I’m the first FreeÂlancer in my area, FreeÂlancer since 2009. Love teachÂing Social Media, Search Engine OptiÂmizaÂtion and Tech Tips.
Expert VirÂtual AssisÂtant, EntreÂpreÂneur, BlogÂger, Social Media MarÂketÂing Consultant.
I speÂcialÂize in manÂagÂing WordÂPress site/blog, Adobe Interactive/Editable PDFs, BookÂkeepÂing, Search Engine OptiÂmizaÂtion, Google AnaÂlytÂics, Google & Bing WebÂmasÂter tools, Google Apps, Email MarÂketÂing, CalÂenÂdar ManÂageÂment, WordÂPress Design & DevelÂopÂment and in last eBook Design.