This week Facebook announced changes to user profiles including the launch of Timeline, a new profile design that displays a user's entire Facebook activity in a colorful, searchable timeline. Facebook also extended their Open Graph functionality to allow third-party apps to integrate actions and objects into the Facebook experience automatically. Additionally, Yahoo launched a new socially curated news feature that shows users news stories their friends have read on Facebook and Yahoo.
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1. Social Digest: Week of September 19
Facebooks Timeline Design
Facebook Moves Beyond Yahoo and Facebook to
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offer Socially Curated News
This week at Facebooks f8 event in Facebook has, once again, changed The new Yahoo News feature,
San Francisco, they announced the social experience with the whose release coincides with the
several changes to the platform. extension of their Open Graph launch of the new Facebook Open
Perhaps the biggest was the launch functionality to integrate arbitrary Graph, is an attempt to infuse
of their radical new pro鍖le design actions and objects created by 3rd social into the news curation and
the Timeline.
party apps into the Facebook discovery process.
Timeline will turn your pro鍖le into Once users opt into the service,
a colorful, easily searchable This means you will not need to they will be able to see what
timeline of your entire Facebook choose to Share or Like your online news stories their friends have read
existence. The Timeline will actions,, rather the Open Graph on both Facebook and Yahoo
of鍖cially go live in a few weeks.
will automatically share it to your News.
Facebook page for you.