This document discusses opportunities and challenges in information systems for hydrocarbon exploration and production. It outlines the complex processes and large amounts of data involved in E&P. There are opportunities to develop new specialized applications that can process seismic and reservoir simulation data more efficiently using high-performance computing. Improved data management techniques could better integrate information across E&P workflows. Developing intelligent methods to extract insights from E&P data structures also presents opportunities.
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Hydrocarbon E&P challenges opportunitie Information Systems
1. Hydrocarbon
Exploration & Production
Opportunities & Challenges in IS
Scope of Document : Insight into the Possibilities of IS.
Nature : Presentation
Security : Public
Author : G Srikanth
Date and Version : 30 October 2010 v1.0
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
2. Fall-back
1. Principles and Overview
2. Domain Information Systems
3. Challenges and Opportunities in IS
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
3. 1. Principles & Overview of E&P
1. Hydrocarbons are Formation, Discovery and Production
2. Uncertainties & Risks
3. Gamut of Sciences and Technologies involved
4. Business Process Categories and Process
Acquisition Capture the opportunity
Explore Convert the opportunity to Discovery
Appraise Evaluate the Discovery
Develop Prepare to Exploit the Discovery profitably
Deplete(Produce) Nomination to Cash on Production asset
Abandon Exit
The Charm of Successful E&P
Spectacular Opportunity Extensive Diversity Strategic
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
4. 2. Domain Information Systems of E&P
1. Business Processes and Functions/Tasks in each Process node
2. Complexity of data and analysis
3. Features of E&P IS
a. High Compute Capability
b. Diverse Application Portfolio for every function
c. High Data & Information Costs
d. Large data volumes
e. Complex Integration of wide range of data classes
f. Information Uncertainty needing multiple analysis and processes
4. Compute System Characteristics
a. Teraflop processing power needed in many areas of work
b. Very high memory capacity > 64GB needed in many applications
c. Imaging Systems very high end graphics
5. Application Characteristics
a. Specialized with proprietary algorithms and data structures
b. Long cycle times in development of expertise {Programs & Usage}
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
5. The Charm of Successful E&P
Extensive Diversity for Thought
Opportunity to be thinking beyond ordinary
Challenges and Opportunity to Excel in the
Charming world of E&P IS
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
6. In Pursuit of the Charm - Outline
I. Compute Intense Applications and Opportunities
II. Graphic Intensive Applications and Opportunities
III. Data Structures and Semantic exploitation
IV. Communication Technologies and their avenues
V. Extent and Scope of opportunities
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
7. I. Compute Intense Applications
1. Programs that execute trillions of operations
Seismic Data Processing & Interpretation
Reservoir Simulation
Numerical Basin Modeling
2. Opportunities in System Administration &
3. Opportunities for innovation and development
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
8. I.1 Seismic Data
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
9. I.1 Seismic Data Processing
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
10. I.1 Seismic Data Processing Opportunity
1. New Processing methods. Example
Stochastic Processing
Full wave-form deconvolution
Complex geometric corrections
Quantum Resonance Interferometry
2. Requirements
HPC facilities
Numerical analysis CoE
3. Value
Niche technology {large IP}
Improved resolution of RIL E&P data discovery
Appropriate development Efficient depletion
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
12. I.2 Reservoir Simulation
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
13. I.2 Reservoir Simulated
Seismic AI
Match Sw
Oct 2000
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
14. I.2 Reservoir Simulation Opportunity
1. Improved algorithms and mathematics
2. Grid design
3. Scaling methods
4. Cloud computing algorithms
5. Data structure for storing model results
6. Analytical methods to compare multiple models
a. Strong mathematics in CFD
b. Use of CFD tool-kits
c. Understanding of Single and Multiphase fluid flow through
porous media
d. Multi speciality team as CoE
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
15. II. Graphic Intensive Applications
5 km
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
16. II. Graphic Intensive Applications Opportunity
1. E&P is heavily Graphic
intensive ?
Yet, cannot see through
the objects in 3D
Resolution, Color depth
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
17. III. Information Value Proposition in E&P
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. Dr. Alan Nunns
18. III. Data Structures and Semantics Space
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
19. III. E-R of Earth Model in E&P database-
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
20. III. Seismic and Well Data Models
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
21. III. Opportunities and Requirements in DM
1. Defined and
Develop the Data ONTOLOGY
Models There
are international
2. Implementations
with GIS (E.g.
3. Intelligent
4. Knowledge
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
22. III. Information Flow across E&P Workflows
Real Time Data
Well Plan/Construction Transmission
Direct to
Well Plan and Real Time Data: Database
Updating The 3D VolumeEarth
Update Update
Well Plan Interpretation
Reservoir Model
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
23. III. Data integration, assimilation and
Applications Portfolio from major vendors address specific
functional space
Geology Models & Reservoir Models
Data interfaces across disciplines are mediocre
Largely visual integration
Import-Export data structures
Advanced aspects like :
Data Mining
Pattern recognition
Intelligent search are yet to develop
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
24. IV. Communications & Technologies in E&P
1. Large band-with LAN (1gpbs/ws is minimal need for 3D)
Can this be achieved on WAN/ Internet?
2. Remote & Hazardous locations VSATs, Microwave, Radio++
3. Extreme Temperatures & Pressure
Sensors inside oil & gas wells
Well head (2000m below sea-level @ -30C)
4. Non-serviceable and Non-replaceable sensors High reliability
Cable free sensors for planting at sea-bottom
Ultra-high-resolution measurement of Natural EM
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
25. V. Automated Detection of Thin Intra-Reservoir Denses
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
26. Standard Log Analysis Analog Lithology Class
Special Image Logs and Derived Litho Indicat
Lithofacies From Logs
Standard Log Suite (To Do Spectral + Segm)
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India.
with Core and used. Requires Field level tuning
Sequence stratigraphy confined Markovian Strings?
Lithfacies from Conventional Logs using Briggs Triangles. Calibrated
Very high vertical resolution and classification achieved
27. Classification & Categorization
Such Patterns Exist in Real
The Various Structured
Parameters Can be :
On each Trace Separately
Based on adjacent traces
either side on 3D (1 look up=
4 traces)
Based on Multiple adjacent
traces (2-5 lookup How to
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
28. Simple Syntactic Pattern Recognition Are you ready?
Can any of you
Develop a small
Program to
Extract these
Syntactic Variables?
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
29. V. Attitude, Aptitude and Abilities
Numbers and Analytical methods
Numerical Analysis and Graphics
Handle large data sets
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008
30. E&P Pursuit of Passion
1. Radically new methods are finding way
2. Individuals are changing the paradigm
3. If there is Excellence in You, there is a
problem in E&P for You
Reliance Industries Ltd. Exploration & Production Business. India. 17-September-2008