R&D can help build the cluster by developing new technologies and attracting related businesses. However, more is needed for sustained growth.
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Building an AZ solar supply chain and industrial cluster
1. Building an AZ solar supply
chain and industrial cluster
Glenn Hoetker
Anthony Evans
2. Our mission
More investment in solar energy
production and supply chain
capacity is attracted to Arizona
as a result of tighter linkages
within the cluster. These
linkages extend among the value
chains, the talent development
systems, the research base,
investors, and public policies.
3. Our approach
Identify the characteristics of a
successful industrial cluster
Identify factors inherent in robust
supply chain development
Identify core clusters and their supply
Identify critical gaps
Recommend steps to close gaps and
key players to engage
Identify new directions to further build
cluster capability
Set milestones and fill gaps in
4. Membership
Bud Annan, Arizona State University
Fred Buss, Town of Gila Bend
Bennett Curry, Arizona Commerce
Anthony Evans, Arizona State
Glenn Hoetker, Arizona State University
Michael Neary, AriSEIA
Ron Vokoun, Mortenson Construction
8. AZ solar industry - snapshot
300-400 AZ firms easily meet
current in-state demand
Range of solar technologies
Photovoltaic (PV)
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP)
Solar Heating & Cooling (SHC)
Technology-specific supply chains
9. Photovoltaic supply chain
U.S. largest polysilicon producer in 2008 (43%) but China,
Taiwan and South Korea are now the key players
Limited U.S. wafer manufacturing facilities
Hemlock and MEMC
North America = 7.4% of global cell production capacity (2010)
North America = 8.7% of global module production (2009)
10. CSP supply chain
Greater opportunities for localized
Components cut across technologies
Mirrors, reflectors, collector
structures, heat transfer fluids, salts,
turbines, steel etc.
18 CSP U.S. mfg facilities in 2009
Solanas U.S. supply chain = 29
companies in 22 states ($730 million)
23% invested in AZ
11. AZ solar-related employment
Solar Foundation (2011) 4,786 solar
jobs at 900 AZ establishments
3rd largest state for solar jobs
BLS suggest 49,717 jobs across all green
goods and services (GGS)
23rd largest state for GGS jobs
SEIA survey still in progress
Seidman survey: 5,500-7,400 solar jobs
0.2-0.3% of AZs non-seasonally
adjusted non-farm employment
12. AZ solar-related employment
Employment Opportunities by Sector
1292 Installation
1723 Other
574 36%
Source: Solar Foundation (2011)
13. AZ competitive advantages
Solar insolation
Proximity to California
Land/resource availability
Streamlined zoning and permitting
Solar construction know-how
On the job learning and innovation
University research community
Workforce supply
14. Cluster potential
Viable solar cluster drives economic growth:
Project employment and input impacts
Attracts new downstream local suppliers
Encourages certification
Firms can export know-how out-of-state
Limited potential for solar PV manufacturing
Greater supply chain opportunities for other
solar technologies
Construction sector could be a real winner
15. Supply chain cluster example
Construction = biggest benefactor
Supply of steel, concrete, mirrors,
nuts, bolts and electrical supplies
Short-term employment impacts:
Utility-scale plants = 1000+ jobs
Commercial DG = 50-100 jobs
Residential DG = 1-2 jobs
Key: convert the jobs into job years
16. Challenges and barriers
Utilities have almost met RPS targets
Energy demand increases >1% each year
Positive construction impacts will dry up
Residential taxes and incentives are on a per
household basis, not per system installed
New AZ homes still built without solar ready
Availability of capital investment
Lack of optimism within the local industry
Potential migration to states with opportunities
17. Cluster solution 1:
Export Strategy
Effective export strategy essential
Principal target: California
Significant job creation
Galvanize inter-state dialogue to
resolve transmission barriers
18. Cluster solution 2:
AZ solar R&D center
Close co-operation between education,
utilities, public and private sector
CA ahead for solar training and courses
But AZ is starting to catch up:
First Solar/City of Phx/ASUs new solar
engineering & commercialization
ASUs new PSM (first in U.S.)