The document provides instructions for completing a budget template for research proposals at Saint Louis University. It explains the template includes automatically calculated fields and different sheets for budgets of varying years. It provides guidance on entering personnel salaries and fringe rates, equipment, travel costs, and calculating indirect costs using the included rates sheet. Researchers should consult with their department administrators and ORS representatives when preparing a proposal budget using this template.
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1. Budget Template
Saint Louis University
Office of Research Services
March 19, 2008
2. About the Template
Although a detailed budget may not be required for
submission with your proposal, the template will still be
useful when completing the budget required to be
submitted to ORS.
Many fields will fill-in automatically once base numbers
are entered.
Different sheets are available based on number of
years proposed.
One sheet is blank. No formulas are used, except for
totals. Use this sheet if you need to make modifications
to the formulas or want to enter numbers manually.
Extra sheets can be deleted to avoid confusion. If using
the sheets with formulas, be sure not to delete the
Rates tab.
3. Getting Started
Talk to the Business Manager or Proposal
Helper in your department about your
Let your departments ORS representative
know that you are going to be submitting a
Gather current rates for all salaries to be
included in budget.
Complete paperwork for Tuition
Scholarships and Cost-Sharing, if needed.
4. Rates
Calculations on spreadsheets will be made using the Rates
If your proposal does not start in the current fiscal year, you
will need to make a few minor adjustments to this sheet. If
your proposal does start during the current fiscal year, you
will not need to make any changes to this page.
Check Research Services website periodically for new
spreadsheets including updated rates.
5. Change to
FY 2009, etc. Rates Change
subsequent titles
Type $184 here Type $887 here
If your proposal does not start during FY2008, you will need to:
1) Adjust all 3 Fringe Benefits rows (they will not automatically change across
the page). Remember fringe benefits increase by 1% per year. The
following cells in each row will need to be adjusted manually. They
will not change automatically.
2) Type the FY2009 (if this is the FY in which your proposal starts) rate for
Graduate Health Insurance and Graduate Tuition over the rate in the
FY2008 column. The rest of the years will automatically populate. These
should increase 5% each year.
3) Change the Column titles (e.g. FY 2008) to the correct year.
6. 1 PI and Co-PI Salaries
1) Enter the Grant Period Dates
2) Enter your current contract amount (if you are not receiving salary from the
grant, enter 0)
3) Enter the length of your contract (must 0)
4) Number of months per year the grant will pay your salary (can enter
decimals for partial months)
5) Enter Co-PIs current contract amount (if no Co-PIs are being paid, enter 0)
6) Enter the length of their contract (must 0)
7) Number of months per year the grant will pay their salary
7. Other Personnel Salary (Full-time)
1) Fill in the blanks. It will populate the table on the left, just as it did with PI
and Co-PI salaries.
8. Other Personnel Salary (Full-time)
1) If you have more than one salary rate for Graduate Students, Staff, etc.,
you should overwrite the formula in the first year of the corresponding
budget line with the total salaries for that type of personnel.
Example: You need to budget 2 staff workers on the grant. Both are full-
time, but have different duties. One makes $27,000 and the other
makes $35,000. Therefore, you can overwrite the formula in cell B13
with 62,000. A 3% rate increase will be automatically calculated for the
following years.
9. Fringe Benefits
Fringe Benefits for PI
and Co-PIs are
calculated at the Part-
Time/Summer Rate
1) = B5*Rates!B3 2) Change to = B5*Rates!B4
Fringe Benefits will be calculated using the rates listed on the rates tab of the workbook.
1) The spreadsheet is set-up to calculate PI and Co-PI Fringes at the Summer rate
(13.3% for FY2008, 14.3% for FY2009, etc.).
2) If you need to charge the full-time rate, a formula adjustment will need to be made.
* Change Rates!B3 to Rates!B4 in the formula. After you have clicked on the first
- Hit F2
- Delete Rates!B3
- Click on the Rates tab
- Click on cell B4 and then hit Enter
10. Fringe Benefits
+ 1
1) In order to make the changes work in adjacent cells, move your mouse
to the bottom right corner of the cell you just changed. It will turn into a
2) Press the left mouse button and drag the mouse to the right until you
have highlighted the adjacent cells .
12. Equipment, Travel and
Participant Support Costs
Equipment (capital only)- Enter all equipment that is valued at $5,000+ per unit with a life
expectancy of 2+ years and is non-expendable. (Capital equipment will be automatically
removed from the indirect cost calculation.)
Feel free to change Item 1, etc. to the name of the item, so it will be easier to keep track of.
If you need more than 3 items of capital equipment:
Right click on line 33
Click Insert. A new line will appear below Item 3.
Add the name of the item and enter the amount.
Participant Support costs will not automatically calculate; enter each amount separately
(they will total in Row 45 and be included in Indirect Costs automatically).
13. Other Direct Costs
1) All subawards should be entered here.
2) Enter the number of Subawards that are >$25,000. (If not
entered here, they will not be counted in the Indirect Cost
3) If you cant find another line on the budget for an item, it can
be listed under number 6 of Other Direct Costs. Be sure to
explain it in your budget justification.
14. Indirect Costs
Indirect Costs = Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A)
F&A Costs include, for example, use of space and equipment, depreciation
on equipment and facilities, utility costs, financial accounting, departmental
administrative costs, and numerous other support services. These costs
cannot be easily attributed to individual sponsored research projects,
therefore a rate has been calculated.
1) Total Direct Costs include all costs in lines A-G.
2) Indirect Cost Base automatically excludes Graduate Tuition, Capital
Equipment and Subawards (see slide 16 for further info on subawards).
Indirect Costs are automatically calculated at the on-campus rate
15. Indirect Costs (Off Campus Rate)
1) = B58*Rates!B8 2) Change to = B58*Rates!B9
When work on a grant is being performed at an off-campus site, a different rate should be
charged for Indirect Costs.
1) The spreadsheets are defaulted to charge the on-campus rate (47%).
2) If you need to charge the full-time rate, a formula adjustment will need to be made.
* Change Rates!B8 to Rates!B9 in the formula. After you have clicked on the first
- Hit F2
- Delete Rates!B8
- Click on the Rates tab
- Click on cell B9 and then hit Enter
16. Indirect Costs on Subawards
Example 1 =(B57-B54-B52- Example 2 =(B57-B54-B52-
B33)+(H52*25000)+20000 B33)+(H52*25000)+5000
In order for Subawards, <$25,000, to have Indirect Costs charged to them, the
formula in the first cell of Indirect Cost Base will need to include their total
(only the first cell of ICB will need to change).
Example 1: You have 2 subawards, one for $15,000 and the other for $5,000. Since
neither of them are >$25,000, they will not be automatically calculated in the indirect
costs. You will have to add $20,000 to the indirect cost base.
- Add +20000 to the end of the formula
Example 2: You have 2 subawards, one for $50,000 and another for $5,000. You will
only need to add $5,000 to the indirect cost base formula. As long as you have put
a 1 in the box for the # of Subawards >$25,000, the indirect costs on the $50,000
subaward will automatically be calculated.
- Add +5000 to the end of the formula.
- If you do not add 5000 to the end of the formula, no indirect costs will be
charged to it.
17. Amount of Request and
Cost Share Amount
(Example 1) $6,000 (Example 2) $7,000
1) Amount of Request is the total amount per year that you are requesting from the
2) Enter any approved cost share dollars here. (They will not be included in any
Cost Share (Matching Funds) is the amount of money SLU will be spending to support this
Example 1: Cost sharing is required by the sponsor. Your department head agrees to
cost share $6,000 towards the purchase of a new computer needed to perform the
research. You would include that $6,000 here.
Example 2: The maximum amount allowed to request for the grant is $5,000. This will
only cover the cost of supplies. You will be cost sharing your time on the project,
because you will not be getting paid from the grant, but will be getting paid by the
university to work on the grant. Your salary for this time is $7,000. This is the amount
that the university is cost-sharing.
18. Example 1
$250,000 maximum budget
Project Period 6/1/2008 5/31/2010
PI Salary is $72,000. He has a 9 month contract and is requesting the
sponsor pay for 2 summer months salary per year.
2 Co-PIs will be getting paid.
#1- $60,000 salary, 9 month contract, 1 summer months/year
#2- $85,000 salary, 9 month contract, 2 summer months/year
1 Graduate Student
Stipend = $16,000 per year
Will work 9 months/year
Needs 18 credit hours of tuition
2 Undergraduate Students
10 hours/week
8 weeks
Microscope - $7,500 in Year 1
Travel - $1,500 per year domestic
No Participant Support Costs
However much supplies money as they can get
19. Example 2
Project Period 6/1/2008 5/31/2011
PI Salary is $80,000. He has a 9 month contract and is requesting the sponsor pay
for 2 summer months salary per year.
2 Co-PIs will be getting paid.
#1- $60,000 salary, 9 month contract, 1 summer months/year
#2- $85,000 salary, 9 month contract, 2 summer months/year
1 Graduate Student
Stipend = $16,000 per year
Will work 9 months/year
Needs 18 credit hours of tuition
2 Undergraduate Students
10 hours/week
8 weeks
Spectrophotometer - $12,000
Travel - $1,500 per year domestic
$4,000 per year foreign
No Participant Support Costs
However much supplies money as they can get
2 Subawards
#1- $30,000
#2- $10,000