El documento describe la educaci¨®n media t¨¦cnica ambiental y sus objetivos. Explica que la educaci¨®n media t¨¦cnica se enfoca en los grados 10 y 11 y que el colegio Gustavo Romero ofrece educaci¨®n t¨¦cnica y tecnol¨®gica para garantizar que los estudiantes est¨¦n mejor capacitados y competentes para ingresar a la educaci¨®n superior, gracias a los esfuerzos de los profesores Iber Zamora, Angela Preciado y Diego Guio.
El documento describe la educaci¨®n media t¨¦cnica ambiental y sus objetivos. Explica que la educaci¨®n media t¨¦cnica se enfoca en los grados 10 y 11 y que el colegio Gustavo Romero ofrece educaci¨®n t¨¦cnica y tecnol¨®gica para garantizar que los estudiantes est¨¦n mejor capacitados y competentes para ingresar a la educaci¨®n superior, gracias a los esfuerzos de los profesores Iber Zamora, Angela Preciado y Diego Guio.
El documento trata sobre varios temas m¨¦dicos como la gota, el tratamiento de la epilepsia en ni?os, la dieta para mantener un pH balanceado y el s¨ªndrome del colon irritable. Tambi¨¦n menciona opciones alternativas para tratar infecciones urinarias y la candidiasis sist¨¦mica, as¨ª como procedimientos para el control del dolor y la remoci¨®n quir¨²rgica de la ves¨ªcula biliar.
It can be complicated learning the ins and outs of any technology stack. When this complexity is compounded by needing to understand how to secure our applications, it can be daunting.
In this talk we will discuss how to rapidly and correctly apply Spring Security to an existing application. Along the way we will demo security exploits and see how to mitigate them, answer frequently asked questions, and learn established best practices.
Whether you are new to Spring Security or a seasoned Spring Security user, this presentation is a must.
El documento describe la educaci¨®n media t¨¦cnica ambiental y sus objetivos. Explica que la educaci¨®n media t¨¦cnica se enfoca en los grados 10 y 11 y que el colegio Gustavo Romero ofrece educaci¨®n t¨¦cnica y tecnol¨®gica para garantizar que los estudiantes est¨¦n mejor capacitados y sean competentes para ingresar a la educaci¨®n superior, gracias a los esfuerzos de los profesores Iber Zamora, Angela Preciado y Diego Guio.
C'era una volta il grafico, Marco Carretta PublisceneMarco Carretta
Comunicare i prodotti dell¡¯azienda in maniera sostenibile.
Attraverso la grafica l'azienda comunica i suoi prodotti: cataloghi, listini, schede prodotto¡Grande o piccolo, interno all'azienda o in out-sourcing, il reparto grafico deve dialogare con il resto dell'azienda, per migliorare la qualit¨¤ e ridurre i tempi ed i costi. In questa era di cambiamenti, la funzione del reparto grafico non ¨¨ solo impaginare, ma gestire progetti e processi, parlando con tutti gli attori coinvolti.
Liberland is Europe's newest micro-nation, proclaimed in April 2015 by a Czech libertarian politician along a disputed area between Croatia and Serbia. It prides itself on personal and economic freedom guaranteed by its constitution, though it has received no diplomatic recognition from UN countries. The document discusses Liberland's establishment, lack of international recognition so far, and opinions that it should maintain neutral relations with major powers and work to establish itself at the UN if it seeks further legitimacy as a new country.
The many benefits of a RESTful architecture has made it the standard way in which to design web based APIs. For example, the principles of REST state that we should leverage standard HTTP verbs in order to help keep our APIs simple. Server components that are considered RESTFul should be stateless which help to ensure that they can easily scale.
However, the best practices of REST and security often seem to clash. How should sensitive information be transmitted in RESTful APIs? How should a user be authenticated in a stateless application? How is it possible to design an API so it is both secure and RESTful? Securing RESTful endpoints is further complicated by the the fact that security best practices evolve so rapidly.
In this talk Rob will explore various ways to perform authentication in RESTful APIs. Along the way we will clear up misconceptions, explore common pitfalls, and discover new insights into authentication.
Ast¨¦rix y Ob¨¦lix se unen al ej¨¦rcito romano con el ¨²nico objetivo de liberar a Tragicomix, el prometido de Falbala, que fue reclutado por la fuerza. Despu¨¦s de varias aventuras y tras llegar al lugar donde mantienen prisionero a Tragicomix, Ast¨¦rix y Ob¨¦lix lo liberan y lo devuelven con Falbala sano y salvo.
Ananda in the Himalayas is a luxury spa and heritage hotel located in Rishikesh, India. It has consistently been rated as the best spa destination in the world by publications like Cond¨¦ Nast Traveler and the readers of Travel and Leisure. The spa offers personalized Ayurvedic and international treatment programs focused on wellness, stress relief, and rejuvenation. Guests can enjoy the scenic surroundings, activities like yoga and hiking, and facilities like an indoor pool and dining in the restored palace building.
Este documento presenta un proyecto educativo sobre los mam¨ªferos dirigido a alumnos de 4o de primaria. El proyecto se desarrollar¨¢ a lo largo de 10 sesiones e incluir¨¢ actividades para conocer las caracter¨ªsticas y clasificaciones de los mam¨ªferos, identificar especies en peligro de extinci¨®n, y fomentar el cuidado del medio ambiente. El proyecto utilizar¨¢ recursos tecnol¨®gicos y busca desarrollar competencias digitales y medioambientales en los estudiantes.
The document outlines the plan for an English lesson about the Olympic Games. The objectives of the lesson are to review vocabulary about sports, improve listening and reading skills, and develop students' knowledge about the history and principles of the Olympics. The lesson involves vocabulary review activities, a presentation about the history of the Olympics, a song, reading comprehension exercises, and an opportunity for students to speak about their favorite sports.
This document discusses smiling and having a positive attitude in the morning. It encourages readers to smile when saying "Good morning" because a smile makes all faces bright and starts the day off right.
The document provides information about the history and symbols of the Olympics. It discusses the creation of the Olympic flag in 1914 by Pierre de Coubertin, with its five rings representing the five inhabited continents. It also notes Coubertin's explanation that the six colors of the rings appear on all national flags and are symbolic of the world united by Olympism. The document then provides sample questions about famous Ukrainian athletes and the sports they compete in, before listing Ukraine's medal count and number of competitors at the 2014 Sochi Olympics. It concludes with a true/false quiz about facts surrounding the ancient Olympic Games.
Music is a universal language according to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. A survey showed that rock, pop, and rap are the most popular music types, comprising 37.5%, 25%, and 25% respectively. In the early 1970s, a Jamaican deejay introduced rap music to the Bronx in New York, blending spoken word with music. Rap artists used their music to advocate for political issues. Eminem enjoyed singing from a young age and formed a band called "M&M" before pursuing a solo career in rap music, releasing successful albums that discussed famous people and scandals.