dont play and if u want wash ur hands;)
Quotes by me:B3albak hiyye emmi wbayye huwe chmoustar el karak nooou7 dammi mne2soul el beka3iyyin(A)
The Earth is my left Egg(H)
悵 悋忰悋悸 悴惡 悖 惠 惶惆惘悸 惠惠忰 愆悧 悋愀惺 惡悋惴惘 悋 悋悋愕
7a2ak mabte5do 8er b2idak:)
L3alam 2ajnes n7as dahab w2elmes bs 7adertak tlo3t tanak mafik jens l2e7ses
Late5oud l7oriyye bddk etta3ib lbondo2iye;)
Kelmit 2amen belebnen badda 2id wehde men tony whsein;)
Made a destiny? And close the doors, the heart is now dry it can't pass through the walls
you sold me and you sold your cheap art that you drawn with a knife on my fkn heart