Este documento es la convocatoria de una sesi坦n plenaria ordinaria del ayuntamiento que tendr叩 lugar el 24 de noviembre de 2016 a las 9:30 en la Casa Consistorial de Donostia. Incluye 10 puntos en el orden del d鱈a, como la aprobaci坦n de actas de sesiones anteriores, declaraciones institucionales, precios p炭blicos, planes urban鱈sticos y mociones ordinarias y de control sobre temas como la austeridad, la contaminaci坦n por amianto y la rehabilitaci坦n de Herrera.
The document discusses L.E.A.D, a program that helps discover personality and choose careers. It explains that success comes from playing to one's strengths, which are natural abilities called Multiple Intelligences (MI) that include bodily, interpersonal, logical skills. It also describes Multiple Natures (MN) that define one's tendencies, like protective, educative, entrepreneurial. One's unique combination of MI and MN shape their personality and attract them to specific activities and careers. The program offers psychometric tests to identify one's MI and MN, counseling to match careers, and services for education and exam preparation.
The document introduces the Luxury Siamese Hospitality Company, which provides luxury hospitality services and management consulting. It outlines the company's vision of blending luxury and leisure. The company has assembled an experienced management team to ensure ultimate commitment and service to clients. The team includes the Managing Director Richard James Hoek, who has over 20 years of experience in international hotel management. The company offers services throughout the hospitality industry, from luxury hotels to budget accommodations.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la enfermedad gingival. Explica que la gingivitis es la inflamaci坦n de la l鱈nea de la enc鱈a y puede avanzar hasta el hueso y ligamento periodontal. Enumera las principales causas como la placa dental, mala higiene, lesiones por alimentos y traumatismos. Tambi辿n describe los signos y s鱈ntomas como enc鱈as hinchadas, rojas y sangrantes. Finalmente, resume el tratamiento adecuado que incluye el cepillado dental, uso de hilo dental y controles regulares con el
This document provides information about an introductory programming course including meeting times, instructor details, required materials, course description, expectations, assignments, and policies. The course introduces programming concepts and skills through weekly readings, tutorials, in-class challenges, and creative projects. Students will complete labs, exams, quizzes and larger projects throughout the semester and be evaluated based on technical and creative merits. Academic integrity, collaboration, and disability accommodation policies are also outlined.
Literacy Lesson Plan with Evidence Based StrategiesAlba Ortega
This literacy lesson plan aims to teach students how to identify the theme of the story "Jack and the Beanstalk". The plan incorporates evidence-based strategies including having students take notes on characters and key details as they read, asking text-dependent questions, and using drawings and descriptions to show their understanding of how Jack and his mother are portrayed at the beginning of the story as poor and struggling. The teacher provides guidance, model responses, and assessments to help students comprehend the characters' motivations and develop their ability to interpret themes in what they read.
El documento resume los conceptos clave de la redacci坦n de textos. Explica que la redacci坦n se relaciona con la lectura y que debe seguir reglas ortogr叩ficas y gramaticales para ser entendible. Detalla las etapas de planificaci坦n, redacci坦n y correcci坦n de un texto. Tambi辿n cubre conceptos como estilo, coherencia, cohesi坦n, claridad y los diferentes tipos de p叩rrafos y textos como descriptivos, argumentativos, narrativos y ensayos.
This document discusses social media and cyberbullying. It focuses on cyberbullying victim Amanda Todd and how social media can negatively impact young people. The conclusion states that social media can be dangerous for youth due to vulnerabilities to bullying, and increasing age limits may help address this issue. Sources included are documentaries and articles about cyberbullying cases and laws against child pornography.
Svi eu programi za balkan i kandidate septembar 2011Aleksandra Ini
The document discusses several European Union grant programmes that provide funding for projects related to science and technology, culture, enterprise and industry, maritime affairs and fisheries, mobility and transport, early childhood development, environmental management of beaches and marinas, social tourism, vocational training, economic relations between Europe and Central Asia, innovation, local authority partnerships between Europe and neighboring regions, civil protection, and integrated urban transport policies. The grants can be applied for by a variety of organizations including research centers, local and regional authorities, corporations, SMEs, and NGOs in European Union countries, candidate countries, and some neighboring regions.
Este documento resume cinco tipos principales de riesgos en el lugar de trabajo: qu鱈micos, biol坦gicos, f鱈sicos, ergon坦micos y psicosociales. Tambi辿n describe brevemente los componentes clave de un plan de emergencias, incluida la organizaci坦n de recursos, las fases de respuesta y el ajuste de la respuesta a la magnitud del incidente.
Este documento es la convocatoria de una sesi坦n plenaria ordinaria del ayuntamiento que tendr叩 lugar el 24 de noviembre de 2016 a las 9:30 en la Casa Consistorial de Donostia. Incluye 10 puntos en el orden del d鱈a, como la aprobaci坦n de actas de sesiones anteriores, declaraciones institucionales, precios p炭blicos, planes urban鱈sticos y mociones ordinarias y de control sobre temas como la austeridad, la contaminaci坦n por amianto y la rehabilitaci坦n de Herrera.
The document discusses L.E.A.D, a program that helps discover personality and choose careers. It explains that success comes from playing to one's strengths, which are natural abilities called Multiple Intelligences (MI) that include bodily, interpersonal, logical skills. It also describes Multiple Natures (MN) that define one's tendencies, like protective, educative, entrepreneurial. One's unique combination of MI and MN shape their personality and attract them to specific activities and careers. The program offers psychometric tests to identify one's MI and MN, counseling to match careers, and services for education and exam preparation.
The document introduces the Luxury Siamese Hospitality Company, which provides luxury hospitality services and management consulting. It outlines the company's vision of blending luxury and leisure. The company has assembled an experienced management team to ensure ultimate commitment and service to clients. The team includes the Managing Director Richard James Hoek, who has over 20 years of experience in international hotel management. The company offers services throughout the hospitality industry, from luxury hotels to budget accommodations.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la enfermedad gingival. Explica que la gingivitis es la inflamaci坦n de la l鱈nea de la enc鱈a y puede avanzar hasta el hueso y ligamento periodontal. Enumera las principales causas como la placa dental, mala higiene, lesiones por alimentos y traumatismos. Tambi辿n describe los signos y s鱈ntomas como enc鱈as hinchadas, rojas y sangrantes. Finalmente, resume el tratamiento adecuado que incluye el cepillado dental, uso de hilo dental y controles regulares con el
This document provides information about an introductory programming course including meeting times, instructor details, required materials, course description, expectations, assignments, and policies. The course introduces programming concepts and skills through weekly readings, tutorials, in-class challenges, and creative projects. Students will complete labs, exams, quizzes and larger projects throughout the semester and be evaluated based on technical and creative merits. Academic integrity, collaboration, and disability accommodation policies are also outlined.
Literacy Lesson Plan with Evidence Based StrategiesAlba Ortega
This literacy lesson plan aims to teach students how to identify the theme of the story "Jack and the Beanstalk". The plan incorporates evidence-based strategies including having students take notes on characters and key details as they read, asking text-dependent questions, and using drawings and descriptions to show their understanding of how Jack and his mother are portrayed at the beginning of the story as poor and struggling. The teacher provides guidance, model responses, and assessments to help students comprehend the characters' motivations and develop their ability to interpret themes in what they read.
El documento resume los conceptos clave de la redacci坦n de textos. Explica que la redacci坦n se relaciona con la lectura y que debe seguir reglas ortogr叩ficas y gramaticales para ser entendible. Detalla las etapas de planificaci坦n, redacci坦n y correcci坦n de un texto. Tambi辿n cubre conceptos como estilo, coherencia, cohesi坦n, claridad y los diferentes tipos de p叩rrafos y textos como descriptivos, argumentativos, narrativos y ensayos.
This document discusses social media and cyberbullying. It focuses on cyberbullying victim Amanda Todd and how social media can negatively impact young people. The conclusion states that social media can be dangerous for youth due to vulnerabilities to bullying, and increasing age limits may help address this issue. Sources included are documentaries and articles about cyberbullying cases and laws against child pornography.
Svi eu programi za balkan i kandidate septembar 2011Aleksandra Ini
The document discusses several European Union grant programmes that provide funding for projects related to science and technology, culture, enterprise and industry, maritime affairs and fisheries, mobility and transport, early childhood development, environmental management of beaches and marinas, social tourism, vocational training, economic relations between Europe and Central Asia, innovation, local authority partnerships between Europe and neighboring regions, civil protection, and integrated urban transport policies. The grants can be applied for by a variety of organizations including research centers, local and regional authorities, corporations, SMEs, and NGOs in European Union countries, candidate countries, and some neighboring regions.
Este documento resume cinco tipos principales de riesgos en el lugar de trabajo: qu鱈micos, biol坦gicos, f鱈sicos, ergon坦micos y psicosociales. Tambi辿n describe brevemente los componentes clave de un plan de emergencias, incluida la organizaci坦n de recursos, las fases de respuesta y el ajuste de la respuesta a la magnitud del incidente.