Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Kansas City, Missouri, Missouri US
Broker/Owner Freedom Realty
I live life as a healer and encourager. I strive to set an example to all who know me. Integrity is my guiding principal and my first thought. I apply the Rotarian Guiding Principles and Four Way Test, so that I may always be on the right path.
1. Is it the Truth?
2. Is it Fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
4. Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
I live with the purpose to Inspire, Educate and Enable those who know me and those who need me. My success will not be measured by how well I succeed, but how many I can bring with me. I am a philanthropist (means love of humanity), healer and encourager to all who I meet. I am a friend to frie
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