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Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:02 PM
  ISA’S EDUCATE THE VOTE: EMPOWERING THE                                                             Deleted: sis
                                                                                                     Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:05 PM
           MILLENNIAL GENERATION.                                                                    Deleted:
                                                                                                     Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:09 PM
Essential Question: In a democracy, why is it imperative for the rising generation of voters
                                                                                                     Deleted: Who better else to complete this
to have a thorough understanding of politics?                                                        task but yourselves?
                                                                                                     Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:10 PM
Goal: Research and analyze a political entity that influences the political behavior of U.S.         Deleted: among
citizens. In order to be an educated voter, one must be aware of the multitude of influences on      Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:10 PM
the population. Your group will use the information discovered to not only inform the Millennial     Deleted: entities
generation (18-24 years old) but also motivate them to become a political participant.               Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:10 PM
                                                                                                     Deleted: and e
I would maybe just add the “Task” Here:
                                                                                                     Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:10 PM
                                                                                                     Deleted: small
You have been chosen to educate your peers in the Millennial Generation about the importance
                                                                                                     Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:10 PM
of political participation. Make a presentation catered to your peers that will inform them of
                                                                                                     Deleted: topic
about the intricacies of political behavior. You will present not only to your class, but also the
                                                                                                     Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:13 PM
Junior class. Your hope is to motivate your peers’ to action in the upcoming election, and
                                                                                                     Deleted: Individual Research
ultimately, to become an informed, educated political participant in our society.                    Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:11 PM
                                                                                                     Deleted: entities
You are this generation.
                                                                                                     Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:11 PM
The Process: Your class will divide itself into 5 topics. Each topic group will be responsible for   Deleted: decide amongst
researching their topic, analyzing why it is important to political participation, and creating an   Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:12 PM
                                                                                                     Deleted: itself who will be responsible
engaging lesson that not only teaches the topic, but motivates your fellow classmates to
                                                                                                     Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:12 PM
participate in our democracy.
                                                                                                     Deleted: for each sub-topic and the
Step One – Compilation and Analysis of Research: Once the class has selected their                   Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:12 PM
subtopics, your small group will then further divide into subtopics. Your task will be to            Deleted: individual research this entails

investigate the topic to fully inform others of the importance of this topic. To focus your          Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:12 PM
                                                                                                     Deleted: A webquest will be utilized in
research, you will complete a webquest that will direct you to multiple sites that will give you a   class to assist you in jumpstarting your
plethora of information on the your subtopic. Significant findings will be uploaded to your          research. The completed webquest and any
group’s google site.                                                                                 subsequent research will be posted on your
                                                                                                     group’s Google Site.
You may not copy and paste information onto the site. It must be your own words. Proper APA          Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:16 PM
                                                                                                     Deleted: their
citation is required on each page to give proper credit to your sources.
                                                                                                     Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:16 PM
Step Two – Group Analysis: After your group completes its individual research, group                 Deleted: you will come together to share
                                                                                                     your information
members will share and analyze significant findings to determine the importance of this entity
                                                                                                     Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:16 PM
in terms of political participation. Consider the following guiding questions:
                                                                                                     Deleted: sis
       -   What have you learned from you research?                                                  Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:16 PM
                                                                                                     Deleted: it
       -   What from this information might be relevant to your generation?
                                                                                                     Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:17 PM
       -   How could an understanding of this entity lead to an educated political populous?
                                                                                                     Deleted: what is
           (The word entity might be slightly confusing here.)
                                                                                                     Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:17 PM
Your group analysis and overarching discoveries will be recorded on your Google Site.                Deleted: shared
                                                                                                     Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:18 PM
                                                                                                     Deleted: must
Step Three – Educate: Your group is responsible for designing an implementing a lesson that            Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:18 PM
engages your fellow classmates in your topic. In 15-20 minutes, teach your peers how your              Deleted: creating
topic shapes the bigger sphere of politics. Make certain to include video clips, simulations,          Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:18 PM
readings, questions, and activities to reinforce your findings. Additionally, you should be            Deleted: d
prepared to submit questions for your peers to answer. These questions will appear on your             Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:18 PM
classroom quiz for others to answer.                                                                   Deleted: executing
                                                                                                       Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:18 PM
A sample lesson plan template will be handed out in class, but the instructional method is up to       Deleted: plan
your group. All instructional resources must be posted to your Google Site (Powerpoints,               Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:18 PM
handouts, activities, etc.) by the beginning of class on Tuesday, February 28th. Any groups            Deleted: educates
needing photocopies for their lesson must submit those to Ms. Krause by the end of the school          Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:18 PM
day on Monday, February 27th.                                                                          Deleted: about your topic
                                                                                                       Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:19 PM
You MUST have educational resources that may be accessed from your website to be utilized by           Deleted: You will have
the Millennial Generation. These resources are separate from the individual research. x                Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:19 PM
                                                                                                       Deleted: to
Step Four – Motivate & Engage: Once your have informed the ISA students of the need to                 Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:19 PM
participate, you must inform the community outside of ISA. Your group must create and post on          Deleted: this lesson and must cover the
the Google Site a message that encourages the students to action—it maybe include, but is not          information from your individual research
                                                                                                       as well as the relevance to your generation
limited to the following: educational blog posts, engaging commercials, web advertisements,
                                                                                                       and political participation.
songs, etcs.                                                                                           Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:21 PM
                                                                                                       Deleted: m
         The form of this portion of the project is up to your group. Use creativity and incorporate
                                                                                                       Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:21 PM
all of the talents of your individual group members.
                                                                                                       Deleted: g
(While you must have one media form, multiple methods of engagement are highly                         Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:22 PM
                                                                                                       Deleted: Each group must design 10
encouraged. Even the small things, like a slogan, make a difference in catching someone’s
                                                                                                       potential assessment questions that
attention. )                                                                                           will be submitted with their instructional
                                                                                                       materials. These questions should relate to
This portion of the project is due Friday, March 9th.                                                  the material in the lesson and may take the
                                                                                                       form of short answer, matching, fill-in-the-
                                                                                                       blank, or multiple choice. Ms. Krause will
Step Five – Extending Through Discussion: Each group will be given a reading selection                 be available with assessment resources [1]
                                                                                                                                             ... to
that relates to their entity (topic?). These chapters must be read by all group members by             Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:52 PM
Monday, March 5th. A heterogeneous mixing of students from the groups will conduct a                   Deleted: Education on the entity is only
                                                                                                                                           ... [2]
capstone discussion that spans 2 class days. It is imperative that each student completes his/her      Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:53 PM
assigned reading selection to assist in further extending the knowledge of their fellow                Deleted: n?
classmates.                                                                                            Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:58 PM
                                                                                                       Deleted: media form that reaches out to
                                                                                                                                         ... [3]
A summary of the reading and a reaction from each group member to the text must be posted on           Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:58 PM
your Google site by Friday, March 9th. Guiding questions for the reading will be posted on             Deleted: .
each group’s Google site to assist in the reading of the text and to prepare for the discussion.       Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:59 PM
                                                                                                       Deleted: Examples: Investigative or ... [4]
How will you be graded? This unit will be broken down into the following grades:                       Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:59 PM
                                                                                                       Deleted: Think outside the box and think
                                                                                                                                          ... [5]
                    Unit Component                                 Grade Category                      Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 9:00 PM
     Individual Research on Google Site                   Daily Homework/Assignments                   Deleted: s
     Group Analysis on Google Site                        Daily Homework/Assignments                   Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 9:00 PM
                                                                                                       Deleted: their
Media Component on Google Site                   Daily Homework/Assignments
Instructional Resources & Assessment Questions   Daily Homework/Assignments
Reading Summary & Reactions on Google Site       Daily Homework/Assignments
Reading Discussion Days                          Daily Homework/Assignments
Participation & On-task Lab Days                 Participation (4)
Individual Google Site Assessment (with notes)   Quiz
Lesson Plan & Execution                          Test/Project

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ISA’s Educate the Vote

  • 1. Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:02 PM ISA’S EDUCATE THE VOTE: EMPOWERING THE Deleted: sis Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:05 PM MILLENNIAL GENERATION. Deleted: Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:09 PM Essential Question: In a democracy, why is it imperative for the rising generation of voters Deleted: Who better else to complete this to have a thorough understanding of politics? task but yourselves? Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:10 PM Goal: Research and analyze a political entity that influences the political behavior of U.S. Deleted: among citizens. In order to be an educated voter, one must be aware of the multitude of influences on Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:10 PM the population. Your group will use the information discovered to not only inform the Millennial Deleted: entities generation (18-24 years old) but also motivate them to become a political participant. Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:10 PM Deleted: and e I would maybe just add the “Task” Here: Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:10 PM Deleted: small You have been chosen to educate your peers in the Millennial Generation about the importance Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:10 PM of political participation. Make a presentation catered to your peers that will inform them of Deleted: topic about the intricacies of political behavior. You will present not only to your class, but also the Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:13 PM Junior class. Your hope is to motivate your peers’ to action in the upcoming election, and Deleted: Individual Research ultimately, to become an informed, educated political participant in our society. Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:11 PM Deleted: entities You are this generation. Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:11 PM The Process: Your class will divide itself into 5 topics. Each topic group will be responsible for Deleted: decide amongst researching their topic, analyzing why it is important to political participation, and creating an Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:12 PM Deleted: itself who will be responsible engaging lesson that not only teaches the topic, but motivates your fellow classmates to Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:12 PM participate in our democracy. Deleted: for each sub-topic and the Step One – Compilation and Analysis of Research: Once the class has selected their Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:12 PM subtopics, your small group will then further divide into subtopics. Your task will be to Deleted: individual research this entails investigate the topic to fully inform others of the importance of this topic. To focus your Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:12 PM Deleted: A webquest will be utilized in research, you will complete a webquest that will direct you to multiple sites that will give you a class to assist you in jumpstarting your plethora of information on the your subtopic. Significant findings will be uploaded to your research. The completed webquest and any group’s google site. subsequent research will be posted on your group’s Google Site. You may not copy and paste information onto the site. It must be your own words. Proper APA Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:16 PM Deleted: their citation is required on each page to give proper credit to your sources. Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:16 PM Step Two – Group Analysis: After your group completes its individual research, group Deleted: you will come together to share your information members will share and analyze significant findings to determine the importance of this entity Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:16 PM in terms of political participation. Consider the following guiding questions: Deleted: sis - What have you learned from you research? Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:16 PM Deleted: it - What from this information might be relevant to your generation? Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:17 PM - How could an understanding of this entity lead to an educated political populous? Deleted: what is (The word entity might be slightly confusing here.) Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:17 PM Your group analysis and overarching discoveries will be recorded on your Google Site. Deleted: shared Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:18 PM Deleted: must
  • 2. Step Three – Educate: Your group is responsible for designing an implementing a lesson that Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:18 PM engages your fellow classmates in your topic. In 15-20 minutes, teach your peers how your Deleted: creating topic shapes the bigger sphere of politics. Make certain to include video clips, simulations, Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:18 PM readings, questions, and activities to reinforce your findings. Additionally, you should be Deleted: d prepared to submit questions for your peers to answer. These questions will appear on your Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:18 PM classroom quiz for others to answer. Deleted: executing Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:18 PM A sample lesson plan template will be handed out in class, but the instructional method is up to Deleted: plan your group. All instructional resources must be posted to your Google Site (Powerpoints, Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:18 PM handouts, activities, etc.) by the beginning of class on Tuesday, February 28th. Any groups Deleted: educates needing photocopies for their lesson must submit those to Ms. Krause by the end of the school Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:18 PM day on Monday, February 27th. Deleted: about your topic Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:19 PM You MUST have educational resources that may be accessed from your website to be utilized by Deleted: You will have the Millennial Generation. These resources are separate from the individual research. x Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:19 PM Deleted: to Step Four – Motivate & Engage: Once your have informed the ISA students of the need to Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:19 PM participate, you must inform the community outside of ISA. Your group must create and post on Deleted: this lesson and must cover the the Google Site a message that encourages the students to action—it maybe include, but is not information from your individual research as well as the relevance to your generation limited to the following: educational blog posts, engaging commercials, web advertisements, and political participation. songs, etcs. Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:21 PM Deleted: m The form of this portion of the project is up to your group. Use creativity and incorporate Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:21 PM all of the talents of your individual group members. Deleted: g (While you must have one media form, multiple methods of engagement are highly Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:22 PM Deleted: Each group must design 10 encouraged. Even the small things, like a slogan, make a difference in catching someone’s potential assessment questions that attention. ) will be submitted with their instructional materials. These questions should relate to This portion of the project is due Friday, March 9th. the material in the lesson and may take the form of short answer, matching, fill-in-the- blank, or multiple choice. Ms. Krause will Step Five – Extending Through Discussion: Each group will be given a reading selection be available with assessment resources [1] ... to that relates to their entity (topic?). These chapters must be read by all group members by Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:52 PM Monday, March 5th. A heterogeneous mixing of students from the groups will conduct a Deleted: Education on the entity is only ... [2] capstone discussion that spans 2 class days. It is imperative that each student completes his/her Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:53 PM assigned reading selection to assist in further extending the knowledge of their fellow Deleted: n? classmates. Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:58 PM Deleted: media form that reaches out to ... [3] A summary of the reading and a reaction from each group member to the text must be posted on Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:58 PM your Google site by Friday, March 9th. Guiding questions for the reading will be posted on Deleted: . each group’s Google site to assist in the reading of the text and to prepare for the discussion. Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:59 PM Deleted: Examples: Investigative or ... [4] How will you be graded? This unit will be broken down into the following grades: Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 8:59 PM Deleted: Think outside the box and think ... [5] Unit Component Grade Category Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 9:00 PM Individual Research on Google Site Daily Homework/Assignments Deleted: s Group Analysis on Google Site Daily Homework/Assignments Susanna Pierce 2/20/12 9:00 PM Deleted: their
  • 3. Media Component on Google Site Daily Homework/Assignments Instructional Resources & Assessment Questions Daily Homework/Assignments Reading Summary & Reactions on Google Site Daily Homework/Assignments Reading Discussion Days Daily Homework/Assignments Participation & On-task Lab Days Participation (4) Individual Google Site Assessment (with notes) Quiz Lesson Plan & Execution Test/Project