeper routed problems with more art, sorting them
               SKILLS                                                       with greater ease and efficiency, leaving your client in a
               Learn how to run fair, ethical, win/win negotiations, and    wonderfully great and happy state.
               how to prevent or avoid being manipulated, bullied or
               tricked in a negotiation. Understanding Hard Ball, soft    MODULE 9: META STATES
               ball and win/win negotiations allows you to recognize        States about states, thoughts about thoughts and
               the game the other is playing so you can adjust              feelings about feeling. A higher meta position take on
               accordingly. Being familiar with the various tactics and     experience. States that override other states, for
               maneuvers some negotiators use helps us to be fore           example one can feel frustrated about being depressed
               warned in order to ensure negotiations run smoothly,         or feel angry about feeling shy. We have certain
               ethically and win/win.                                       theme states that can habituate and override the
                                                                            expected feelings relevant to a certain stimulus or
               MODULE 8:                 TIMELINE AND                       situation.
               A D VA N C E D            NLP CHANGE
               TECHNIQUES                                                   MODULE 10: MODELING
               Program recap, advanced Timeline techniques, sub-                Presenting your modeling projects
               modality shifts and other therapeutic interventions.             Life Coaching Practice
               Take your therapy skills to a whole new level and get            Certification

                                                                                  Call to Action!
                    NLP Diploma
Trainings offered

                                                                           We hope this brochure has given you a greater understanding of
                    NLP Practitioner                                       NLP Master Practitioner and what it can offer you. If you have
                    NLP Master Practitioner                                further questions about NLP, we would be pleased to hear from you.

                    NLP Trainers Training                                  Give us a call!

                    Hypnosis training
                                                                           NLP is very much about taking action and learning from the results
                    Psychotherapy DIPLOMA                                  to improve what you do. It's the door to many exciting things. We
                                                                           look forward to your taking and enjoying the first step with NLP. If
                                                                           you are ready for positive change in your life now, what will your first
                    We also offer a number of
                                                                           step be?
                    other trainings both in groups
                    and for individuals and
                                                                           In the spirit of NLP, whatever you do next,
                    companies. These include :
                                                                           do something!

                                       Leadership,                                                                             Contact us on
                                  Public Speaking,                                                                             9167092999
                                                                                                                               or write to
                                   Sales Training,                                                                             info@zcc.co.in
                      and a range of other programs                                                                            VISIT US ON
TRAINERS PROFILES   DR DAVID J LINCOLN                                                   SUSHIL MEHROTRA
                    P S Y C H O L O G I S T,    I N T E R N AT I O N A L   MASTER        INTERNATIONAL TRAINER OF NLP

                    TRAINER OF NLP PRINCIPAL OF GOANLP                                   An electronics engineer by education and certified practitioner of

                    A psychologist and naturopathic, he specializes in the mind body     NLP, and with over 24 years of experience in training and service
                                                                                         delivery domain; Sushil has worked with industry leaders like
                    connection. David is also an international Master Trainer of NLP
                                                                                         Xerox, Canon, Ricoh and vCustomer. His experience spreads
                    and head of accreditation for the premier and only accreditation
                                                                                         from setting up training function to Service Delivery and Quality.
                    organization for NLP in India, the ANLP, India. He is an
                                                                                         He is passionate about training and human excellence. Firm
                    international business coach and advisor to individuals,
                                                                                         believer of the phrase Nothing is impossible; Sushil is now
                    companies and governments. David has offices in London (UK),
                                                                                         working incessantly in the field of personal excellence.
                    Kaunas (Lithuania), Marbella (Spain) and Goa (India). With over
                                                                                         Recognizing his efforts in Training domain, Institute of Training &
                    40 years of experience in the domain of NLP and hypnosis, he
                                                                                         Occupational Learning (London) has accorded Fellow
                    has experience in all aspects of HR and the people business from
                                                                                         membership to him, and he is also trustee of the Association of
                    individuals to large groups to 5000 plus people. David can also
                                                                                         Neuro Linguistic Programming, India.
                    deal with extremely difficult problems and ones that others have
                    given up on. He takes a completely Holistic and systemic view to
                                                                                         UMESH SOMAN
                    all problems.
                                                                                         INTERNATIONAL TRAINER AND COACH
                                                                                         PERSONAL COUNSELLOR AND THERAPIST
                    RALPH WATSON                                                         In behavioural and soft skills, along with expertise in classroom
                    INTERNATIONAL MASTER TRAINER OF NLP                                  training, Umesh is highly effective in the experiential format of
                    WRITER AND INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKER                                     training. He has extensive experience with psychometric tools,

                    Ralph is an Inspirational Speaker and Motivational Trainer with      and has successfully handled all areas of organisational

                    an impressive track record for success. An accomplished              development and human resources. Personal counselling and

                    business consultant, he has worked with organisations and            therapy are also areas where Umesh has been highly sought

                    individuals from over 30 countries including the UK, Western and     after. Within the arena of behavioural changes, strategic planning
                                                                                         and leadership, he is a highly successful facilitator and coach.
                    Northern Europe, China, India, Russia, Turkey, the Middle East
                    and the USA. Ralph is a respected and acclaimed Master Trainer
                                                                                         Umesh is an internationally Certified Professional Behavioural
                    of NLP and Master Coach and has taught NLP and NLP-based
                                                                                         Analyst, Certified Professional Values Analyst, Trimetrix Index
                    business programmes across a number of cultures. Ralphs
                                                                                         Certified and an International Master Trainer for all of these
                    book, Countermove  a guide to the art of negotiating is already
                                                                                         certifications. He is also an internationally certified Practitioner,
                    a must-read with many multi-national organisations and was
                                                                                         Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro Linguistic
                    recently presented to all Middle and Senior Managers by a major
                                                                                         Programming, Hypnotherapy and Time Based Techniques, and
                    corporate client in the Middle East.
                                                                                         holds a Diploma in NLP Psychotherapy. Currently, he also
                                                                                         teaches at the India Europe International Business School in
                    DR. DORIS GREENWOOD                                                  Mumbai, and is a trustee of the Association of Neuro Linguistic
                    INTERNATIONAL MASTER TRAINER OF NLP                                  Programming, India.
                    An expert in leadership and communication; she has 28 years of
                    experience in coaching and training. Is Director, NLP Training       RICHARD WALKER
                    Institute Conscious Solutions, USA, and certifies in NLP             A SENIOR TRAINER OF NLP
                    Trainings since 22 years. Her expertise is custom designing          Known internationally as the developer of "The Physics Of
                    programs on the basis of NLP for various organizations in the US     Wellbeing", Richard is a rare combination - a physicist,
                    and internationally. Her background in naturopathic medicine and     businessman and a specialist in human behavioural change. He
                    therapy and her love for people cause her to continuously            is a Master Practitioner and certified Trainer in NLP and Time
                    develop new trainings and invent and boost patterns for training     LineTherapy; lecturer and trainer in Clinical Hypnotherapy both
                    success. Her highest commitment is to behavioral and                 through his own training company and for other colleges and
                    measurable results. Her presentations offer practical interactive    institutes (including the London College of Clinical Hypnosis),
                    tools in a fun and experiential way.                                 and qualified as a Life Coach with the Life Coach Group (member
                                                                                         of the CIPD).

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  • 1. I N D IA cc e i e p o ession lism s n s in e ri y e hics Presents NEURO LINGUISTIC ORUEN ORUEN C TS UGN L C II T S II U G N II L PROGRAMMING GN MMARGORP G N II M M A R G O R P M aster Practit i oner workshop
  • 2. NLP Master Practitioner After the Practitioner Whether you work in Sales, c o m e s t h e m a s t e r y. I n this course you will learn Management, coaching or the deeper secrets of counseling others, or simply NLP and the methods to want to be better at truly make you a master of NLP only available for managing and coaching those having taken a yourself, youll be amazed by r e c o g n i z e d N L P how quickly the Master Practitioner course. This program contains a Practitioner content unique combination of becomes an essential part advanced NLP models and practical coaching of everything you do. skills! PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS Course designed and written by Master Trainers of NLP, it involves amazing learning, insights and discoveries, applying and using all your NLP Prac tools and techniques, practically adding to your skills base and taking your NLP abilities up to the Master Practitioner next level, plus, adding all of the following to your tool kit: of NLP & Advanced Advanced Language Patterns Life Skills Coach Meta Programs Presentation and Training Skills Values and Clare Graves Model Sleight of Mouth Modeling Negotiation Skills Timeline and advanced NLP Change Techniques Meta States
  • 3. NLP Master Practitioner PROGRAMME CONTENT PREVIEW MODULE 1: ADVANCED LANGUAGE participant activities and participants notes. PATTERNS Master Practitioners are masters of language. Learn MODULE 4: VALUES AND CLARE how to use language masterfully and at a higher level to G R AV E S M O D E L ( S P I R A L generate change, influence, persuade, and DYNAMICS) communicate with greater success. Learn how to word Following on from Meta Programs, where you learned adverts, write gripping speeches & spin, encourage, about character and personality patterns, we now add influence and persuade with more mastery. This helps the deep unconscious drivers and unconscious core you enormously with getting people motivated or values, our deepest programs and unconscious excited, convincing people, selling, negotiating, presuppositions. This enables you to do great person to marketing, life coaching and therapy practices. job fit, relationship building and strengthening, self Includes conversational/covert Coaching and understanding and corporate work in HR, Hypnosis. management, alignment and team building. MODULE 2: META PROGRAMS Learn the different automatic unconscious MODULE 5: SLEIGHT OF MOUTH programmed patterns, personality traits and character There are so many skilful ways to reframe. Increase traits that are running unconsciously and causing their your ability to reframe, comment on and change the preferences and inclinations. Learn to do personality direction on any debate, argument or situation. These and character assessments, personality profiling for distinctions make it easier to chunk up, down or careers, relationships, life coaching and in business. Fit sideways, throw doubt on the other persons position the right person to the right job and help people find the and know when to use Meta Model or Milton Model easiest way to achieve their goals by working to their when locked into a communication. It is great for natural strengths and tendencies. Knowing profile winning arguments, for negotiating, a great aid in using types is a great help when you want to write sales and the Meta model more artfully to dispel dysfunctional or marketing pitches to a specific person type or person mad thinking. group and to target a particular audience. Help people choose the right partner too. MODULE 6: MODELING There are so many skilful ways to reframe. Increase MODULE 3: PRESENTATION AND your ability to reframe, comment on and change the TRAINING SKILLS direction on any debate, argument or situation. These Learn how to deliver exciting and gripping distinctions make it easier to chunk up, down or presentations and training, and be articulate, confident sideways, throw doubt on the other persons position and entertaining. You learn how to get yourself into the and know when to use Meta Model or Milton Model training state, how to lead your audience, create their when locked into a communication. It is great for states and keep their interest. Youll get the best ways winning arguments, for negotiating, a great aid in using of how to sequence, chunk and prepare your the Meta model more artfully to dispel dysfunctional or presentations, including making flip charts, visuals, mad thinking.
  • 4. NLP Master Practitioner PROGRAMME CONTENT PREVIEW MODULE 7: N E G O T I AT I O N into deeper routed problems with more art, sorting them SKILLS with greater ease and efficiency, leaving your client in a Learn how to run fair, ethical, win/win negotiations, and wonderfully great and happy state. how to prevent or avoid being manipulated, bullied or tricked in a negotiation. Understanding Hard Ball, soft MODULE 9: META STATES ball and win/win negotiations allows you to recognize States about states, thoughts about thoughts and the game the other is playing so you can adjust feelings about feeling. A higher meta position take on accordingly. Being familiar with the various tactics and experience. States that override other states, for maneuvers some negotiators use helps us to be fore example one can feel frustrated about being depressed warned in order to ensure negotiations run smoothly, or feel angry about feeling shy. We have certain ethically and win/win. theme states that can habituate and override the expected feelings relevant to a certain stimulus or MODULE 8: TIMELINE AND situation. A D VA N C E D NLP CHANGE TECHNIQUES MODULE 10: MODELING Program recap, advanced Timeline techniques, sub- Presenting your modeling projects modality shifts and other therapeutic interventions. Life Coaching Practice Take your therapy skills to a whole new level and get Certification Call to Action! NLP Diploma Trainings offered We hope this brochure has given you a greater understanding of NLP Practitioner NLP Master Practitioner and what it can offer you. If you have NLP Master Practitioner further questions about NLP, we would be pleased to hear from you. NLP Trainers Training Give us a call! Hypnosis training NLP is very much about taking action and learning from the results Psychotherapy DIPLOMA to improve what you do. It's the door to many exciting things. We look forward to your taking and enjoying the first step with NLP. If you are ready for positive change in your life now, what will your first We also offer a number of step be? other trainings both in groups and for individuals and In the spirit of NLP, whatever you do next, companies. These include : do something! Leadership, Contact us on Public Speaking, 9167092999 or write to Sales Training, info@zcc.co.in and a range of other programs VISIT US ON www.zcc.co.in
  • 5. TRAINERS PROFILES DR DAVID J LINCOLN SUSHIL MEHROTRA P S Y C H O L O G I S T, I N T E R N AT I O N A L MASTER INTERNATIONAL TRAINER OF NLP TRAINER OF NLP PRINCIPAL OF GOANLP An electronics engineer by education and certified practitioner of A psychologist and naturopathic, he specializes in the mind body NLP, and with over 24 years of experience in training and service delivery domain; Sushil has worked with industry leaders like connection. David is also an international Master Trainer of NLP Xerox, Canon, Ricoh and vCustomer. His experience spreads and head of accreditation for the premier and only accreditation from setting up training function to Service Delivery and Quality. organization for NLP in India, the ANLP, India. He is an He is passionate about training and human excellence. Firm international business coach and advisor to individuals, believer of the phrase Nothing is impossible; Sushil is now companies and governments. David has offices in London (UK), working incessantly in the field of personal excellence. Kaunas (Lithuania), Marbella (Spain) and Goa (India). With over Recognizing his efforts in Training domain, Institute of Training & 40 years of experience in the domain of NLP and hypnosis, he Occupational Learning (London) has accorded Fellow has experience in all aspects of HR and the people business from membership to him, and he is also trustee of the Association of individuals to large groups to 5000 plus people. David can also Neuro Linguistic Programming, India. deal with extremely difficult problems and ones that others have given up on. He takes a completely Holistic and systemic view to UMESH SOMAN all problems. INTERNATIONAL TRAINER AND COACH PERSONAL COUNSELLOR AND THERAPIST RALPH WATSON In behavioural and soft skills, along with expertise in classroom INTERNATIONAL MASTER TRAINER OF NLP training, Umesh is highly effective in the experiential format of WRITER AND INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKER training. He has extensive experience with psychometric tools, Ralph is an Inspirational Speaker and Motivational Trainer with and has successfully handled all areas of organisational an impressive track record for success. An accomplished development and human resources. Personal counselling and business consultant, he has worked with organisations and therapy are also areas where Umesh has been highly sought individuals from over 30 countries including the UK, Western and after. Within the arena of behavioural changes, strategic planning and leadership, he is a highly successful facilitator and coach. Northern Europe, China, India, Russia, Turkey, the Middle East and the USA. Ralph is a respected and acclaimed Master Trainer Umesh is an internationally Certified Professional Behavioural of NLP and Master Coach and has taught NLP and NLP-based Analyst, Certified Professional Values Analyst, Trimetrix Index business programmes across a number of cultures. Ralphs Certified and an International Master Trainer for all of these book, Countermove a guide to the art of negotiating is already certifications. He is also an internationally certified Practitioner, a must-read with many multi-national organisations and was Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro Linguistic recently presented to all Middle and Senior Managers by a major Programming, Hypnotherapy and Time Based Techniques, and corporate client in the Middle East. holds a Diploma in NLP Psychotherapy. Currently, he also teaches at the India Europe International Business School in DR. DORIS GREENWOOD Mumbai, and is a trustee of the Association of Neuro Linguistic INTERNATIONAL MASTER TRAINER OF NLP Programming, India. An expert in leadership and communication; she has 28 years of experience in coaching and training. Is Director, NLP Training RICHARD WALKER Institute Conscious Solutions, USA, and certifies in NLP A SENIOR TRAINER OF NLP Trainings since 22 years. Her expertise is custom designing Known internationally as the developer of "The Physics Of programs on the basis of NLP for various organizations in the US Wellbeing", Richard is a rare combination - a physicist, and internationally. Her background in naturopathic medicine and businessman and a specialist in human behavioural change. He therapy and her love for people cause her to continuously is a Master Practitioner and certified Trainer in NLP and Time develop new trainings and invent and boost patterns for training LineTherapy; lecturer and trainer in Clinical Hypnotherapy both success. Her highest commitment is to behavioral and through his own training company and for other colleges and measurable results. Her presentations offer practical interactive institutes (including the London College of Clinical Hypnosis), tools in a fun and experiential way. and qualified as a Life Coach with the Life Coach Group (member of the CIPD).