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Organization / Workplace
New Delhi, India
it is theatre group registered under society act 1864 since 1979.It started with Fatishwarnathrenus short stories and Dumils poems in the name of ABHISHIPT.tHIS GROUP CONTAIN MAXIMUM NSD GRADUSTES SINCE 1979.With the blessings of Late shri BVkarnth and Shri NemiChnad jain this group has been very active in theatre and theatrewals.This is the best rainer group in delhi.Most of the exmemebrs of the group or from the audience are active in training and doing professianl theatre radio cinema and television.Since capitalism has taken over our country and theatre is being done for money only we have stoped working as we perform fro people not for money. But we are where except in competetion.
Users following Srijan Theatrewala