Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
myself Surag Ramakrishnan, you can cal me SuG@r.. dats d name i got frm my skul KV Malappuram.. Im a fun lovin person.. lik to b wid frnds.... mor dan dat i lov to b alone.. i lov art n music.. pencil drawin is my passion.. dats y i motivated myslf in learnin to draw,even though im nt sent to any drawin classes. now i believe i cn do good portrait drawing..
i lov to travel. both in bike n train... if i hav any1 to accompany it wud b fun, els i'll start making frnds.. i dnt trust any1 so easily. juz bcoz f many life experiences.
i lov to eat.. i look lean n people wont bliv me wen i tel dem i eat a lot, den i'll hv to prove in front f dem..:D
i hv a dream to fulfill... i wana travel wor
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