Computer is an electronic device capable of accepting, storing and processing data to make it useful information. There are several types of computers including analog, hybrid, mainframe, microcomputer, desktop, laptops, personal data assistants, minicomputers, supercomputers, and wearable computers. Each type has distinct characteristics such as analog computers using continuous variables for mathematical operations, hybrid computers combining digital and analog segments, mainframes being used by large organizations for critical applications, and supercomputers effectively performing highly calculation-intensive tasks.
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Types of computer
1. Computer is an electronic device
capable of accepting, storing and
processing data to make it as a
useful information
2. • Analog
• Hybrid
• Mainframe
• Microcomputer
• Desktop
• Laptops
• Personal Data Assistants
• Minicomputers
• Supercomputers
• Wearable Computers
3. analog computer can
perform several
simultaneously. It uses
continuous variables
for mathematical
operations and utilizes
mechanical or
electrical energy.
4. combination of both
digital and analog
computers. In this type of
computers, the digital
segments perform
process control by
conversion of analog
signals to digital ones.
5. large organizations use
mainframes for highly
critical applications
can fit on desks or tables
and serve as the best
choices for single-user
6. desktops are widely popular
for daily use in workplaces
and households.
enabled with an inbuilt
keyboard, touch pad
acting as a mouse and
a liquid crystal display
7. It is a handheld computer.
used as portable audio
players, web browsers and
smart phones.
lie in between mainframes
and microcomputers
8. the highly calculation-
intensive tasks can be
effectively performed by
means of supercomputers.
great help in tracking human
actions; study of behavior
modeling and human health