Implementation of information systems in the economy is particularly important, since there is an urgent need to use the means of information processing in an ever challenging conditions of economic, industrial and other activities
This document discusses statistical analysis and provides definitions and examples. It defines statistical analysis as the process of collecting and analyzing large volumes of data to identify trends and develop insights. It then describes different types of statistical analysis, including descriptive analysis, inferential analysis, prescriptive analysis, predictive analysis, and causal analysis. The document emphasizes the importance of statistical analysis for businesses, researchers, politicians and more. It concludes by explaining some commonly used statistical analysis methods like standard deviation, hypothesis testing, mean, regression, and sample size determination.
This document discusses types of correlation relationships between phenomena. It describes functional relationships where a change in one attribute corresponds to a change in another attribute, and stochastic relationships where this correspondence is probabilistic rather than definitive. Correlation is defined as a stochastic relationship where the average value of one attribute changes with the average value of another. Relationships can be direct or reverse, linear or curvilinear, and involve one or multiple factors. Statistical methods like correlation analysis are used to study and quantify relationships established by theoretical analysis.
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Similar to Composition and characteristics of integrated information systems. ERP-system as a corporate standard (20)
This document discusses statistical analysis and provides definitions and examples. It defines statistical analysis as the process of collecting and analyzing large volumes of data to identify trends and develop insights. It then describes different types of statistical analysis, including descriptive analysis, inferential analysis, prescriptive analysis, predictive analysis, and causal analysis. The document emphasizes the importance of statistical analysis for businesses, researchers, politicians and more. It concludes by explaining some commonly used statistical analysis methods like standard deviation, hypothesis testing, mean, regression, and sample size determination.
This document discusses types of correlation relationships between phenomena. It describes functional relationships where a change in one attribute corresponds to a change in another attribute, and stochastic relationships where this correspondence is probabilistic rather than definitive. Correlation is defined as a stochastic relationship where the average value of one attribute changes with the average value of another. Relationships can be direct or reverse, linear or curvilinear, and involve one or multiple factors. Statistical methods like correlation analysis are used to study and quantify relationships established by theoretical analysis.
This document discusses the subject and method of statistics. It defines statistics as the systematic collection, processing, and dissemination of quantitative data on social phenomena. Statistics has three main categories: 1) statistical aggregates, which are large groups of connected social elements or phenomena, 2) units of the aggregate, which are individual elements that make up the aggregate, and 3) attributes, which are measurable properties of the units. Attributes can be qualitative, quantitative, or descriptive. Statistical patterns include dynamics over time, distributions of population characteristics, structural shifts in populations, and interconnections between variables. The law of large numbers states that statistical patterns are more clear and complete when more population units are observed.
Statistics plays a vital role in many aspects of human life by helping collect, analyze, and interpret crucial data for decision making. In economics, statistics helps measure growth, forecast trends, and evaluate policies to inform decisions around investments, pricing, and resource allocation. It also helps identify economic inequalities to develop targeted policies that reduce poverty and promote development. Understanding basic statistical concepts, making predictions from data, and critical thinking are important skills for interpreting statistics across fields like business, science, and medicine.
Statistical methods can help forecast market trends. Regression analysis and time series analysis are two effective statistical methods. Regression analysis examines the relationship between independent variables, like advertising costs, and dependent variables, like sales. Time series analysis studies indicators over time using methods like exponential smoothing and ARIMA models. No single method is best - their effectiveness depends on the situation and available data. Combining methods can improve forecasts.
Statistics are used in marketing in several ways: to identify market trends and measure the success of marketing programs, provide demographic and competitor data to inform target markets, track customer satisfaction and brand loyalty over time, and analyze household parameters to enable targeted promotions and cross-selling opportunities. Statistical analysis helps marketers accurately identify target audiences and evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing strategies.
Statistics is the science of studying the size, dimensions, and quantitative aspects of mass social phenomena. It has its roots in the Latin word "status" meaning position or state. The scientific system of statistics consists of statistical theory, methodology, and various branches. Statistical theory is the general study of dimensions of social phenomena and indicators. Methodology develops methods for collecting, analyzing, and studying relationships in statistical data. The main branches are mathematical statistics, general theory of statistics, social statistics, economic statistics, and industry statistics. Each branch has a focus area such as studying quantitative social phenomena, principles of statistical science, or indicators of production processes.
This document discusses seasonal fluctuations in economic indicators and their importance for businesses. Seasonal fluctuations refer to changes that occur at different times of the year, usually due to weather, holidays, or other seasonal events. Measuring seasonal fluctuations involves statistical analysis and understanding factors that influence specific variables. Understanding seasonal trends allows businesses to optimize strategies and investors to make informed decisions. Industries like retail, travel, agriculture, and energy experience fluctuations that research can help businesses and investors anticipate.
Statistics originated thousands of years ago in ancient China and Rome where populations were counted. It gradually developed for government management purposes like determining military forces and taxable lands. The term "statistics" was introduced as a science in 1746 by German scientist Gottfried Achenwall who proposed replacing the name of a course taught at universities with "Statistics". Statistics has a long history of collecting census and survey data in countries like Ukraine where censuses of populations and properties have been conducted since ancient times.
Statistics is the science of collecting, analyzing, and presenting empirical data. It aims to provide reliable information about socioeconomic phenomena and processes to administrative bodies and society through research, identification of relationships, and forecasting of trends. Statistical methods involve mass observation, compilation, calculation of generalizing indicators, and interpretation, and are used across economics, marketing, management, and other social sciences by applying tools from mathematics and probability theory.
From personalized health to personalized learning, statistical challenges include developing subgroup analysis, dynamic treatment regimes, algorithmic fairness, postselection inference, causal inference for large and networked data, and addressing emerging data types and adversarial machine learning. Statistical approaches must account for complex real-world data to ensure valid, interpretable and replicable results that can guide high-stake decisions and policy recommendations.
The document discusses the importance of being careful with statistics. It emphasizes verifying sources, checking for biases, understanding context, and questioning assumptions when evaluating statistical claims. Being statistically savvy helps prevent the spread of misinformation and allows people to make more informed decisions based on reliable data. It requires taking the time to thoroughly analyze numbers and dig deeper beyond surface-level interpretations.
The document discusses absolute and relative values. Absolute values are specific numbers that can have different measurement units depending on the phenomenon, while relative values express the ratio of absolute values compared. Relative values are calculated using an ordinary fraction of the value being compared over the base of comparison. Relative values can then be expressed as coefficients, percentages, per mille, or prodecimal depending on the numerator and denominator values.
The document discusses different methods and techniques for sampling in research. It describes the statistical approach to sample formation which uses random selection from the general population to ensure objectivity. An applied approach directly selects representatives according to criteria. Common sampling methods include proportional, class, and stratified sampling, each with advantages and disadvantages depending on the study. Sample size estimation considers factors like confidence level and group size, using formulas like Cochrane and Taylor. Proper sample formation is important for reliable and objective results.
This document discusses methods of presenting statistical data, including statistical tables, diagrams, and references. It describes the T score table and Z score table as the two most commonly used statistical tables. The T score table was discovered by William Sealy Gosset and deals with situations where the population standard deviation is unknown. The Z score table indicates how many standard deviations above or below the mean a data point is. Diagrams are also used to show how variables are related, with common types being line graphs, bar graphs, histograms, and pie charts.
This document discusses different types of data collection methods. It describes primary data collection as gathering original data through surveys, interviews, or experiments, while secondary data collection uses previously collected data. The document also distinguishes between qualitative research, which generates textual data through methods like interviews, and quantitative research, which produces numerical data through surveys and experiments. Finally, it outlines different approaches to structured versus unstructured observation in data collection.
A statistical summary is the process of organizing and analyzing primary statistical data to identify typical features, patterns, and relationships. The main goal is to derive generalized statistical indicators that characterize phenomena and their common traits. A summary can be simple, involving only totals, or complex, dividing data into groups and calculating results for each. It can also be centralized, with all raw data processed centrally, or decentralized, where initial processing is done locally and results combined progressively up the chain. Key aspects of a compilation program include determining grouping variables, metrics to calculate, table layouts, and data coding for computer processing.
A statistical graph visually represents socio-economic data using geometric shapes and lines. It makes large amounts of data easier to understand by creating images of phenomena and allowing viewers to immediately spot trends and relationships. Graphs serve illustrative, control, and analytical functions, being used to characterize phenomena over time and space, study connections between variables, and compare statistical values. They must accurately reflect source data, be clear and easy to understand, and have an artistic design when possible.
The document discusses the history and importance of statistics. It begins by explaining the etymology of the word "statistics," which is derived from Italian and Latin terms relating to the analysis of state data. It then discusses how statistics today involves the collection and distribution of data across many fields using mathematical theories of probability and statistical inference. The document concludes by highlighting some early achievements in statistics, including the development of human statistical and census methods in the 17th century and the introduction of graphical representation and the English term "statistics" in the 18th century.
Composition and characteristics of integrated information systems. ERP-system as a corporate standard
1. Chapter 7:
Composition and
characteristics of
integrated information
systems. ERP-system
as a corporate
丐亠仄舒 7: 弌从仍舒亟 舒舒从亠亳亳从舒
仆亠亞仂于舒仆亳 仆仂仄舒亶仆亳 亳亠仄. ERP-
亳亠仄亳 磻 从仂仗仂舒亳于仆亳亶 舒仆亟舒.
2. Integration - combining
separate parts or functions of the
Integrated information system
- an open set of software and
hardware that supports business
processes and integrates data,
functions and manufacturing
processes into one.
仆亠亞舒 - 仂弍'亟仆舒仆仆 仂从亠仄亳 舒亳仆 舒弍仂
仆从亶 亳亠仄亳.
亟 仆亠亞仂于舒仆仂 仆仂仄舒亶仆仂 亳亠仄仂
仂亰仄 于亟从亳亳亶 从仂仄仗仍亠从 仗仂亞舒仄仆仂-
舒仗舒舒仆亳 亰舒仂弍于, 仂 仗亟亳仄 弍亰仆亠-仗仂亠亳
仗仂亟仆 亟舒仆, 仆从 舒 于亳仂弍仆亳 仗仂亠亳 于
仂亟仆亠 仍亠.
3. Currently, the most popular of integrated information systems are ERP-systems
ERP-system (Enterprise Resource Planning System) - the enterprise resource
planning system, which is becoming world standard.
ERP - the integrated system for planning and managing all resources of the
company, its supply, sales, human resources and salaries, production, research
and development work.
亟舒仆亳亶 舒 仆舒亶弍仍 仗仂仗仍仆 亠亠亟 仆亠亞仂于舒仆亳 仆仂仄舒亶仆亳 亳亠仄 仂亳仄舒仍亳 亳亠仄亳 从仍舒
弌亳亠仄舒 ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning System) - 亳亠仄舒 仗仍舒仆于舒仆仆 亠于 仗亟仗亳仄于舒, 磻舒
舒仍舒 仗亠亠仆亟于舒亳 仆舒 于仂于亳亶 舒仆亟舒.
ERP - 亠 仆亠亞仂于舒仆舒 亳亠仄舒, 仂 亰舒弍亠亰仗亠 仗仍舒仆于舒仆仆 仗舒于仍仆仆 于仄舒 亠舒仄亳 仗亟仗亳仄于舒, 亶仂亞仂
仗仂舒舒仆仆礆, 亰弍仂仄, 从舒亟舒仄亳 亰舒仂弍仆仂 仗仍舒仂, 于亳仂弍仆亳于仂仄, 仆舒从仂于仂-亟仂仍亟仆亳从亳仄亳
从仂仆从仂从亳仄亳 仂弍仂舒仄亳.
4. A key component of the ERP-system is a single database that integrates
information, which is got in different areas of the company (Figure 1).
仍ム仂于亳仄 从仂仄仗仂仆亠仆仂仄 ERP-亳亠仄亳 亟亳仆舒 弍舒亰舒 亟舒仆亳, 仂 仂弍亟仆 仆仂仄舒, 仂亳仄舒仆 于 亰仆亳
亠舒 亟磿仆仂 仗亟仗亳仄于舒 (亳.1).
Figure 1. The typical composition of features and modules of ERP-system
planning and
Planning material
resources and
Project management. Scientific research and
design-technological development
5. ERP class systems, that are oriented on production, should allow to organize
information support of most stages of the supply, production and sales, and
financial planning accounting.
Figure 2 shows a simplified typical minimum of ERP-system.
弌亳亠仄亳 从仍舒 R, 仂仆仂于舒仆 仆舒 于亳仂弍仆亳于仂, 仗仂于亳仆仆 亟仂亰于仂仍亳 仂亞舒仆亰于舒亳 仆仂仄舒亶仆亳亶 仗仂于亟
弍仍仂 亠舒仗于 仗仂舒舒仆仆, 于亳仂弍仆亳于舒 亠舒仍亰舒 仗仂亟从, 舒 舒从仂亢 仆舒仆仂于亳亶 仂弍仍从 仗仍舒仆于舒仆仆.
舒 亳. 2 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆亳亶 仗仂亠仆亳亶 亳仗仂于亳亶 仄仆仄舒仍仆亳亶 从仍舒亟 ERP-亳亠仄亳.
Figure 2. Simplified typical minimum of ERP-system
Provider Consumer
Module of financial
accounting and planning
SCM-module MRP II-module CRM-module
6. In the practice of management, are widely common such
software systems that are integrated within the framework of
ERP-systems into a single one:
SCM (Supply Chain Management);
弌R (Customer Relationship Management);
R (Material Requirements Planning ). Includes 弌RP
(Capacity Requirements Planning), unlike the previous MRP 1;
Module of financial accounting and planning.
丕 仗舒从亳 仗舒于仍仆仆 亳仂从仂亞仂 仗仂亳亠仆仆 仆舒弍仍亳 舒从 仗仂亞舒仄仆 亳亠仄亳, 仂 仆亠亞ム 于 舒仄从舒
ERP-亳亠仄 于 仂亟仆亠 仍亠:
SCM (Supply Chain Management) - 仗舒于仍仆仆 仍舒仆ミ覚夷斜 仗仂舒于仂从;
弌R (Customer Relationship Management) - 仗舒于仍仆仆 于亰舒仄仂于亟仆仂亳仆舒仄亳 亰 从仍仆舒仄亳;
R (Material Requirements Planning ) - 仗仍舒仆于舒仆仆 仗仂亠弍亳 于 仄舒亠舒仍舒. 从仍ム舒 弌RP
(Capacity Requirements Planning) - 仗仍舒仆于舒仆仆 仗仂亠弍亳 于亳仂弍仆亳亳 仗仂亢仆仂, 仆舒 于亟仄仆 于亟
仗仂仗亠亠亟仆仂 MRP 1);
仄仂亟仍 仆舒仆仂于仂亞仂 仂弍仍从 仗仍舒仆于舒仆仆.
7. On the central place is MRP II-system, whose main task is calculating the
necessary materials and loading equipment for industrial technological route
by the time his setting, stading, adjusting production plans, etc.
SCM-system provides coordination and control of all supply chain
SCM-systems allow companies, that producing complex products, to
organize the transfer of requirements to subcontractors, suppliers coordinate
and plan production schedules for the rational use of production and
warehouse space.
丶亠仆舒仍仆亠 仄亠 亰舒亶仄舒 R 亳亠仄舒, 仂仆仂于仆亠 亰舒于亟舒仆仆 磻仂 仗仂仍磪舒 于 仂亰舒仆从舒 仆亠仂弍亟仆亳
仄舒亠舒仍于 亰舒于舒仆舒亢亠仆仆 舒从于舒仆仆 仗仂 于亳仂弍仆亳亳仄 亠仆仂仍仂亞仆亳仄 仄舒舒仄 亰 舒于舒仆仆礆 舒
仆舒 亶仂亞仂 仗亠亠仆舒仍舒亞仂亟亢亠仆仆, 仗仂仂, 从仂亳亞于舒仆仆 仗仍舒仆于 于亳仂弍仆亳于舒 .亟.
弌亳亠仄舒 SCM 亰舒弍亠亰仗亠 从仂仂亟亳仆舒 从仂仆仂仍 于 舒仆亳从于 仍舒仆ミ勤歳 仗仂舒舒仆仆.
SCM-亳亠仄亳 亟仂亰于仂仍ム 仗亟仗亳仄于舒仄, 仂 于亳仗从舒ム 从仍舒亟仆 仗仂亟从, 仂亞舒仆亰于舒亳 仗亠亠亟舒
于亳仄仂亞 弍仗亟磲仆亳从舒仄, 从仂仂亟亳仆于舒亳 仂弍仂 亰 仗仂舒舒仍仆亳从舒仄亳, 舒 舒从仂亢 仗仍舒仆于舒亳 于亳仂弍仆亳 亞舒从亳
亟仍 舒仂仆舒仍仆仂亞仂 于亳从仂亳舒仆仆 于亳仂弍仆亳亳 从仍舒亟从亳 仗亳仄亠仆.
8. 仄 仂亞舒仆亰舒 仂弍仂亳 亰
仗仂舒舒仍仆亳从舒仄亳 于舒亢仍亳于亠 仄亠 亰舒亶仄舒
仂弍仂舒 亰 从仍仆舒仄亳.
仍 仂亞仂 于仂ムム 弌R-亳亠仄亳,
仂 亰舒弍亠亰仗亠ム 仗仂于仆亳亶 亳从仍 仗仂于仂亟
仂仆仂于 舒从仂亞仂 仂亟 亳亠仄 仍亠亢亳
亟亳仆舒 弍舒亰舒 亟舒仆亳 仗仂 仗仂亠仆亶仆亳 舒
亠舒仍仆亳 仗仂从仗于.
仂仍仂于仆舒 仗亠亠于舒亞舒 CRM 仗仂仍磪舒 于
仆亠亞舒 仗仂从仗 于 仗仂亠
In addition to organizing work with suppliers, the important place is occupied
by working with clients.
To do this, are created CRM-systems, that providing full cycle of support
At the heart of such systems is the single database of potential and real
The main advantage of CRM is integration customer into the production
9. With the help of CRM-systems are carried out:
1. search and analysis of customer information;
2. market planning (for client groups are made proposals, are defined sales
channels, etc.);
3. interaction with customers.
Manufacturers can obtain significant benefits by receiving and processing
information such as:
customer service;
research and design;
after-sales service.
舒 亟仂仗仂仄仂亞仂 CRM-亳亠仄 亰亟亶仆ム:
1. 仗仂从 舒仆舒仍亰 仆仂仄舒 仗仂 从仍仆于;
2. 仗仍舒仆于舒仆仆 亳仆从 (亟仍 亞仗 从仍仆于 于亳仂弍仍ム 仗仂仗仂亰亳, 于亳亰仆舒舒ム 从舒仆舒仍亳 仗仂亟舒亢 .亟.);
3. 于亰舒仄仂亟 亰 从仍仆舒仄亳.
亳仂弍仆亳从亳 仄仂亢 仂亳仄舒亳 于 仗亠亠于舒亞亳 亰舒 舒仆仂从 仂亳仄舒仆仆 仂弍仂弍从亳 舒从仂 仆仂仄舒, 磻:
仄舒从亠亳仆亞; 仂弍仍亞仂于于舒仆仆 从仍仆于; 亟仂仍亟亢亠仆仆 从仂仆ミ火夷出術; 仗仍礚仂亟舒亢仆亠 仂弍仍亞仂于于舒仆仆.
10. By itself, the information system,
independently of how good it is, brings
little impact on increasing the
productivity of the company.
Defining the business strategy and the
correlation of the strategy to purposes
and tasks that are solving by selected
ERP-system, is the basis for a
decision of its implementation.
弌舒仄舒 仗仂 仂弍 仆仂仄舒亶仆舒 亳亠仄舒, 仆亠亰舒仍亠亢仆仂 于亟
仂亞仂, 仆舒从仍从亳 于仂仆舒 亞舒仆舒, 仗亳于仆仂亳 仍舒弍从亳亶
于仗仍亳于 仆舒 亰弍仍亠仆仆 仗仂亟从亳于仆仂 仗亟仗亳仄于舒.
亳亰仆舒亠仆仆 舒亠亞 弍亰仆亠 仗于于亟仆亠亠仆仆
舒亠亞 亰 仍礆亳 亰舒于亟舒仆仆礆亳, 磻 仗仂从仍亳从舒仆舒
于亳于舒亳 仂弍舒仆舒 ER-亳亠仄舒, 仂仆仂于仂 亟仍
仗亳亶仆 亠仆仆 仗仂 于仗仂于舒亟亢亠仆仆.