Hi. Biggest One Direction fan since bootcamp. Proud to be part of the #1Dfamily.
Find me on Twitter: @VanillaBear1D
or TUMBLR (yeah imma tumblr girl *beyonce booty shake*) www.onedirectionareminebaby.tumblr.com
20.01.2012<--- that day? Pffft, best day of my life. Front row, Circle, sheffield. Wave of Harry&Niall saluted our row. I was the girl doing the traffic light, just saying;D
I worked hard for those tickets, got them 48 hours before the show. You bet that included me screaming my head off. I love these guys<3 One Direction make my life happy!(but when I didn't get these tickets I cried-loads and loads)
You can call me obbessed, dedicated, a saddo, mad...I don't really give a crap -