This document provides a step-by-step guide to understanding and managing one's career under the Navy's Perform to Serve (PTS) system. PTS uses performance criteria to determine which Sailors are retained in order to maintain experience levels. It affects Sailors E-3 to E-6 with 14 or fewer years of service. The top performers in each year group and rating are retained. Sailors are ranked based on factors like pay grade, evaluation scores, time in service, and exam scores. The guide defines important terms and advises Sailors to meet with career counselors to understand their options, like retraining, under the PTS system.
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PTS step by step guide
1. Perform To Serve
I am a United States Sailor.
I will support and defend the
Constitution of the United States of
America and I will obey the orders of
Step-By-Step Guide
those appointed over me. What you and your family need to know
I represent the fighting spirit of the
about managing a career
Navy and those who have gone before
me to defend freedom and democracy
around the world.
I proudly serve my countrys Navy
combat team with Honor, Courage, and
I am committed to excellence and the
fair treatment of all.
2. (For definitions of terms in italics, see Pages 14 and 15.)
What is Perform to Serve (PTS)?
INRATE within your current rating.
Perform to serve is a human resources management tool that utilizes
NWAE Navy-wide Advancement Exam.
performance criteria within individual ratings and year groups (YGs)
to ensure long-term sustainment of experience throughout our Navy. PCS Permanent Change of Station. Orders to your next duty station.
Who is affected by PTS? PRD Projected Rotation Date. The date on which a Sailor is scheduled to rotate
to a new duty station.
PTS affects all designated Sailors E-3 to E-6 with 14 or fewer years of PTS Perform to Serve. The computer program used by Sailors to apply to stay in
service and whose enlisted contracts, including extensions (also the Navy.
known as Soft End Active Duty Obligated Service, or SEAOS) are 15
Rating the skill area to which a Sailor is assigned (e.g., Logistics Specialist, or LS).
months from expiration.
Retention the condition of being retained. The result of Sailors who re-enlist.
Why is Perform to Serve needed?
Rotational force a military service that has personnel departing through
End strength numbers change annually due to the changing demands retirement or separation and requires a constant recruiting effort to maintain end
on our Navy. The need to change force structure is dictated by the strength and force structure throughout its history.
work that is necessary and has to be accomplished today and into the SEAOS Soft End Active Duty Obligated Service. The ending date of an enlistment
future. PTS provides an opportunity to retain the best performers in contract plus any signed extension of service that would extend the enlistment
each year group. Each rating is compared by year group across the contract.
entire navy. PTS also allows Sailors to consider transferring into new SELRES Selected Reserve. The status of an actively drilling Navy Reserve Sailor.
ratings or into the Navy Reserve as options to remain in the Navy.
TAP Transition Assistance Program. A program provided to assist Sailors in
Additionally, as our economy changes, the retention behavior of our transitioning out of the Navy and into the civilian workforce.
Sailors and families also changes. During dips in our economy, we
TIR Time in Rate. The period of time from the date a Sailor was advanced.
experience high retention and low attrition. In a rotational force, not
everyone can stay to ensure long term experience and sustainment of Year group -- the fiscal year (Oct. 1 to Sept. 30) in which you entered boot camp.
For example, if you went to Recruit Training Command in October 2007, you are in
our Navy. PTS works to retain the very best within manning levels.
year group 2008 (YG-08).
2 15
3. When should I be concerned about PTS?
Advancement date the date on which a Sailor begins to be paid at his or her new
As a Sailor, you should be very familiar with PTS. Whether it affects
rate. you or the Sailors you lead, it is essential to remain current with the
changing environment. Immediately upon checking into a new
Algorithm a set of instructions performed in a prescribed sequence to achieve a
command, you should request a Career Development Board (CDB). A
goal. In this case, the goal is to retain the best performers across our Navy within
each rating. CDB enables you to have a discussion with your leadership and
Command Career Counselor (CCC) to understand the opportunities
Attrition the gradual reduction of the size of a work force. It occurs as personnel and options that you need to consider as you move forward. An
are separated due to retirement or resignation, voluntarily or involuntarily.
example would be retaking the ASVAB to raise your scores and
ASVAB Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery. The entry exam to enter prepare you for minimum qualifications to pursue other ratings in the
service. It assesses a persons potential in various skill areas. future, should your rate become overmanned.
CCC Command Career Counselor. The command specialist who provides career
management advice, guidance, and counsel to Sailors and the chain of command.
What is Fleet Ride/Perform to Serve (PTS)?
CDB Career Development Board. A review board conducted for a Sailor by the The Fleet Rating Identification Engine (Fleet RIDE) application
chain of command and/or other command leadership, to discuss career provides a comprehensive assessment of Sailors and their eligibility
opportunities, performance, and expectations. and/or qualifications for Navy enlisted ratings or jobs. Using Fleet
CMS/ID Career Management System/Interactive Detailing. The system used by RIDE, career counselors screen Sailors for ratings based on ASVAB
Sailors to apply for Permanent Change of Station orders. scores, moral/legal status, and medical/physical status, while taking
into account the current needs of the Navy based on Career
EAOS - End Active Duty Obligated Service. The ending date of an enlistment
Reenlistment Objectives (CREOs).
Each month your PTS application will be measured against your peers
End strength the number of Sailors in the Navy at the end of a specific
within the same year group. Year group is defined as the fiscal year
(Oct. 1 to Sept. 30) in which you entered boot camp. For example, if
Fleet RIDE a computer program used to determine skills qualifications based on you went to Recruit Training Command (RTC) in October 2007, you
various parameters as well as to determine available ratings for conversion.
are in year group 2008 (YG-08).
Force structure how the end strength is made up of the all ratings to perform The Fleet RIDE/PTS (FR-PTS) algorithm ranks Sailors using the
the necessary work.
following performance indicators, in order of priority. You have direct
control over many of these indicators.
14 3
4. Highest Pay Grade Senior pay grades will rank highest in
Selected/Not Yet Advanced Sailors who are not being
paid in their new rates, but who have been selected for ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE DATE:
advancement, rank higher than those not yet picked for
advancement. YEAR GROUP:
Average Ranking of Five Most Recent Evaluations Early
Promote, Must Promote, and Promotable have numeric EAOS:
values of 5, 4, and 3, respectively.
Critical Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) Critical NECs
(job specialties in high demand) rank higher than non-
critical NECs.
Fleet RIDE/Rank Score Largely based on a Sailors ASVAB
score, it provides an indicator of potential success in the
rating requested. (This applies to a conversion algorithm
only.) PRD:
Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) Results PFAs are
calculated based on the number of failures within the past PTS QUOTA EXPIRATION DATE:
four-year period. Only physically ready Sailors can re-
Proximity to Soft End-of-Obligated-Service (SEAOS) (Note: PTS quotas expire 13 months from the date granted. Any
Sailors closer to their EAOS rank higher in PTS. This reenlistment or extension action to change your EAOS is a use of
indicator is a tie-breaker between otherwise equally the granted quota. To conduct any further action requires a new
qualified Sailors. quota. Serious consideration should be given to how you utilize
As you can see, your performance directly impacts Fleet RIDE/PTS your quota.)
determination. Each Sailor who submits an on-time application is
guaranteed to receive a total of six looks (one per month).
4 13
5. If you are given a quota, once you extend or re-enlist, your quota is
considered used, and you must reapply to be considered for
additional re-enlistment or extension actions.
PTS Summary
When do I apply for a PTS quota?
Navy policy directs that, commands shall ENSURE Fleet RIDE/PTS
applications are submitted for all designated E-3 to E-6 Sailors with less than You must apply for a PTS quota 15 months prior to your End of Active
or equal to 14 years of service as early as 15 months prior to, but no later Obligated Service (EAOS) as extended (SEAOS). Special circumstance
than 12 months prior to their end of active obligated service (EAOS) as applications can be submitted at the 12-month mark from Projected
extended, also known as Soft EAOS (SEAOS). During this mandatory Rotation Date (PRD) or EAOS if required. Other occasions, such as
submission period, applications must be submitted even if the Sailors decommissioning, homeport changes and early transfer, could
intention is to separate, or if the Sailor is ineligible or not recommended for
warrant submission.
reenlistment at the time of application.
As your Fleet RIDE/PTS window approaches, work closely with your chain of
What are my choices for submitting for a PTS quota?
command and Command Career Counselor to ensure that you are the best
possible candidate for reenlistment approval. During this submission, you must consider manning levels within your
Remember: Preparation starts the day you report to the command! rating and consider applying for other ratings or the Navy Reserve.
Manning levels are determined by year group.
Fleet RIDE/PTS policy, information, and training materials are located on the
Navy Personnel Command website: What is a year group?
Year group is based on the Fiscal Year (FY) in which a Sailor entered
npc/career/careercounseling/Pages/FleetRIDE-PTS.aspx boot camp. If a Sailor entered RTC in December 2009, the Year Group
is FY 2010; if in August 2009, the year group is FY 2009. Sailors will
For assistance, contact the NPC Customer Service Center: only be compared against their peers within the same year group.
1-866-827-5672 (DSN 882-5672) They will not be compared to Sailors in a whole zone (e.g., an E-5 with
6.5 years in the Navy will not be compared to an E-6 with 9.5 years).
Why is PTS managed by year group?
Managing PTS by year group enables our Navy to ensure experience is
managed at each level for long-term sustainment.
12 5
6. If we have too many Sailors, why not stop bringing more
into boot camp? Ensure that you have a Fleet RIDE/PTS approval PRIOR to
entering CMS/ID apply (9-7 months prior to PRD).
Stopping the flow of Sailors coming in the Navy would create If you have not been selected for INRATE approval after
experience gaps. Our military is a rotational force and it is important two reviews/looks, strongly consider conversion
that over time we maintain experience at each level. As the force alternatives to your Fleet RIDE/PTS application.
If you are not selected for either an INRATE approval or
continues to rotate through retirements and separations we will
conversion, or have no desire to remain on Active Duty,
always have a need to keep a steady flow of new recruits entering the
explore the benefits of reserve affiliation (the SELRES
Navy. Also, retention behaviors change from year to year. This is
often difficult to predict and we must be able to maintain our levels
of manning to meet fleet demands. Throughout the process:
Involvement is key.
What happens if I do not apply for a PTS quota? o Early is better.
o Discuss all options during CDB.
If you do not submit for options, you will not be considered for those
o Understand the application.
options. You have to make a personal and direct decision: Do I want
Work on advancement.
to stay in the Navy first? Or, do I only want to stay in the Navy in my o Prepare for exams; use good study habits.
current rating? Every option should be discussed and considered in Pay attention to your EVALs
your CDB prior to your submissions. o Are you doing everything to make yourself shine?
o Be honest.
How is it determined who gets to stay in rate? Prepare for conversion for conversion well before the Fleet
RIDE/PTS window. (Think about it.)
An algorithm (as discussed under Fleet RIDE/PTS) has been
established to select candidates to remain in rate. See page 4.
After 2-3 looks:
You must consider the conversion option.
Timeline: A Sailors countdown to PTS Selection Results
If separating, ALWAYS consider SELRES affiliation.
Reporting onboard your new command:
1. Request a Reporting Career Development Board (CDB).
Use Fleet RIDE (see information on Page 3) to identify future career
possibilities based on current ASVAB score.
Consider retaking the ASVAB for improved options.
7. Use the following checklist based on the Fleet RIDE/PTS 2. Request a mentor and meet routinely to discuss your career
algorithm to strengthen your opportunity to STAY NAVY. progression.
3. Meet your Command Career Counselor (CCC) and discuss career
A Sailors Checklist for Success in Fleet RIDE-PTS opportunities.
Ensure you receive your Reporting CDB (Have ASVAB 24-15 months prior to SEAOS and/or PRD:
scores reviewed).
Get a mentor. 1. You are approaching the end of your Soft End of Active Obligated
Know your advancement dates/Time in Rate (TIR) Service and/or Projected Rotation Date .
requirement and what resources/study materials If additional obligated service is required for PCS orders, submit a
(bibliography, AESG, schools, profile sheets, etc.) to give PTS application 12 months prior to PRD.
yourself a better opportunity to score well on the Navy-
Request a CDB to verify you are on track for Fleet RIDE/PTS approval.
Wide Advancement Exam (NWAE).
***START EARLY Dont wait until the last minute!*** 2. Know your year group
Keep a personal log of your personal/professional
accomplishments throughout your evaluation cycle (Keep
3. Consider options for future rating conversion.
an up-to-date brag sheet). 15-12 months prior to SEAOS/PRD:
Maintain sustained superior performance.
Maintain a culture of fitness. 1. You are in your Fleet RIDE/PTS application window.
2. You must qualify for PTS using Fleet RIDE.
Your Fleet RIDE/PTS application window is 15-12 months prior to
your SEAOS/PRD. 3. Discuss ALL conversion options with your CCC and mentor.
As you approach the Fleet RIDE/PTS window: 4. Understand your options for submitting a Fleet RIDE/PTS
Ensure you have a CDB conducted (24-15 months prior to application:
PRD/SEAOS). Re-enlist INRATE you request to reenlist in your current
Your Fleet RIDE-PTS processing window is 12-6 months prior to
Apply for INRATE and willing to convert you request to
re-enlist in your current rating, but are willing to convert
Ensure that you are qualified in the Fleet RIDE program
to a new rating
(Know ALL your conversion options).
Ensure your Fleet RIDE-PTS applications are submitted (15- Conversion ONLY you request to reenlist in a new
12 months to SEAOS/PRD) and ASK TO SEE YOUR rating
10 7
8. SELRES Option you request to reenlist in the Selected Reserve
(SELRES) 1. your Fleet RIDE/PTS application to Apply for INRATE and willing to
Separation you request to separate from the Navy Convert or Conversion ONLY.
NOTE: You may submit a Fleet RIDE/PTS application for SELRES any time 2. Request a CDB to review your conversion options.
within your 15-3 month window.
3. 10-6 months prior to SEAOS/PRD:
NOTE: Available Fleet RIDE/PTS quotas change every month, based on needs
of the Navy. Therefore, it is very important that you closely monitor quota 4. After the first two months, if you are not selected for INRATE
approval, you are strongly encouraged to consider updating
availability. Your Command Career Counselor will help you obtain and
review monthly quotas in Fleet RIDE/PTS.
9-7 months prior to SEAOS/PRD:
12-6 Months prior to SEAOS/PRD:
1. You are in your orders negotiation window.
1. You are in your Fleet RIDE/PTS processing window.
2. You must have FleetRIDE/PTS approval PRIOR to submitting a Career
2. Communicate regularly with your Command Career Counselor.
Management System/Interactive Detailing (CMS/ID) job application.
3. Verify your CCC updates your Fleet RIDE/PTS application every You do not need PTS quota if you have 24 or more months on your
month. SEAOS to complete your next assignment.
4. Review Fleet RIDE/PTS results every month. Your CCC has access to
PTS and will help you determine your next step, based on one of the 6 months prior to SEAOS:
following results:
1. Final FleetRIDE/PTS determination made.
APPROVED: You are approved for reenlistment INRATE or for
If you do not receive a FleetRIDE PTS quota, consider submitting an
conversion to a new rating.
application for Selected Reserve.
DENIED: You are within 12-7 months of SEAOS, are denied a
2. Attend the Navy Transition Assistance Program (TAP).
quota this month, but can continue to submit applications.
5. DENIED-Final Active: You are within 6-0 months of SEAOS, are 5-3 months prior to SEAOS:
denied a quota, and can no longer submit an application for
1. If you do not receive a FleetRIDE PTS quota OR if you have no desire
reenlistment as an active-duty Sailor. You should consider
to remain on active duty, you may submit a Fleet RIDE/PTS
submitting an application for the Selected Reserve (SELRES).
application for the Selected Reserve.