"If U feel stressed, give urself a break. Eat some ice cream, chocolates, candy and cake. Y.? Bcoz STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS!! Enjoy Life.:-), That's my style? Come, Join me..."
"Poke me if you have had a crush on me , like this if you think i'm cute , inbox me if you ever wanted a relationship , put a smile if we are friends =] , put an angry face if you don't like me :@ or put a heart if you wanna be more than friends ♥ . Now let's see who is brave enough to put this as their status :)"
"Love me or Hate me. Either way im still on your mind :p"
"I am The Author Of My Life" && I'm Currently Writing In Pen; I Can't Erase My Mistakes All I Can Do Is Learn From Them; Everythin