Gestor de proyecto grupo A - SANTIAGO VILADIPLOMADO6
Este documento presenta la caracterización de 5 docentes y su institución educativa Santiago Vila en Ibagué, Colombia. Incluye un diagnóstico inicial de los estudiantes basado en pruebas estandarizadas que muestra necesidad de elevar su nivel académico. Finalmente, propone el proyecto educativo "Manos Creativas" que busca promover la creatividad de los estudiantes usando materiales reciclables como botellas plásticas.
Este documento propone implementar un programa de ense?anza de inglés basado en el modelo constructivista en un colegio técnico. Justifica este enfoque debido a que los estudiantes necesitan desarrollar habilidades para aprender, ser y hacer a escala global. Describe el modelo constructivista y estrategias de aprendizaje significativo como mapas conceptuales. Finalmente, propone actividades prácticas como rol play y herramientas tecnológicas para mejorar la fluidez en inglés de los estudiantes.
Netflix began as a DVD rental service in 1997 and transitioned to online streaming in 2007 in response to declining DVD sales and changing consumer trends. It now has over 86 million subscribers worldwide and a large library of exclusive original content. The online streaming industry is highly dynamic and competitive with low barriers to entry. While Netflix faces threats from new entrants, substitutes, and bargaining suppliers and buyers, it maintains advantages through exclusive contracts and its recommendation algorithm.
Este informe psicológico resume la evaluación de Mariana, una mujer de 59 a?os que busca ayuda por problemas de ansiedad. El informe describe su historia personal y clínica, incluyendo detalles sobre su aspecto, estado de ánimo, pensamientos y juicio. El psicólogo concluye que Mariana probablemente sufre de un trastorno de ansiedad generalizada, basado en sus síntomas como preocupaciones excesivas, taquicardias y dolores de cabeza. Su estructura psíquica se analiza como histérica, influenciada por el aband
El documento describe los componentes principales de una computadora como el gabinete y las memorias extraíbles. Explica que el gabinete es la estructura que alberga y protege componentes internos como la CPU, RAM y placa madre, y que vienen en diferentes tipos como sobremesa, torre y para pantallas integradas. También cubre los diferentes tipos de memorias extraíbles como flash, discos duros portátiles y cintas magnéticas, que permiten almacenar y transportar datos externamente.
Corporate Profile with services and solutions that are offered by HBS at Austin and Trivandrum are described in the document. Has major client listings under each Service/Solution item page. The corporate profile also has contact details of our offices.
This document is a research report submitted by Sujitha Jesurajan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture degree. The report investigates the influence of different storage temperatures (room temperature vs air conditioned storage) on the quality parameters of three wheat flour samples over a 3 month storage period. Physiochemical, biological, and microbiological properties of the flour samples were analyzed at regular intervals, including moisture content, wet gluten, gluten index, protein content, ash content, color value, falling number, weevil count, bacterial count, and yeast/mold count. The results showed that most quality parameters changed over storage time and were influenced by storage temperature, though no clear influence of initial
This document provides information about different types of paragraph development and writing patterns such as description, narration, process, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, and argumentation. It then focuses on descriptive text, giving its purpose, generic structure, and language features. An example is provided where a picture of a mother giraffe and her newborn is described in three paragraphs with precise adjectives and details about color, shapes, and textures to help readers visualize the scene. Guidance is offered on using techniques like spatial features, adjectives, personification, and an outline approach to help write effective descriptive text.
Measure many parameters of a conductive target with a compact instrument ! The Z-Scope*7 allows you to measure thickness, electrical conductivity and distance/position of a target using the eddy current principle. It has an integrated sensitive sensor (a remote sensitive sensor is available), a signal conditionner and an embedded microprocessor. The microprocessor can perform complex signal processing in order to measure the desired parameters while the lift-off is varying. The Z-Scope*7 can operate both in stand-alone mode and USB-connected mode. A powerful software, the WinEC(tm) from Sciensoria, makes advanced signal analysis and produces a calibration function to be downloaded in the memory of the Z-Scope*7.
The Z-Scope*7 offers the ability to measure or detect many things with a simplicity you have ever seen. Have any idea of application ? Feel free to contact us at and visit
Discounting of Reinforcers as a Function of Self-ControlRandi Hovey
This study examined delay discounting of hypothetical monetary and food rewards to determine if primary reinforcers like food are discounted more steeply than generalized reinforcers like money. Participants made choices between immediate and delayed rewards of money or food. Results showed money was discounted less than food, supporting the hypothesis that primary reinforcers are more susceptible to delay discounting. The findings provide further evidence that impulsivity varies based on the type of reinforcer and have implications for understanding behaviors related to substance abuse and overeating.
El documento describe el proceso de reciclaje mecánico del PET, el cual incluye las etapas de acopio, reducción de tama?o, separación, secado y peletizado. El reciclaje mecánico del PET no contamina el medio ambiente y los productos reciclados incluyen fibras, filamentos y resinas que se usan para fabricar nuevos envases, ropa y otros productos. Sin embargo, el reciclaje del PET enfrenta desafíos como los altos costos y la falta de mercados para los productos reciclados.
Este documento resume los conceptos básicos del derecho minero en Perú. Explica que el derecho minero regula las actividades de la industria minera y la adquisición de derechos sobre recursos mineros a través de concesiones otorgadas por el Estado. Describe las funciones del INACC, la DGM y el Consejo de Minería, los cuales son los principales organismos involucrados en la administración de la minería en el país. También define los términos clave como concesiones mineras, petitorios, denuncios, derech
This document provides information about different types of paragraph development and writing patterns such as description, narration, process, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, and argumentation. It then focuses on descriptive text, giving its purpose, generic structure, and language features. An example is provided where a picture of a mother giraffe and her newborn is described in three paragraphs with precise adjectives and details about color, shapes, and textures to help readers visualize the scene. Guidance is offered on using techniques like spatial features, adjectives, personification, and an outline approach to help write effective descriptive text.
Measure many parameters of a conductive target with a compact instrument ! The Z-Scope*7 allows you to measure thickness, electrical conductivity and distance/position of a target using the eddy current principle. It has an integrated sensitive sensor (a remote sensitive sensor is available), a signal conditionner and an embedded microprocessor. The microprocessor can perform complex signal processing in order to measure the desired parameters while the lift-off is varying. The Z-Scope*7 can operate both in stand-alone mode and USB-connected mode. A powerful software, the WinEC(tm) from Sciensoria, makes advanced signal analysis and produces a calibration function to be downloaded in the memory of the Z-Scope*7.
The Z-Scope*7 offers the ability to measure or detect many things with a simplicity you have ever seen. Have any idea of application ? Feel free to contact us at and visit
Discounting of Reinforcers as a Function of Self-ControlRandi Hovey
This study examined delay discounting of hypothetical monetary and food rewards to determine if primary reinforcers like food are discounted more steeply than generalized reinforcers like money. Participants made choices between immediate and delayed rewards of money or food. Results showed money was discounted less than food, supporting the hypothesis that primary reinforcers are more susceptible to delay discounting. The findings provide further evidence that impulsivity varies based on the type of reinforcer and have implications for understanding behaviors related to substance abuse and overeating.
El documento describe el proceso de reciclaje mecánico del PET, el cual incluye las etapas de acopio, reducción de tama?o, separación, secado y peletizado. El reciclaje mecánico del PET no contamina el medio ambiente y los productos reciclados incluyen fibras, filamentos y resinas que se usan para fabricar nuevos envases, ropa y otros productos. Sin embargo, el reciclaje del PET enfrenta desafíos como los altos costos y la falta de mercados para los productos reciclados.
Este documento resume los conceptos básicos del derecho minero en Perú. Explica que el derecho minero regula las actividades de la industria minera y la adquisición de derechos sobre recursos mineros a través de concesiones otorgadas por el Estado. Describe las funciones del INACC, la DGM y el Consejo de Minería, los cuales son los principales organismos involucrados en la administración de la minería en el país. También define los términos clave como concesiones mineras, petitorios, denuncios, derech