Students will create a PowerPoint project on a mystery element. Teachers will regularly check in with students to ensure they are making progress on assignments and mastering science standards. Students will take notes in interactive notebooks during lessons and submit them weekly for feedback. Students will sign up for conferences with teachers after completing graphic organizers for their slides to ensure the content and writing are accurate. Exit slips after each lesson will record student questions, feedback, and progress.
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Zinser tech unit formative assessment
1. Laura Zinser
Tech Unit Formative Assessment
Mystery Element PowerPoint Project
As students work through this project there will be constant teacher check in to assure students
are moving forward not only in completing the assignment, but also that the science standards
are being mastered along the way. Student note taking will occur during direct instruction
lessons and be placed in their Interactive Student Notebooks (ISN). Once a week, students will
turn in their ISN for written feedback/evaluation. Constant teacher walkabouts during class
work time will ensure students are on task and moving forward on the assignment. Students
will sign up for an individual student/teacher conference when the graphic organizer for their
slides is completed. This conference will ensure students have all the necessary information to
complete the computer-based activity. It will also make sure that the content is accurate and
the writing structure contains complete sentences and proper spelling, grammar, and
After each lesson, exit slips will be used to obtain student questions, concerns, content
feedback, or ideas and will serve as a record of individual student progress on the unit
Exit Slip
What was something interesting or new you What was something you thought was
learned today? confusing or need more help with?
What is one question you still have? Assignment Completion Check
Periodic Table
QR Code Activity
Atom Sticker Model
Molecule Building Activity
ISN Pages
PowerPoint slide graphic organizer