Digital strategies for health professionals. From an event with Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce with Sofie Sandell as a speaker.
How do you develop content so that you make an impact online?
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Digital Inspiration How to shape up your mental and physical strength online
1. Digital Inspiration
How to shape up your mental
and physical strength online
Twitter hashtag #HealthyWandsworth
Twitter @Soffi_Propp
3. Language used in the right way = power
Never copy - write yourself
Use links for proof and backup
Cowrite new content with experts -
collaboration gives you power online
Use hashtags and keywords
Dont be obsessed with your own products
4. People with health issues are more likely
to be online. (Pew Institute)
You as an expert can facilitate the
conversation and help to solve the problem.
You give light to your community.
Many people appreciate reminders (nudges)
over text message (ask for permission)
5. Who is a leader you admire?
How do they behave?"
What makes them stand out?
6. What is your expertise, interests, passion? "
What make you annoyed and angry?"
- Write down at least 20 things -
7. What leaders do
They do things first - often trendsetters "
They share their thoughts and ideas with others "
They listen to peers, friends, customers &
colleagues "
Constantly learning "
They know how innovation works
8. Your online profile
5) Leader - are you creating content that others are
commenting on, sharing and are you starting
4) Contribution - are you contributing to discussions,
helping people, sharing relevant content?
3) Presence - are you exploring the online
2) Profile - what shall you write about yourself?
1) Platform - where shall you be online?
9. Find your nemesis for inspiration.
Read everything they write,
share and comment on.
Their voice and style will teach you
what you need to improve on.
10. You have to sound and smell different
to be noticed.