Sithembiso Basil Nkosi'skhumbule Mngadi was born in 1981 at Wangu eNyoni. Igama lobunsizwa babembiza ngoNgibambedali,ozalwa uMamdakane noDuwi,uDuwi ezalwa uSkonidoyi,yena ezalwa uSandwiches & bread.
Received education in the following institutions: Wangu Primary,Somshoko High,Ohlange High,Imvunge High,Durban Tech,Swinton Tech,& TEE College.
Employed in the following companies: SA Army,Chippewa Spur,Bronco Creek Spur,Transnet,MTA,andcurrently founder & CEO of Yalomhlaba.
Received Christ in the year 2000. Made public declaration of his devotion to Him on 24/03/2002. Received Holy Spirit baptism on 26/06/2003. Received God's calling to serve in 2009. Anointed as a pastor at True Light