The document provides guidance on how to effectively analyze and respond to a writing prompt. It advises the reader to carefully read the prompt twice to understand the purpose, audience, and format. Key details to pay attention to include understanding the task or question being asked, who the intended audience is, and what type of structure is required, such as persuasive, expository, or compare/contrast. The document also defines common prompt words and provides examples to illustrate what is being asked, such as relating topics, tracing a sequence of events, comparing similarities and differences, or analyzing parts of a topic.
This document provides definitions and examples of different types of poetry structures and forms, including rhyme schemes, stanzas, couplets, triplets, quatrains, cinquains, clerihews, haikus, limericks, acrostics, narrative poems, found poetry, and shape poetry. It explains the key characteristics of each type such as line and syllable count, rhyming patterns, and subject matter. Examples are provided to illustrate each form of poetry discussed.
This document provides guidance on analyzing texts. It discusses reading texts carefully and considering the context, purpose, and arguments made. The key aspects of textual analysis are summarizing the text, interpreting it based on evidence and reasoning, and relating it to larger issues. Analyses can be organized thematically or by examining each part separately. Close reading, annotating, outlining ideas, and revising are important for developing a clear and well-supported analysis.
The author realizes that using AREL (Assertion, Reasoning, Example, Link), a structure they learned in debate, could help improve how they communicate ideas at their startup. AREL provides an understandable form for arguments. The author plans to practice organizing their thoughts into the AREL structure before discussing ideas with their co-founders, in order to present ideas more clearly.
Learning Skills 2 Reading For Information 際際滷sRuzita Ramly
This document discusses different reading techniques for fast and slow reading. It describes scanning and skimming as techniques for fast reading to gain an overview or locate specific information. Slow reading techniques include analytical and critical approaches to understand, evaluate, and remember information read. The SQ3R method is presented as an active approach for slow reading academic material, involving surveying, questioning, reading, reciting, and reviewing the content.
This document discusses various prewriting techniques that can be used before drafting a written work. It describes prewriting as the first step in the writing process where a writer thinks about the purpose and audience. Some common techniques mentioned are listing ideas, freewriting, clustering related ideas visually, and using heuristic methods like cubing or tagmemics to explore a topic from different angles. The goal of prewriting is to generate and organize ideas before beginning the drafting stage.
This document provides definitions and examples of different types of poetry structures and forms, including rhyme schemes, stanzas, couplets, triplets, quatrains, cinquains, clerihews, haikus, limericks, acrostics, narrative poems, found poetry, and shape poetry. It explains the key characteristics of each type such as line and syllable count, rhyming patterns, and subject matter. Examples are provided to illustrate each form of poetry discussed.
This document provides guidance on analyzing texts. It discusses reading texts carefully and considering the context, purpose, and arguments made. The key aspects of textual analysis are summarizing the text, interpreting it based on evidence and reasoning, and relating it to larger issues. Analyses can be organized thematically or by examining each part separately. Close reading, annotating, outlining ideas, and revising are important for developing a clear and well-supported analysis.
The author realizes that using AREL (Assertion, Reasoning, Example, Link), a structure they learned in debate, could help improve how they communicate ideas at their startup. AREL provides an understandable form for arguments. The author plans to practice organizing their thoughts into the AREL structure before discussing ideas with their co-founders, in order to present ideas more clearly.
Learning Skills 2 Reading For Information 際際滷sRuzita Ramly
This document discusses different reading techniques for fast and slow reading. It describes scanning and skimming as techniques for fast reading to gain an overview or locate specific information. Slow reading techniques include analytical and critical approaches to understand, evaluate, and remember information read. The SQ3R method is presented as an active approach for slow reading academic material, involving surveying, questioning, reading, reciting, and reviewing the content.
This document discusses various prewriting techniques that can be used before drafting a written work. It describes prewriting as the first step in the writing process where a writer thinks about the purpose and audience. Some common techniques mentioned are listing ideas, freewriting, clustering related ideas visually, and using heuristic methods like cubing or tagmemics to explore a topic from different angles. The goal of prewriting is to generate and organize ideas before beginning the drafting stage.
2. Sm奪 rimmade
verser p奪 en
En nerklottrad
tanke i en
En l奪ttext
Djupsinnig text i
en diktsamling
Ge hopp
3. Dikter 辰r texter som vill .
Ber辰tta om k辰nslor och tankar,
h辰ndelser och dr旦mmar
Beskriva .
F旦rklara .
4. K辰nda svenska
Poetry slam
t辰vlingar i poesi
Gustav Fr旦ding (1860-1911)
Edith S旦dergran (1892-1923
Karin Boye (1900-1941)
Nils Ferlin (1898-1961)
Tomas Transtr旦mer (1931-
Bodil Malmsten
Solja Krapu (1960-
Musiktexter Laleh (1982-
7. Haiku
o Japansk diktform
o Best辰mt antal stavelser (5-7-5)
o Om naturen, 奪rstiderna
o verraskande v辰ndning i slutet
Bunden poesi
Slussenhaiku 07.45
kisar i morgonljuset
tiggkaffet svalnar
av P辰r Sahlin (2009)
det finns typiska drag/tips/knep
8. Fem-rading
Som namnet s辰ger ska dikten ha fem rader
Rad 1 ett substantiv
Rad 2 tv奪 adjektiv
Rad 3 tre verb, eller tre ord som uttrycker handling
Rad 4 fyra ord som uttrycker en k辰nsla
Rad 5 upprepa rad 1 eller en synonym
h辰ftigt, h奪rt
旦ser, piskar, plaskar
f旦rst旦r v奪r h辰rliga picknick
9. Versrad
o Rad i en dikt
o V辰lj sj辰lv n辰r du vill byta rad
o Mitt i en meningeller..efter ett ord
o Radbyten markerar paus och ger rytm i
o Flera versrader som h奪lls ihop
o Kallas ocks奪 vers
10. Anafor
o Ett eller flera ord upprepas i b旦rjan
av versraderna
o Rytmiskt
o Lekfullt
aldrig fega ur
aldrig bli medelm奪ttig
aldrig simma medstr旦ms
o Upprepning i slutet av
11. Rim
o Vanligaste s辰ttet 辰r att l奪ta tv奪 versrader
sluta med samma 辰ndelse
Sl奪ss f旦r oss som sl奪ss och jag r奪kar
Sl奪ss f旦r oss som sl奪ss, inte br奪kar
Till dunka-dunka dunk och str奪kar
12. Allitteration
o Flera ord i versraden b旦rjar p奪
samma bokstav eller spr奪kljud
Vi tankar tankar ur ton奪rsrummen
Vi jagar genom varma v辰nthallar
o r en j辰mf旦relse mellan tv奪 ord eller begrepp
o Ordet som eller liksom
Hon luktar som en ros
Pennan sv辰var som en balettdans旦s 旦ver papperet
o Ocks奪 en liknelse MEN har inte orden som eller liksom
o Ers辰tter ist辰llet ett ord med ett annat mer bildligt ord
eller uttryck
nu stannar jag i min l辰genhet och
f奪r lite myror i huvudet
f奪r lite fj辰rilar i magen
16. Personifiering/besj辰lning
Personifiering eller besj辰lning 辰r n奪got man kan
anv辰nda sig av d奪 man skriver, kanske f旦r att v辰cka en
k辰nsla hos l辰saren eller f旦r att beskriva n奪got p奪 ett
annorlunda s辰tt. Man ger saker m辰nskliga
Ex: M奪nen gr辰t och havet var rasande
17. Cirkelkomposition
N辰r du knyter ihop b旦rjan och slutet i en dikt med
samma ord, versrad eller strof anv辰nder du dig av detta.
I m奪nga filmer anv辰nds cirkelkomposition f旦r att knyta
ihop filmens b旦rjan och slut
18. Uppgifter:
1 L辰s igenom n奪gra av dikterna h旦gt, tyst, enskilt eller tillsammans i
grupp. L辰ser ni h旦gt, t辰nk p奪 att l辰sa med inlevelse. Bada i
2 Hj辰lps 奪t att g旦ra uppgifterna i LPP:n Lyrik-Dikt och Tanke, s
*Diktanalys av en dikt/l奪ttext som betyder n奪got f旦r dig/er.
Motivera varf旦r du/ni valt den. Analyser den m.hj.a. det material du/ni
har. Redovisa dikten och analysen i en power point.
*Skriv en/n奪gon egen dikt, ta hj辰lp av materialet och de genretypiska
dragen. Renskriv, g旦r snygg layout, l辰s in dikten (i power point eller
photo story.) Anv辰nd bilder fr奪n Multimediabyr奪n.
3 Redovisning