Waste Not Presentation - Rev 1 - Optimizing Energy from Renewable Resources -...SustBusnMgmtLLC
George Voss gave a presentation on transforming organic waste into renewable energy using anaerobic digestion and cogeneration. Cogeneration uses an engine to simultaneously generate electricity and heat from a single fuel source. It has been in use since the 1880s and provides over 9% of US power capacity. Biogas produced from organic waste through anaerobic digestion can be used as fuel for cogeneration systems. Voss discussed biogas treatment systems, design considerations, standards, maintenance, and the economic and sustainability benefits of optimizing energy recovery from renewable resources like biogas.
The document lists 3 technologies: Bing, Color Hunter, and Yola. It provides no other details about these technologies beyond their names. The document is very brief, only mentioning 3 technology names with no other context or descriptions provided.
Boiler MACT Workshop Presentation - George Voss, SBM - FinalSustBusnMgmtLLC
This document discusses the benefits of combined heat and power (CHP) as a manufactured product for complying with Boiler MACT regulations. It notes that CHP as a manufactured product offers benefits like a unified warranty, standardized and modular design that lowers costs, risk mitigation through clear responsibility, rapid installation, and integration of components to optimize efficiency. Examples of manufactured CHP products are also provided, and the document concludes that CHP as a manufactured product reduces risks while optimizing performance for complying with emissions regulations.
Este documento presenta la asignatura "Pensamiento y Contextos Educativos Contemporáneos" para el grado de primaria. Incluye información sobre el profesor, horarios, objetivos, competencias, contenidos y metodologÃa. Los contenidos se dividen en tres bloques sobre epistemologÃa educativa, teorÃas pedagógicas modernas e instituciones y contextos educativos actuales. La asignatura utilizará recursos de teleeducación para complementar las clases presenciales.
H2S abatement systems using MV Technologies' proprietary media and dry scrubbers offer lower capital and operating costs than conventional iron-based scrubbers. The MV systems require little operator attention after commissioning and the spent media can be disposed of more easily and cheaply than other options.
FYP 2011 - Traditional Chinese Puppetskappafyp2011
This document presents a proposal for a final year project on traditional Chinese puppets. The student proposes creating a flash-based application that allows users to explore Chinese puppets through information and games. The application aims to increase awareness and familiarity with Chinese puppets among youth by incorporating educational content and games inspired by stories like Journey to the West. It is designed so users can learn through play, with challenges that require applying knowledge from the information sections.
Criteria for Selection of Innovative Waste-To-Energy Conversion TechnologiesSustBusnMgmtLLC
This document discusses key factors to consider when evaluating waste-to-energy technologies. It outlines various waste-to-energy conversion processes and emphasizes the importance of evaluating the residuals produced and their marketability. Key criteria for technology selection include the experience of the company, facility size and design flexibility, ability to obtain necessary permits, ownership model, pre-processing requirements, reliability data from existing plants, risk allocation, cost estimates, contractual terms, thermal efficiency, and utility requirements. The overall goal is to select a proven, cost-effective solution that will divert waste from landfills.
Pandora conducted an IPO using a bookbuilding process where institutional investors submitted non-binding bids indicating demand at various price levels. Google conducted its IPO using a Dutch auction process where bids were submitted for a uniform clearing price. Both IPOs faced challenges in setting the right offering price due to information asymmetry and uncertainty. Bookbuilding allows underwriters to allocate shares in a discretionary manner to reward investors who provide valuable information through their bids.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang ketentuan sewa barang milik negara oleh badan usaha dalam rangka memberikan insentif. Dokumen menjelaskan tentang jenis kegiatan usaha, besaran tarif sewa, prosedur pengajuan sewa, dan penelitian kelayakan penyewaan barang milik negara.
H2S abatement systems using MV Technologies' proprietary media and dry scrubbers offer lower capital and operating costs than conventional iron-based scrubbers. The MV systems require little operator attention after commissioning and the spent media can be disposed of more easily and cheaply than other options.
FYP 2011 - Traditional Chinese Puppetskappafyp2011
This document presents a proposal for a final year project on traditional Chinese puppets. The student proposes creating a flash-based application that allows users to explore Chinese puppets through information and games. The application aims to increase awareness and familiarity with Chinese puppets among youth by incorporating educational content and games inspired by stories like Journey to the West. It is designed so users can learn through play, with challenges that require applying knowledge from the information sections.
Criteria for Selection of Innovative Waste-To-Energy Conversion TechnologiesSustBusnMgmtLLC
This document discusses key factors to consider when evaluating waste-to-energy technologies. It outlines various waste-to-energy conversion processes and emphasizes the importance of evaluating the residuals produced and their marketability. Key criteria for technology selection include the experience of the company, facility size and design flexibility, ability to obtain necessary permits, ownership model, pre-processing requirements, reliability data from existing plants, risk allocation, cost estimates, contractual terms, thermal efficiency, and utility requirements. The overall goal is to select a proven, cost-effective solution that will divert waste from landfills.
Pandora conducted an IPO using a bookbuilding process where institutional investors submitted non-binding bids indicating demand at various price levels. Google conducted its IPO using a Dutch auction process where bids were submitted for a uniform clearing price. Both IPOs faced challenges in setting the right offering price due to information asymmetry and uncertainty. Bookbuilding allows underwriters to allocate shares in a discretionary manner to reward investors who provide valuable information through their bids.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang ketentuan sewa barang milik negara oleh badan usaha dalam rangka memberikan insentif. Dokumen menjelaskan tentang jenis kegiatan usaha, besaran tarif sewa, prosedur pengajuan sewa, dan penelitian kelayakan penyewaan barang milik negara.