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The basics of creating a GIF animation. Remember how in school on boring
lessons doodling in notebooks of different faces? And then, quickly flipping
through the pages, made these faces animate.
And from boring sites, the eyeballs stuffed tedious, but very necessary
information. Now, if there is also add a few grimacing faces! It's feasible if you
use a gif animation: GIF Format (Graphics Interchange Format) was developed
specifically for intranet sharing bitmaps.
In the recentpast he was the main format for imagesplacedin the webspace. Key featuresof the GIF
format: the Abilityto save imagesin 2. Lightweightimage it was perfect for the initial stage of
developmentofthe world wide web whenthe speedofthe Internetconnectionwas far belowtoday's
standards; Graphic formats in GIFare storedrow by row, keepingonlya certain color range (2. This is
one of the 2. Support for animatedobjects. The last itemof the list and served as a new impetusfor
the popularityof this graphics format.
ANIMATION.The animation isartificial the representationof motionby displayinga sequence of
imagesor frames..Animation, animated picturespage 1 Ads by Google.Thisis interesting.Today I
look.. Animationin advertising.,category: 'Interesting' Animationiswidelyusedinvarious spheresof
life,and inmarketing and advertisingit is very popular.. GIFanimation entersnewterritory email-
messagesand In lettersGIF animation has found wide application.Marketing and advertising.A guide
to raising publications with GIFanimation. Help
advertisingComputer.Russian.AboutadsPagesAdsManagerPowerCreate gif animationscomparedto
the more modernflashtechnologyhasseveral advantages.Chief amongthemwasthe lighterweightof
a graphical object.Therefore, the new scope of the gif animation was the creation of advertising
objectsonthe Internet.NowGIF-basedbuiltalarge part of the contextandteaseradvertisementonthe
Internet(teasers, banners).GIFanimationallowsyou tocreate one graphics object consistingof twoor
more images(frames) arrangedinacertain order.
The animation occurs by changing witha predetermined sequence andfrequency. Whilemostoften
usedthe cyclical repetition of animationframes. Thanksto a few imagesiscompletelyremoved
restrictionsonthe use of only2. This isdue to the fact that each of the drawingsmaycontainyour
palette.Reductionof the overall weight of the animatedobject isalsoachievedbythe use of
transparency, whenthere is onlya partial change of the next frame relative toprevious.In the next
frame draw onlythe changingpart of the image.
The rest can be set transparent,andfordisplayuse initial staticframe.A bitof practice.Butall this is
theory,andit would be desirable inpractice to considerhow you create animations inthe GIFformat.
We had foreseenthisandpreparedalittle masterclassoncreatinganimatedbanner.Todemonstrate
let'suse a specializedgraphiceditorEasyGIFAnimator.Trainingof DispatchersEDDShere.Experience
showsthat mostof these programshave similaruserinterface andfunctionality.Therefore,the
followingprocedure will notdiffermuchfromhow tomake gif animationsinothersimilarimage editors.
Went:On the start page of the program we are askedtoselectthe type oftask that needto be
addressed.We will use the "services"built-inwizardtocreate the banner.To dothis,clickon the
"Create animatedbanner":Inthe nextstepspecifythe size of the future banner.Youcan use the default
values,butwe introduce the parameterslengthandwidthof the object:Thenwe setthe banner's
background.Asthe fill style gradientselected,setitstype andprimarycolors:Inthe nextwindowof the
wizard,we type the textto display, setits size,font,andcolor. From the drop-downlist,choose the
animation effectat the time of the appearance ofthe textand his disappearance.
And setthe time. Note that inthis way youcan adjustthe effectsofseveral phrases(upto three).They
are locatedon separate tabs ("Text1" "Text2"): Before create gif animations,youonly save the banner
file inthe requiredplace.Andwhatisproposedtomake the followingwindow:Afteryouclose the
wizardand save the bannerbefore usthe workingapplication'sinterface.Please note thatonthe left of
our frame-by-frameanimationpresented.And eachframe canbe editedseparately:Linkfor
downloadingthe archive with"full-length"the original will be givenatthe end ofthe article.
A guide to raising publicationswithGIFanimation. HelponadvertisingComputer. Russian.Aboutads
PagesAdsManager Power.
Andhere isa staticpreviewof whatwe've got:How to make animations fromvideo. The basicsof the
process, we slightlyinvestigated.
Nowwe will try to learnhowto make gif animationsfromvideo. The essence of thisprocedure isthat
youfirstneedto "pull"videofromsingle images.Thatis,todecompose itintoshots.Of course,youcan
do itmanuallybysavingthe desiredframe inthe mediaplayer(fortunately,manyof themdo).
But it isbettertouse a special programto extractvideoframesFree VideotoJPGConverter.Asyoucan
tell fromitsname,itsavesvideofootage intoimagesinJPGformat.
The applicationinterface issimple tounderstand.Therefore,we willnotdwell onitsdetailed
description:Aftervideoprocessingutilitywill save photosinyourspecifiedlocation.
Fitall imagesforfuture animationswill have tobe done manuallyusinganygraphical editor.Bestof all,
if it isPhotoshop.Inthe nextstepwe againgo inEasy GIF Animator.
By usingthe tool "Insertimage"isaddedasa frame snapshotfromthe video.Thenyouneedtoseta
delayforeach animatedframe.
And thensave GIFanimationtofile:toFacilitate thisentire process,if youuse the built-in"Masterof
animation".Itisavailable in the program via the menu"File":NowI'll demonstrate thatinthe end
I hope yourcreationwill be notworse,andevenbetterbelow:the Distinctive feature of the program
Easy GIF Animatorisitsfocuson the sphere of webdevelopment.The applicationallowsyounotonly
create animatedbanners,butalsotogenerate forthema simple hml code toinsert.Thisfeature is
available viathe mainmenuitem"Tools":IHope thatafterthisextensivetour,youknow the powerof
creating gif animations.If not, then try to handmake some cool banneror a small animatedbuttonto
place on yourwebsite.

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The basics of creating a gif animation

  • 1. The basics of creating a GIF animation. Remember how in school on boring lessons doodling in notebooks of different faces? And then, quickly flipping through the pages, made these faces animate. And from boring sites, the eyeballs stuffed tedious, but very necessary information. Now, if there is also add a few grimacing faces! It's feasible if you use a gif animation: GIF Format (Graphics Interchange Format) was developed specifically for intranet sharing bitmaps. In the recentpast he was the main format for imagesplacedin the webspace. Key featuresof the GIF format: the Abilityto save imagesin 2. Lightweightimage it was perfect for the initial stage of developmentofthe world wide web whenthe speedofthe Internetconnectionwas far belowtoday's standards; Graphic formats in GIFare storedrow by row, keepingonlya certain color range (2. This is one of the 2. Support for animatedobjects. The last itemof the list and served as a new impetusfor the popularityof this graphics format. ANIMATION.The animation isartificial the representationof motionby displayinga sequence of imagesor frames..Animation, animated picturespage 1 Ads by Google.Thisis interesting.Today I look.. Animationin advertising.,category: 'Interesting' Animationiswidelyusedinvarious spheresof life,and inmarketing and advertisingit is very popular.. GIFanimation entersnewterritory email- messagesand In lettersGIF animation has found wide application.Marketing and advertising.A guide to raising publications with GIFanimation. Help advertisingComputer.Russian.AboutadsPagesAdsManagerPowerCreate gif animationscomparedto the more modernflashtechnologyhasseveral advantages.Chief amongthemwasthe lighterweightof a graphical object.Therefore, the new scope of the gif animation was the creation of advertising objectsonthe Internet.NowGIF-basedbuiltalarge part of the contextandteaseradvertisementonthe Internet(teasers, banners).GIFanimationallowsyou tocreate one graphics object consistingof twoor more images(frames) arrangedinacertain order. The animation occurs by changing witha predetermined sequence andfrequency. Whilemostoften
  • 2. usedthe cyclical repetition of animationframes. Thanksto a few imagesiscompletelyremoved restrictionsonthe use of only2. This isdue to the fact that each of the drawingsmaycontainyour palette.Reductionof the overall weight of the animatedobject isalsoachievedbythe use of transparency, whenthere is onlya partial change of the next frame relative toprevious.In the next frame draw onlythe changingpart of the image. The rest can be set transparent,andfordisplayuse initial staticframe.A bitof practice.Butall this is theory,andit would be desirable inpractice to considerhow you create animations inthe GIFformat. We had foreseenthisandpreparedalittle masterclassoncreatinganimatedbanner.Todemonstrate let'suse a specializedgraphiceditorEasyGIFAnimator.Trainingof DispatchersEDDShere.Experience showsthat mostof these programshave similaruserinterface andfunctionality.Therefore,the followingprocedure will notdiffermuchfromhow tomake gif animationsinothersimilarimage editors. Went:On the start page of the program we are askedtoselectthe type oftask that needto be addressed.We will use the "services"built-inwizardtocreate the banner.To dothis,clickon the "Create animatedbanner":Inthe nextstepspecifythe size of the future banner.Youcan use the default values,butwe introduce the parameterslengthandwidthof the object:Thenwe setthe banner's background.Asthe fill style gradientselected,setitstype andprimarycolors:Inthe nextwindowof the wizard,we type the textto display, setits size,font,andcolor. From the drop-downlist,choose the animation effectat the time of the appearance ofthe textand his disappearance. And setthe time. Note that inthis way youcan adjustthe effectsofseveral phrases(upto three).They are locatedon separate tabs ("Text1" "Text2"): Before create gif animations,youonly save the banner file inthe requiredplace.Andwhatisproposedtomake the followingwindow:Afteryouclose the wizardand save the bannerbefore usthe workingapplication'sinterface.Please note thatonthe left of our frame-by-frameanimationpresented.And eachframe canbe editedseparately:Linkfor downloadingthe archive with"full-length"the original will be givenatthe end ofthe article. A guide to raising publicationswithGIFanimation. HelponadvertisingComputer. Russian.Aboutads PagesAdsManager Power. Andhere isa staticpreviewof whatwe've got:How to make animations fromvideo. The basicsof the process, we slightlyinvestigated. Nowwe will try to learnhowto make gif animationsfromvideo. The essence of thisprocedure isthat youfirstneedto "pull"videofromsingle images.Thatis,todecompose itintoshots.Of course,youcan do itmanuallybysavingthe desiredframe inthe mediaplayer(fortunately,manyof themdo). But it isbettertouse a special programto extractvideoframesFree VideotoJPGConverter.Asyoucan tell fromitsname,itsavesvideofootage intoimagesinJPGformat. The applicationinterface issimple tounderstand.Therefore,we willnotdwell onitsdetailed description:Aftervideoprocessingutilitywill save photosinyourspecifiedlocation. Fitall imagesforfuture animationswill have tobe done manuallyusinganygraphical editor.Bestof all, if it isPhotoshop.Inthe nextstepwe againgo inEasy GIF Animator.
  • 3. By usingthe tool "Insertimage"isaddedasa frame snapshotfromthe video.Thenyouneedtoseta delayforeach animatedframe. And thensave GIFanimationtofile:toFacilitate thisentire process,if youuse the built-in"Masterof animation".Itisavailable in the program via the menu"File":NowI'll demonstrate thatinthe end turnedoutus. I hope yourcreationwill be notworse,andevenbetterbelow:the Distinctive feature of the program Easy GIF Animatorisitsfocuson the sphere of webdevelopment.The applicationallowsyounotonly create animatedbanners,butalsotogenerate forthema simple hml code toinsert.Thisfeature is available viathe mainmenuitem"Tools":IHope thatafterthisextensivetour,youknow the powerof creating gif animations.If not, then try to handmake some cool banneror a small animatedbuttonto place on yourwebsite.