This document is a strengths insight report for Tim Parr that was completed on 11-10-2016. It identifies Tim's top 5 themes as Connectedness, Developer, Empathy, Maximizer, and Positivity. For each theme, it provides a shared theme description and personalized insights into how that strength shows up for Tim based on his responses. The insights describe ways Tim's strengths help him build relationships, develop others' potential, understand others' feelings, focus on excellence, and maintain a positive outlook.
Satish Aware is a senior software engineer with over 3 years of experience in automated software testing using Selenium. He has extensive experience automating tests for web applications, writing test scripts, executing regression test suites, and generating reports. Currently working as a senior test engineer at Capgemini, some of his projects include testing mortgage lending applications for HSBC and automating tests for a CRM application. He has strong skills in Java, Selenium, Quality Center, and defect tracking.
Sajin Pottuvalappil is seeking a challenging position that utilizes his 8+ years of experience in accounts and administration in the UAE, Qatar, Oman, and India. He has strong skills in financial reporting, reconciliation, ERP systems, and meeting deadlines. His background includes roles as a branch accountant for construction and building materials companies, where he prepared financial statements and reconciliations. Sajin holds an MCom degree and diplomas in accounting software.
Este documento define conceptos b¨¢sicos de estad¨ªstica como variables, poblaci¨®n, muestra, par¨¢metros, estad¨ªsticos, escalas de medici¨®n, frecuencias y tasas. Explica que la estad¨ªstica se encarga de recolectar y analizar datos para inferir conclusiones. Define variables cualitativas y cuantitativas, as¨ª como poblaciones finitas e infinitas, reales e hipot¨¦ticas. Tambi¨¦n describe la diferencia entre par¨¢metros que se refieren a poblaciones y estad¨ªsticos que se refieren a muestras.
La empresa Rompiendo Limites desea ampliar su infraestructura f¨ªsica y crear una plataforma virtual para ofrecer nuevos programas a ni?os, j¨®venes, adultos y ancianos. El director trabajar¨¢ con su equipo en la creaci¨®n de programas, un proyecto de software online, y la ampliaci¨®n f¨ªsica de la empresa, con un presupuesto estimado de $20,000 d¨®lares y un plazo de un a?o.
Care Analytics has compiled the patient complaint list after our think tank addressed the idea of improving patient-centered care. What might be important for us to remember is that not everyone who wants something improved or who has had a bad experience takes the time to write, call, or respond to surveys. So this is a list of complaints that those well enough, motivated enough, and brave enough have shared. Imagine what else might remains!
Este documento describe una propuesta para implementar un taller de matem¨¢ticas intuitivas dirigido al personal docente de una unidad educativa particular mixta biling¨¹e. La propuesta incluye una descripci¨®n de la instituci¨®n educativa, los objetivos del taller, y una gu¨ªa para maestros sobre matem¨¢ticas intuitivas para educaci¨®n infantil.
The document summarizes a presentation about PHP 7. It introduces PHP 7 and its new Zend engine. It shows benchmarks demonstrating PHP 7's improved speed over PHP 5. It highlights new features in PHP 7 like uniform variable syntax, exceptions in the engine, and null coalesce operator. It provides instructions for setting up an environment to test PHP 7. It also briefly discusses the CVE-201504024 vulnerability, which allows denial-of-service attacks on PHP 5 servers through specially crafted HTTP headers. The presentation includes code demos and links to documentation for further reading.
Nursing home self assessment surveys and patient satisfactionCare Analytics
Care Analytics assessments are important because they give you a realistic view of what is happening in the day-to-day practice of your facility. They help you sort out problems that need considerable work from issues that appear to be working reasonably well and perhaps need only staff reminders to be on
track. Unlike surveys in which you try to put your best foot forward, this is a survey that requires you to look at both feet honestly and constructively.
ºÝºÝߣ deck for the Public Lecture by Deshal de Mel on "What's wrong with the Sri Lankan Economy". #1 talk from a series of talks hosted by the Advocata Institute.
Este documento describe las comunidades virtuales, su historia y su importancia en la educaci¨®n. Se define una comunidad virtual como aquella cuyas interacciones ocurren en un espacio virtual como Internet en lugar de un espacio f¨ªsico. Explica que las comunidades virtuales surgieron en 1988 con Internet y se hicieron accesibles al p¨²blico en los a?os 90 con la World Wide Web y herramientas como el correo electr¨®nico y los chats. Adem¨¢s, destaca que las comunidades virtuales generan un di¨¢logo efectivo, propician el aprendizaje activo y
?? xem full t¨¤i li?u Xin vui long li¨ºn h? page ?? ???c h? tr?
tai lieu tong hop, thu vien luan van, luan van tong hop, do an chuyen nganh
Este documento define las comunidades virtuales como grupos de personas con intereses similares que interact¨²an en l¨ªnea en lugar de un espacio f¨ªsico. Explora los tipos de comunidades virtuales como videoconferencias, grupos de noticias y redes sociales, y sus objetivos principales como intercambiar informaci¨®n, ofrecer apoyo y conversar. Tambi¨¦n destaca algunos beneficios como la reducci¨®n de costos, distancia y facilidad de uso.
Nursing home self assessment surveys and patient satisfactionCare Analytics
Care Analytics assessments are important because they give you a realistic view of what is happening in the day-to-day practice of your facility. They help you sort out problems that need considerable work from issues that appear to be working reasonably well and perhaps need only staff reminders to be on
track. Unlike surveys in which you try to put your best foot forward, this is a survey that requires you to look at both feet honestly and constructively.
ºÝºÝߣ deck for the Public Lecture by Deshal de Mel on "What's wrong with the Sri Lankan Economy". #1 talk from a series of talks hosted by the Advocata Institute.
Este documento describe las comunidades virtuales, su historia y su importancia en la educaci¨®n. Se define una comunidad virtual como aquella cuyas interacciones ocurren en un espacio virtual como Internet en lugar de un espacio f¨ªsico. Explica que las comunidades virtuales surgieron en 1988 con Internet y se hicieron accesibles al p¨²blico en los a?os 90 con la World Wide Web y herramientas como el correo electr¨®nico y los chats. Adem¨¢s, destaca que las comunidades virtuales generan un di¨¢logo efectivo, propician el aprendizaje activo y
?? xem full t¨¤i li?u Xin vui long li¨ºn h? page ?? ???c h? tr?
tai lieu tong hop, thu vien luan van, luan van tong hop, do an chuyen nganh
Este documento define las comunidades virtuales como grupos de personas con intereses similares que interact¨²an en l¨ªnea en lugar de un espacio f¨ªsico. Explora los tipos de comunidades virtuales como videoconferencias, grupos de noticias y redes sociales, y sus objetivos principales como intercambiar informaci¨®n, ofrecer apoyo y conversar. Tambi¨¦n destaca algunos beneficios como la reducci¨®n de costos, distancia y facilidad de uso.