This document appears to contain code snippets and strings related to sending automated emails. It includes references to schemas for configuring email settings like SMTP server details, authentication, and SSL usage. It also includes code for variables, functions, and objects related to string handling, variables, errors and exceptions in VBA/VBScript.
Code history is like a narrated history of code. The ability for git rebase to reorder, rework and polish commits allow a developer (and code reviewers) to curate the code history so that it tells a well structured story. This slide deck will wander through how strongly the analogy can work.
This document contains 12 entries with usernames beginning "EAV-" followed by a series of numbers, and corresponding passwords that are random strings of letters and numbers. The entries provide login credentials for automated systems or user accounts.
The document contains a long list of file names with the prefix "TRB323_023" and various numeric suffixes, suggesting it is a listing of files but without any additional context or information about the content or purpose of the files.
This document discusses various topics relating to programming such as PHP, databases, algorithms, and data structures. It covers PHP functions, database queries, sorting algorithms like bubble sort and merge sort, and data structures including linked lists, stacks, and queues. Examples are provided to illustrate key concepts and steps. Overall performance and complexity analysis of the algorithms are also presented.
The document contains a list of file names with the prefix "TRB323_013" and various numeric and alphanumeric suffixes, suggesting it is a listing of files but without any other contextual information about the files or their contents.
The document discusses a list of items numbered from 1 to 133. For each numbered item, there are one or more sentences of text followed by the number in Arabic numerals. The document provides details on over 130 individually numbered items or topics, but does not provide any clear overall context or summary information to tie the individual items together.
This document contains a list of model numbers for various products. There are over 100 model numbers listed, ranging from 3-VEGX to 3-PXGC. Each model number is listed individually and appears to be the primary identifier for a specific product or version.
The document contains a list of over 100 model numbers beginning with the prefixes 3-VEG, 3-VEC, 3-VEO, 3-VED, 3-VEE, 3-PXX, 3-PXV, 3-PXP, 3-PXU, and 3-PXG. Each model number is listed individually without any additional details or descriptions provided.
Zero to Sixty: AWS Elastic Beanstalk (DMG204) | AWS re:Invent 2013Amazon Web Services
AWS Elastic Beanstalk provides an easy way for you to quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS cloud. In this Zero to Sixty session, accelerate your use of Elastic Beanstalk by learning how Nike and VTEX use several of its most powerful features. Through interactive demos and code samples for both Windows and Linux, this session teaches you how to achieve deployments with zero downtime, how to easily enable or disable application functionality via feature flags, and how to customize your Elastic Beanstalk environments with extensions. Demos and code samples are available to all session attendees.
Are you new to Elastic Beanstalk? Get up to speed for this session by first completing the 60-minute Fundamentals of Elastic Beanstalk lab in the Self Paced Lab Lounge.
JSARToolKit / LiveChromaKey / LivePointers - Next gen of ARYusuke Kawasaki
I gave a talk about the next generation of AR. Pure ActionScript 3.0 libraries of LiveChromaKey and LivePointers made it at the SparkStudy/09 (Spark project茶氏#09)
Try this at:
The document introduces two Eclipse plugins: the JSON Viewer and XPath Workbook. The JSON Viewer allows users to visualize JSON structures as trees and convert between JSON and XML formats. The XPath Workbook provides XPath validation and evaluation capabilities within Eclipse. Both tools aim to provide simple yet powerful functionality for common tasks like analyzing JSON responses and working with XPath expressions.
This PHP script is a remote shell that allows execution of system commands and file operations. It includes options to set the language, enable/disable authentication, and specify login credentials. The script sets various PHP configurations, handles authentication, and provides a basic interface for directory listing, file browsing, execution of commands, and downloading/uploading of files.
Dev Day 2019: Phillip Krenn C Aggregierte Logging PatternsDevDay Dresden
In verteilten Applikationen besteht immer der Bedarf Logs zu zentralisieren - sobald man mehr als ein paar Server oder Container hat, reichen SSH und cat, tail oder less nicht mehr aus. Das ┨bliche Problem ist aber, wie man m?glichst effizient zu einer zentralisierten oder aggregierten Log-L?sung kommt.
Dieser Vortrag stellt mehrere Ans?tze und Patterns mit ihren Vor- und Nachteilen vor, so dass die Zuh?rer den ausw?hlen k?nnen, der am besten zu Ihrer Organisation passt:
* Parsen: Bestehende Logdaten k?nnen weiterverwendet werden und die relevanten Informationen werden per Regular Expression extrahiert.
* Senden: Mit einem geeigneten Log-Appender werden die Ereignisse direkt gesendet, ohne dass sie in einer Logdatei gespeichert werden m┨ssen.
* Strukturieren: Ereignisse in einem strukturierten Format abspeichern, das dann direkt zentralisiert werden kann.
* Containerisieren: Das Logging mit Containern erfordert zus?tzliche Automatismen, um effizient mit Logs arbeiten zu k?nnen.
* Orchestrieren: Auch wenn Dienste nur kurzfristig laufen und dynamisch verteilt werden, gibt mit Kubernetes M?glichkeiten den ?berblick zu bewahren.
This document provides an overview of adding interactivity to Plone sites using JavaScript and various Plone-specific tools. It discusses including JavaScript via the resource registry and browser resources, using the Kinetic Style Sheets (KSS) framework to add behaviors with CSS syntax, common JavaScript libraries, debugging techniques, and notes that KSS may be removed from core Plone in future versions due to its large size and lack of adoption.
The document discusses several topics related to semantic web technologies and linked data. It mentions challenges around identity resolution, schema mapping, data fusion, and quality assessment. It also describes two tracks for a conference, one focused on applications and one focused on demonstrating scalability with a billion triples of web data. Alignments between data sources are requested to be submitted by the end of June.
The document discusses the concept of the self or "Moi" in psychology and how it has three states - the perceived self, the ideal self, and the infant self. It also discusses how social interactions are based on scenarios formed by personal history that are reproduced systematically, but that with awareness, an individual can rapidly develop their potential and learn more effective behaviors. Transitions between the three states of the self are also examined.
Getting Started: 15 minutes to your first "Hello" in Java. This is the code created during the live demo as an informal introduction to the Java SDK for the FamilySearch API, including how it¨s used and how it can make your life less painful. The objective is to create a live functioning program accessing FamilySearch using the gedcomx-java SDK reference implementation.
This document discusses the two main APIs used by WordPress - XML-RPC and AtomPub. XML-RPC uses XML over HTTP POST to transmit basic data types and allows for functions like metaWeblog.getPost. AtomPub uses HTTP methods to interact with Atom feeds and individual posts and comments. It provides a standardized way to interact with content repositories. The document also outlines tools for working with the WordPress APIs like the iPhone app and XML-RPC libraries for developers.
One of the most time consuming tasks as a red teamer is diving into filesystems and shares, attempting to identify any potentially sensitive information. Genneraly users store credentials and other sensitive information in local filesystems and this talk has the purpose of explaining how to use the carnivorall as a means to speed up the task of searching important files using several vectors. I will present some proof of concepts, comparisons between tools and my recent success cases in red teaming engagements."
This document discusses using Perl and Ruby procedural languages inside PostgreSQL. It provides examples of using PL/Perl and PL/Ruby to validate barcode numbers and email addresses, including regular expressions for email validation in Perl. The document also discusses creating custom data types in PostgreSQL like GTIN and email that implement validation functions using procedural languages.
The document provides an overview of REST (Representational State Transfer) and the Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS). It discusses REST constraints like using URIs, HTTP methods, and media types. It then demonstrates how to build a RESTful web service in Java using JAX-RS annotations for paths, parameters, responses, and caching.
A slightly modified version of the slides used in a talk given first at #SWETUGG
More details at
The document contains a list of URLs linking to the website There are over 200 URLs listed that are providing links to the domain from other websites, directories and sources on the internet. The links cover a wide range of topics related to software, development, offerings and solutions.
The document contains a list of URLs linking to the website There are over 100 URLs listed that are providing links to the domain from other websites, directories and blogs. The links appear to be focusing on keywords related to software, development, solutions and jobs.
The document contains a list of URLs linking to the website There are over 200 URLs listed that are providing links to the domain from other websites, directories and blogs. The links cover a wide range of topics related to software, development, offerings and solutions.
Zero to Sixty: AWS Elastic Beanstalk (DMG204) | AWS re:Invent 2013Amazon Web Services
AWS Elastic Beanstalk provides an easy way for you to quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS cloud. In this Zero to Sixty session, accelerate your use of Elastic Beanstalk by learning how Nike and VTEX use several of its most powerful features. Through interactive demos and code samples for both Windows and Linux, this session teaches you how to achieve deployments with zero downtime, how to easily enable or disable application functionality via feature flags, and how to customize your Elastic Beanstalk environments with extensions. Demos and code samples are available to all session attendees.
Are you new to Elastic Beanstalk? Get up to speed for this session by first completing the 60-minute Fundamentals of Elastic Beanstalk lab in the Self Paced Lab Lounge.
JSARToolKit / LiveChromaKey / LivePointers - Next gen of ARYusuke Kawasaki
I gave a talk about the next generation of AR. Pure ActionScript 3.0 libraries of LiveChromaKey and LivePointers made it at the SparkStudy/09 (Spark project茶氏#09)
Try this at:
The document introduces two Eclipse plugins: the JSON Viewer and XPath Workbook. The JSON Viewer allows users to visualize JSON structures as trees and convert between JSON and XML formats. The XPath Workbook provides XPath validation and evaluation capabilities within Eclipse. Both tools aim to provide simple yet powerful functionality for common tasks like analyzing JSON responses and working with XPath expressions.
This PHP script is a remote shell that allows execution of system commands and file operations. It includes options to set the language, enable/disable authentication, and specify login credentials. The script sets various PHP configurations, handles authentication, and provides a basic interface for directory listing, file browsing, execution of commands, and downloading/uploading of files.
Dev Day 2019: Phillip Krenn C Aggregierte Logging PatternsDevDay Dresden
In verteilten Applikationen besteht immer der Bedarf Logs zu zentralisieren - sobald man mehr als ein paar Server oder Container hat, reichen SSH und cat, tail oder less nicht mehr aus. Das ┨bliche Problem ist aber, wie man m?glichst effizient zu einer zentralisierten oder aggregierten Log-L?sung kommt.
Dieser Vortrag stellt mehrere Ans?tze und Patterns mit ihren Vor- und Nachteilen vor, so dass die Zuh?rer den ausw?hlen k?nnen, der am besten zu Ihrer Organisation passt:
* Parsen: Bestehende Logdaten k?nnen weiterverwendet werden und die relevanten Informationen werden per Regular Expression extrahiert.
* Senden: Mit einem geeigneten Log-Appender werden die Ereignisse direkt gesendet, ohne dass sie in einer Logdatei gespeichert werden m┨ssen.
* Strukturieren: Ereignisse in einem strukturierten Format abspeichern, das dann direkt zentralisiert werden kann.
* Containerisieren: Das Logging mit Containern erfordert zus?tzliche Automatismen, um effizient mit Logs arbeiten zu k?nnen.
* Orchestrieren: Auch wenn Dienste nur kurzfristig laufen und dynamisch verteilt werden, gibt mit Kubernetes M?glichkeiten den ?berblick zu bewahren.
This document provides an overview of adding interactivity to Plone sites using JavaScript and various Plone-specific tools. It discusses including JavaScript via the resource registry and browser resources, using the Kinetic Style Sheets (KSS) framework to add behaviors with CSS syntax, common JavaScript libraries, debugging techniques, and notes that KSS may be removed from core Plone in future versions due to its large size and lack of adoption.
The document discusses several topics related to semantic web technologies and linked data. It mentions challenges around identity resolution, schema mapping, data fusion, and quality assessment. It also describes two tracks for a conference, one focused on applications and one focused on demonstrating scalability with a billion triples of web data. Alignments between data sources are requested to be submitted by the end of June.
The document discusses the concept of the self or "Moi" in psychology and how it has three states - the perceived self, the ideal self, and the infant self. It also discusses how social interactions are based on scenarios formed by personal history that are reproduced systematically, but that with awareness, an individual can rapidly develop their potential and learn more effective behaviors. Transitions between the three states of the self are also examined.
Getting Started: 15 minutes to your first "Hello" in Java. This is the code created during the live demo as an informal introduction to the Java SDK for the FamilySearch API, including how it¨s used and how it can make your life less painful. The objective is to create a live functioning program accessing FamilySearch using the gedcomx-java SDK reference implementation.
This document discusses the two main APIs used by WordPress - XML-RPC and AtomPub. XML-RPC uses XML over HTTP POST to transmit basic data types and allows for functions like metaWeblog.getPost. AtomPub uses HTTP methods to interact with Atom feeds and individual posts and comments. It provides a standardized way to interact with content repositories. The document also outlines tools for working with the WordPress APIs like the iPhone app and XML-RPC libraries for developers.
One of the most time consuming tasks as a red teamer is diving into filesystems and shares, attempting to identify any potentially sensitive information. Genneraly users store credentials and other sensitive information in local filesystems and this talk has the purpose of explaining how to use the carnivorall as a means to speed up the task of searching important files using several vectors. I will present some proof of concepts, comparisons between tools and my recent success cases in red teaming engagements."
This document discusses using Perl and Ruby procedural languages inside PostgreSQL. It provides examples of using PL/Perl and PL/Ruby to validate barcode numbers and email addresses, including regular expressions for email validation in Perl. The document also discusses creating custom data types in PostgreSQL like GTIN and email that implement validation functions using procedural languages.
The document provides an overview of REST (Representational State Transfer) and the Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS). It discusses REST constraints like using URIs, HTTP methods, and media types. It then demonstrates how to build a RESTful web service in Java using JAX-RS annotations for paths, parameters, responses, and caching.
A slightly modified version of the slides used in a talk given first at #SWETUGG
More details at
The document contains a list of URLs linking to the website There are over 200 URLs listed that are providing links to the domain from other websites, directories and sources on the internet. The links cover a wide range of topics related to software, development, offerings and solutions.
The document contains a list of URLs linking to the website There are over 100 URLs listed that are providing links to the domain from other websites, directories and blogs. The links appear to be focusing on keywords related to software, development, solutions and jobs.
The document contains a list of URLs linking to the website There are over 200 URLs listed that are providing links to the domain from other websites, directories and blogs. The links cover a wide range of topics related to software, development, offerings and solutions.
1. Zynga Adder
Work Experience
September 2004 to September 2004
Banyak Chips Dia:
Created By Hacker Depok Community
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