The winter storms in Santiago de Cali, Colombia have flooded homes and affected nearly 200 vulnerable families, including pregnant women, elderly people, and children. Some residents have developed fungal infections from the flooded housing. In response, local authorities are providing relief supplies and campaigning for donations. The floods have also increased risks of water pollution, shortage of supplies, and vulnerability to plagues from the flooding. The public health department has implemented a three-stage contingency plan to help those affected, including medical checkups, information on sanitation and disinfection, and fumigation of areas once flood waters recede to prevent diseases.
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1. STATISTICS IT HELPS TO HARMED IN THE WINTERThe winter wave that one comes presenting in the whole national territory it has concerned the population of the most vulnerable Santiago of Cali carries out a delivery of helps to whom they have lost everything. “They are near 200 families with a population very capable of making ill and contracting infections since they are pregnant women, major adults and children, who already are presented fungi in the feet because of the flood of his housings \"
, in addition carry out campaign of compilation of provisions and chattelsEFFECTSWater shortage of supplies in Cali; Pollution of the drinkable water and increase of the vulnerability of the same one, Every time the number is major of harmed by these winter effects.4107667252064PUBLIC HEALTH ATTACKS PLAGUES ORIGINATED BY THE FLOODSWe are not going to allow that the rain should drown the hope of this beautiful populationAnother stage of the plan of contingency, it is to check the suitable managing and of storage of the food, conditions of sanitary risk and managing of the solid residues, to avoid poisonings, virus and outbreaks, which have been affected by the floods caused by the winter wave that one presents.The strong rains that they present these days in Santiago of Cali have affected numerous families that were affected for floods, motive for which, Secretariat of Public Health planned a plan of contingency in three stages to help the damaged ones. The first stage is with the technical equipment of reparation and the group of professionals of the area of public health, which consists of doing a diagnosis to the families and affected housings. 94805553340.<br />Then there is proceeded to give information about disinfection of the housing, wash, protection of the food and childrenThe second activity is coordinated by the group that initiates fumigations in the zones when the water levels have diminished. Due to the multiple diseases as: Gripe or influenza, fastidiousness, yellow fever.<br />2814320185420<br />1818005203835-474345135255<br />