The document discusses current trends in database management. It describes how databases are increasingly bridging SQL and NoSQL structures to provide the capabilities of both. It also discusses how databases are moving to the cloud/Platform as a Service models and how automation is emerging to simplify database management tasks. The document emphasizes that security must remain a focus as well, with database administrators working closely with security teams to protect enterprise data from both external and internal threats.
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Data base management system is a system in which related data is stored in an efficient and
compact manner.
Efficient=data which is stored in the DBMS is accessed in very quick time
compact=means that the data which is stored in DBMS covers very little space in the computers
related data=the data which is stored in the DBMS is about some particular topic.
Concepts in database management hardly fall in the category of come-and-go, as the cost of
shifting between technical approaches overwhelms producers, managers, and designers. However,
there are several trends in database management, and knowing how to take advantage of them
will benefit your organization. Following are the some of the current trends:
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The latest trends in database products are those that dont simply embrace a single database
structure. Instead, the databases bridge SQL and NoSQL, giving users the best capabilities
offered by both. This includes products that allow users to access a NoSQL database in the same
way as a relational database, for example.
Databases in the cloud/Platform as a Service
As developers continue pushing their enterprises to the cloud, organizations are carefully
weighing the trade-offs associated with public versus private. Developers are also determining
how to combine cloud services with existing applications and infrastructure. Providers of cloud
service offer many options to database administrators. Making the move towards the cloud
doesnt mean changing organizational priorities, but finding products and services that help your
group meet its goals.
Databases that bridge SQL/NoSQL
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Automating database management is another emerging trend.The set of such techniques and tools
intend to simplify maintenance, patching, provisioning, updates and upgrades even project workflow.
However, the trend may have limited usefulness since database management frequently needs human
An increased focus on security
While not exactly a trend given the constant focus on data security, recent ongoing retail database
breaches among US-based organizations show with ample clarity the importance for database
administrators to work hand-in-hand with their IT security colleagues to ensure all enterprise data remains
safe.Any organization that stores data is vulnerable.
Database administrators must also work with the security team to eliminate potential internal weaknesses
that could make data vulnerable.These could include issues related to network privileges, even hardware
or software misconfigurations that could be misused, resulting in data leaks.
Automated management
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To be clear, big data does not necessarily mean lots of data.What it really refers to
is the ability to process any type of data: what is typically referred to as semi-
structured and unstructured data as well as structured data. Current thinking is
that these will typically live alongside conventional solutions as separate
technologies, at least in large organisations, but this will not always be the case.
Big Data
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Multimedia data typically means
A. digital images
B. audio
C. video
D. animation and graphics
The acquisition, generation, storage and processing of multimedia data in computers and
transmission over networks have grown tremendously in the recent past.
Multimedia Databases
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1. Streaming data
2. Interactive video
3. Digital Libraries
4. Image retrieval
Multimedia Databases
Applications of Multimedia Database
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All XML databases are doc-oriented DBs
Apache's CoucheDB is an example of a free & open source
document-oriented database
There are various other such providers
Document-oriented database
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Many daily-use devices contain databases
TVs, washing machines, mobile phones
e.g. Android phones with SQLite database
Embedded databases in cars, airplanes etc.
manage configurations & store sensor data
e.g. db4o object database used in BMW Car IT system
Mobile & embedded database