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Lecture 3
So far
 Heuristic constructions; build, break, repeat,

 This isnt very satisfying
 Can we prove that some encryption scheme
is secure?
 First need to define what we mean by
secure in the first place
Modern cryptography
 Historically, cryptography was an art
 Heuristic design and analysis
 Starting in the early 80s,
cryptography began to develop into
more of a science
 Based on three principles that
underpin most real-world
cryptography today
Core principles of modern
 Formal definitions
 Precise, mathematical model and definition
of what security means
 Clearly stated and unambiguous
 Proofs of security
 Move away from design-break-patch cycle
Importance of definitions
 Definitions are essential for the
design, analysis, and sound usage of
Importance of definitions --
 Developing a precise definition forces
the designer to think about what
they really want
 What is essential and (sometimes more
important) what is not
 Often reveals subtleties of the problem
Importance of definitions --
If you dont understand what you want
to achieve, how can you possibly know
when (or if) you have achieved it?
Importance of definitions -- analysis
 Definitions enable meaningful
analysis, evaluation, and comparison
of schemes
 Does a scheme satisfy the definition?
 What definition does it satisfy?
 Note: there may be multiple meaningful
 One scheme may be less efficient than
another, yet satisfy a stronger security
Importance of definitions --
 Definitions allow others to
understand the security guarantees
provided by a scheme
 Enables schemes to be used as
components of a larger system
 Enables one scheme to be
substituted for another if they satisfy
the same definition
 With few exceptions, cryptography
currently requires computational
 At least until we prove P 
NP (and even
that would not be enough)
 Principle: any such assumptions must
be made explicit
Importance of clear
 Allow researchers to (attempt to) validate
assumptions by studying them
 Allow meaningful comparison between
schemes based on different assumptions
 Useful to understand minimal assumptions
 Practical implications if assumptions are
 Enable proofs of security
Proofs of security
 Provide a rigorous proof that a
construction satisfies a given definition
under certain specified assumptions
 Provides an iron-clad guarantee (relative
to your definition and assumptions!)
 Proofs are crucial in cryptography,
where there is a malicious attacker
trying to break the scheme
 Cryptography still remains partly an art as well
 Proofs given an iron-clad guarantee of security
 relative to the definition and assumptions!
 Provably secure schemes can be broken!
 If the definition does not correspond to the real-world
threat model
 I.e., if attacker can go outside the assumed security model
 This happens a lot in practice
 If the assumption is invalid
 If the implementation is flawed
 This happens a lot in practice
 This does not detract from the
importance of having formal
definitions in place and giving proofs
of security
Defining secure
Crypto definitions
 Security guarantee/goal
 What we want to achieve (or what we
want to prevent the attacker from
 Threat model
 What (real-world) capabilities the
attacker is assumed to have
 A private-key encryption scheme is defined
by a message space M and algorithms
(Gen, Enc, Dec):
 Gen (key-generation algorithm): generates k
 Enc (encryption algorithm): takes key k and
m  M as input; outputs ciphertext c
c  Enck(m)
 Dec (decryption algorithm): takes key k and
ciphertext c as input; outputs m.
m := Deck(c)
Private-key encryption
k k
c  Enck(m)
m := Deck(c)
Threat models for
 Ciphertext-only attack
 One ciphertext or many?
 Known-plaintext attack
 Chosen-plaintext attack
 Chosen-ciphertext attack
Goal of secure encryption?
 How would you define what it means
for encryption scheme (Gen, Enc,
Dec) over message space M to be
 Against a (single) ciphertext-only attack
Secure encryption?
 Impossible for the attacker to learn
the key
 The key is a means to an end, not the end
 Necessary (to some extent) but not
 Easy to design an encryption scheme that
hides the key completely, but is insecure
 Can design schemes where most of the
key is leaked, but the scheme is still secure
Secure encryption?
 Impossible for the attacker to learn
the plaintext from the ciphertext
 What if the attacker learns 90% of the
Secure encryption?
 Impossible for the attacker to learn
any character of the plaintext from
the ciphertext
 What if the attacker is able to learn
partial information about the plaintext?
 E.g., salary is greater than $75K
 What if the attacker guesses a character
correctly, or happens to know it?
The right definition
 Regardless of any prior information
the attacker has about the plaintext,
the ciphertext should leak no
additional information about the
 How to formalize?
Perfect secrecy
Probability review
 Random variable: variable that takes on
(discrete) values with certain probabilities
 Probability distribution for a random
variable gives the probabilities with which
the variable takes on each possible value
 Each probability must be between 0 and 1
 The probabilities must sum to 1
Probability review
 Event: a particular occurrence in some experiment
 E.g., the event that random variable X takes value x
 Pr[E]: probability of event E
 Conditional probability: probability that one event
occurs, given that some other event occurred
 Pr[A | B] = Pr[A and B]/Pr[B]
 Two random variables X, Y are independent if
for all x, y: Pr[X=x | Y=y] = Pr[X=x]
Probability review
 Law of total probability: say E1, , En are a
partition of all possibilities. Then for any A:
Pr[A] = i Pr[A and Ei] = i Pr[A | Ei] 揃
 K (key space)  set of all possible
 C (ciphertext space)  set of all
possible ciphertexts
Probability distributions
 Let M be the random variable denoting
the value of the message
 M ranges over M
 Context dependent!
 Reflects the likelihood of different
messages being sent, given the attackers
prior knowledge
Pr[M = attack today] = 0.7
Pr[M = dont attack] = 0.3
Probability distributions
 Let K be a random variable denoting
the key
 K ranges over K
 Fix some encryption scheme (Gen,
Enc, Dec)
 Gen defines a probability distribution for
Pr[K = k] = Pr[Gen outputs key k]
 Generally the uniform distribution, but
Probability distributions
 Assume random variables M and K
are independent
 I.e., parties dont pick the key based on
the message, or the message based on
the key
 In general, this assumption holds
 If it doesnt hold, can cause problems
Probability distributions
 Fix some encryption scheme (Gen, Enc, Dec),
and some distribution for M
 Consider the following (randomized)
1. Generate a key k using Gen
2. Choose a message m, according to the given
3. Compute c  Enck(m)
 This defines a distribution on the ciphertext!
 Let C be a random variable denoting the value
of the ciphertext in this experiment
Example 1
 Consider the shift cipher
 So for all k  {0, , 25}, Pr[K = k] = 1/26
 Say Pr[M = a] = 0.7, Pr[M = z] = 0.3
 What is Pr[C = b] ?
 Either M = a and K = 1, or M = z and K = 2
 Pr[C=b] = Pr[M=a]揃Pr[K=1] + Pr[M=z] 揃Pr[K=2]
Pr[C=b] = 0.7 揃 (1/26) + 0.3 揃 (1/26)
Pr[C=b] = 1/26
Example 2
 Consider the shift cipher, and the
distribution on M given by
Pr[M = one] = 遜, Pr[M = ten]
= 遜
 Pr[C = rqh] = ?
= Pr[C = rqh | M = one] 揃 Pr[M = one]
+ Pr[ C = rqh | M = ten] 揃 Pr[M = ten]
= 1/26 揃 遜 + 0 揃 遜 = 1/52
Perfect secrecy (informal)
 Regardless of any prior information
the attacker has about the plaintext,
the ciphertext should leak no
additional information about the
Perfect secrecy (informal)
 Attackers information about the
plaintext = attacker knows the
distribution of M
 Perfect secrecy: observing the
ciphertext should not change the
attackers knowledge about the
distribution of M
Perfect secrecy (formal)
 Encryption scheme (Gen, Enc, Dec) with
message space M and ciphertext space C is
perfectly secret if for every distribution over
M, every m  M, and every c  C with
Pr[C=c] > 0, it holds that
Pr[M = m | C = c] = Pr[M = m].
 I.e., the distribution of M does not change,
even conditioned on observing the ciphertext
Example 3
 Consider the shift cipher, and the
distribution Pr[M = one] = 遜, Pr[M
= ten] = 遜
 Take m = ten and c = rqh
 Pr[M = ten | C = rqh] = ?
= 0

Pr[M = ten]
Bayess theorem
 Pr[A | B] = Pr[B | A] 揃 Pr[A]/Pr[B]
Example 4
 Shift cipher;
Pr[M=hi] = 0.3,
Pr[M=no] = 0.2,
Pr[M=in]= 0.5
 Pr[M = hi | C = xy] = ?
= Pr[C = xy | M = hi] 揃 Pr[M = hi]/Pr[C = xy]
Example 4, continued
 Pr[C = xy | M = hi] = 1/26
 Pr[C = xy]
= Pr[C = xy | M = hi] 揃 0.3 + Pr[C = xy | M =
no] 揃 0.2
+ Pr[C=xy | M=in] 揃 0.5
= (1/26) 揃 0.3 + (1/26) 揃 0.2 + 0 揃 0.5
= 1/52
Example 4, continued
 Pr[M = hi | C = xy] = ?
= Pr[C = xy | M = hi] 揃 Pr[M = hi]/Pr[C = xy]
= (1/26) 揃 0.3/(1/52)
= 0.6

Pr[M = hi]
 The shift cipher is not perfectly
 At least not for 2-character messages
 How to construct a perfectly secret
One-time pad
 Patented in 1917 by Vernam
 Recent historical research indicates it
was invented (at least) 35 years earlier
 Proven perfectly secret by Shannon
One-time pad
 Let M = {0,1}n
 Gen: choose a uniform key k  {0,1}n
 Enck(m) = k  m
 Deck(c) = k  c
Deck( Enck(m) ) = k  (k  m)
= (k  k)  m = m
One-time pad
n bits
n bits
n bits
Perfect secrecy of one-time
 Note that any observed ciphertext
can correspond to any message
 (This is necessary, but not sufficient, for
perfect secrecy)
 So, having observed a ciphertext, the
attacker cannot conclude for certain
which message was sent
Perfect secrecy of one-time
 Fix arbitrary distribution over M = {0,1}n
arbitrary m, c  {0,1}n
 Pr[M = m | C = c] = ?
= Pr[C = c | M = m] 揃 Pr[M = m]/Pr[C = c]
 Pr[C = c]
= m Pr[C = c | M = m] 揃 Pr[M = m]
= m Pr[K = m  c | M = m] 揃 Pr[M = m]
= m 2-n
揃 Pr[M = m]
= 2-n
Perfect secrecy of one-time
 Fix arbitrary distribution over M =
, and arbitrary m, c  {0,1}n
 Pr[M = m | C = c] = ?
= Pr[C = c | M = m] 揃 Pr[M = m]/Pr[C = c]
= Pr[K = m  c | M = m] 揃 Pr[M = m] / 2-n
= 2-n
揃 Pr[M = m] / 2-n
= Pr[M = m]

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  • 2. So far Heuristic constructions; build, break, repeat, This isnt very satisfying Can we prove that some encryption scheme is secure? First need to define what we mean by secure in the first place
  • 3. Modern cryptography Historically, cryptography was an art Heuristic design and analysis Starting in the early 80s, cryptography began to develop into more of a science Based on three principles that underpin most real-world cryptography today
  • 4. Core principles of modern crypto Formal definitions Precise, mathematical model and definition of what security means Assumptions Clearly stated and unambiguous Proofs of security Move away from design-break-patch cycle
  • 5. Importance of definitions Definitions are essential for the design, analysis, and sound usage of crypto
  • 6. Importance of definitions -- design Developing a precise definition forces the designer to think about what they really want What is essential and (sometimes more important) what is not Often reveals subtleties of the problem
  • 7. Importance of definitions -- design If you dont understand what you want to achieve, how can you possibly know when (or if) you have achieved it?
  • 8. Importance of definitions -- analysis Definitions enable meaningful analysis, evaluation, and comparison of schemes Does a scheme satisfy the definition? What definition does it satisfy? Note: there may be multiple meaningful definitions! One scheme may be less efficient than another, yet satisfy a stronger security definition
  • 9. Importance of definitions -- usage Definitions allow others to understand the security guarantees provided by a scheme Enables schemes to be used as components of a larger system (modularity) Enables one scheme to be substituted for another if they satisfy the same definition
  • 10. Assumptions With few exceptions, cryptography currently requires computational assumptions At least until we prove P NP (and even that would not be enough) Principle: any such assumptions must be made explicit
  • 11. Importance of clear assumptions Allow researchers to (attempt to) validate assumptions by studying them Allow meaningful comparison between schemes based on different assumptions Useful to understand minimal assumptions needed Practical implications if assumptions are wrong Enable proofs of security
  • 12. Proofs of security Provide a rigorous proof that a construction satisfies a given definition under certain specified assumptions Provides an iron-clad guarantee (relative to your definition and assumptions!) Proofs are crucial in cryptography, where there is a malicious attacker trying to break the scheme
  • 13. Limitations? Cryptography still remains partly an art as well Proofs given an iron-clad guarantee of security relative to the definition and assumptions! Provably secure schemes can be broken! If the definition does not correspond to the real-world threat model I.e., if attacker can go outside the assumed security model This happens a lot in practice If the assumption is invalid If the implementation is flawed This happens a lot in practice
  • 14. Nevertheless This does not detract from the importance of having formal definitions in place and giving proofs of security
  • 16. Crypto definitions (generally) Security guarantee/goal What we want to achieve (or what we want to prevent the attacker from achieving) Threat model What (real-world) capabilities the attacker is assumed to have
  • 17. Recall A private-key encryption scheme is defined by a message space M and algorithms (Gen, Enc, Dec): Gen (key-generation algorithm): generates k Enc (encryption algorithm): takes key k and message m M as input; outputs ciphertext c c Enck(m) Dec (decryption algorithm): takes key k and ciphertext c as input; outputs m. m := Deck(c)
  • 18. Private-key encryption k k c key m c Enck(m) message/plaintext encryption ciphertext m := Deck(c) decryption key
  • 19. Threat models for encryption Ciphertext-only attack One ciphertext or many? Known-plaintext attack Chosen-plaintext attack Chosen-ciphertext attack
  • 20. Goal of secure encryption? How would you define what it means for encryption scheme (Gen, Enc, Dec) over message space M to be secure? Against a (single) ciphertext-only attack
  • 21. Secure encryption? Impossible for the attacker to learn the key The key is a means to an end, not the end itself Necessary (to some extent) but not sufficient Easy to design an encryption scheme that hides the key completely, but is insecure Can design schemes where most of the key is leaked, but the scheme is still secure
  • 22. Secure encryption? Impossible for the attacker to learn the plaintext from the ciphertext What if the attacker learns 90% of the plaintext?
  • 23. Secure encryption? Impossible for the attacker to learn any character of the plaintext from the ciphertext What if the attacker is able to learn (other) partial information about the plaintext? E.g., salary is greater than $75K What if the attacker guesses a character correctly, or happens to know it?
  • 24. The right definition Regardless of any prior information the attacker has about the plaintext, the ciphertext should leak no additional information about the plaintext How to formalize?
  • 26. Probability review Random variable: variable that takes on (discrete) values with certain probabilities Probability distribution for a random variable gives the probabilities with which the variable takes on each possible value Each probability must be between 0 and 1 The probabilities must sum to 1
  • 27. Probability review Event: a particular occurrence in some experiment E.g., the event that random variable X takes value x Pr[E]: probability of event E Conditional probability: probability that one event occurs, given that some other event occurred Pr[A | B] = Pr[A and B]/Pr[B] Two random variables X, Y are independent if for all x, y: Pr[X=x | Y=y] = Pr[X=x]
  • 28. Probability review Law of total probability: say E1, , En are a partition of all possibilities. Then for any A: Pr[A] = i Pr[A and Ei] = i Pr[A | Ei] 揃 Pr[Ei]
  • 29. Notation K (key space) set of all possible keys C (ciphertext space) set of all possible ciphertexts
  • 30. Probability distributions Let M be the random variable denoting the value of the message M ranges over M Context dependent! Reflects the likelihood of different messages being sent, given the attackers prior knowledge E.g., Pr[M = attack today] = 0.7 Pr[M = dont attack] = 0.3
  • 31. Probability distributions Let K be a random variable denoting the key K ranges over K Fix some encryption scheme (Gen, Enc, Dec) Gen defines a probability distribution for K: Pr[K = k] = Pr[Gen outputs key k] Generally the uniform distribution, but
  • 32. Probability distributions Assume random variables M and K are independent I.e., parties dont pick the key based on the message, or the message based on the key In general, this assumption holds If it doesnt hold, can cause problems
  • 33. Probability distributions Fix some encryption scheme (Gen, Enc, Dec), and some distribution for M Consider the following (randomized) experiment: 1. Generate a key k using Gen 2. Choose a message m, according to the given distribution 3. Compute c Enck(m) This defines a distribution on the ciphertext! Let C be a random variable denoting the value of the ciphertext in this experiment
  • 34. Example 1 Consider the shift cipher So for all k {0, , 25}, Pr[K = k] = 1/26 Say Pr[M = a] = 0.7, Pr[M = z] = 0.3 What is Pr[C = b] ? Either M = a and K = 1, or M = z and K = 2 Pr[C=b] = Pr[M=a]揃Pr[K=1] + Pr[M=z] 揃Pr[K=2] Pr[C=b] = 0.7 揃 (1/26) + 0.3 揃 (1/26) Pr[C=b] = 1/26
  • 35. Example 2 Consider the shift cipher, and the distribution on M given by Pr[M = one] = 遜, Pr[M = ten] = 遜 Pr[C = rqh] = ? = Pr[C = rqh | M = one] 揃 Pr[M = one] + Pr[ C = rqh | M = ten] 揃 Pr[M = ten] = 1/26 揃 遜 + 0 揃 遜 = 1/52
  • 36. Perfect secrecy (informal) Regardless of any prior information the attacker has about the plaintext, the ciphertext should leak no additional information about the plaintext
  • 37. Perfect secrecy (informal) Attackers information about the plaintext = attacker knows the distribution of M Perfect secrecy: observing the ciphertext should not change the attackers knowledge about the distribution of M
  • 38. Perfect secrecy (formal) Encryption scheme (Gen, Enc, Dec) with message space M and ciphertext space C is perfectly secret if for every distribution over M, every m M, and every c C with Pr[C=c] > 0, it holds that Pr[M = m | C = c] = Pr[M = m]. I.e., the distribution of M does not change, even conditioned on observing the ciphertext
  • 39. Example 3 Consider the shift cipher, and the distribution Pr[M = one] = 遜, Pr[M = ten] = 遜 Take m = ten and c = rqh Pr[M = ten | C = rqh] = ? = 0 Pr[M = ten]
  • 40. Bayess theorem Pr[A | B] = Pr[B | A] 揃 Pr[A]/Pr[B]
  • 41. Example 4 Shift cipher; Pr[M=hi] = 0.3, Pr[M=no] = 0.2, Pr[M=in]= 0.5 Pr[M = hi | C = xy] = ? = Pr[C = xy | M = hi] 揃 Pr[M = hi]/Pr[C = xy]
  • 42. Example 4, continued Pr[C = xy | M = hi] = 1/26 Pr[C = xy] = Pr[C = xy | M = hi] 揃 0.3 + Pr[C = xy | M = no] 揃 0.2 + Pr[C=xy | M=in] 揃 0.5 = (1/26) 揃 0.3 + (1/26) 揃 0.2 + 0 揃 0.5 = 1/52
  • 43. Example 4, continued Pr[M = hi | C = xy] = ? = Pr[C = xy | M = hi] 揃 Pr[M = hi]/Pr[C = xy] = (1/26) 揃 0.3/(1/52) = 0.6 Pr[M = hi]
  • 44. Conclusion The shift cipher is not perfectly secret! At least not for 2-character messages How to construct a perfectly secret scheme?
  • 45. One-time pad Patented in 1917 by Vernam Recent historical research indicates it was invented (at least) 35 years earlier Proven perfectly secret by Shannon (1949)
  • 46. One-time pad Let M = {0,1}n Gen: choose a uniform key k {0,1}n Enck(m) = k m Deck(c) = k c Correctness: Deck( Enck(m) ) = k (k m) = (k k) m = m
  • 47. One-time pad key n bits messag e n bits cipherte xt n bits
  • 48. Perfect secrecy of one-time pad Note that any observed ciphertext can correspond to any message (why?) (This is necessary, but not sufficient, for perfect secrecy) So, having observed a ciphertext, the attacker cannot conclude for certain which message was sent
  • 49. Perfect secrecy of one-time pad Fix arbitrary distribution over M = {0,1}n , and arbitrary m, c {0,1}n Pr[M = m | C = c] = ? = Pr[C = c | M = m] 揃 Pr[M = m]/Pr[C = c] Pr[C = c] = m Pr[C = c | M = m] 揃 Pr[M = m] = m Pr[K = m c | M = m] 揃 Pr[M = m] = m 2-n 揃 Pr[M = m] = 2-n
  • 50. Perfect secrecy of one-time pad Fix arbitrary distribution over M = {0,1}n , and arbitrary m, c {0,1}n Pr[M = m | C = c] = ? = Pr[C = c | M = m] 揃 Pr[M = m]/Pr[C = c] = Pr[K = m c | M = m] 揃 Pr[M = m] / 2-n = 2-n 揃 Pr[M = m] / 2-n = Pr[M = m]