Ideal requirements of dental solder
1. Parent metal
2. Flux
A) Classification of flux
B) Ideal properties of flux
C) Application of flux
3. Anti-flux
4. Solder
A) Classification of solder
Heat source
3. General principles for soldering
Methods of soldering
1. Investment soldering
2. Free-hand soldering
Technique consideration for soldering
Soldering defects
Types of welding
1. Spot welding
2. Pressure welding
3. Laser welding
4. Laser micro welding
5. SOLDERING: Is defined as the joining of metals by the
fusion of filler metal between them, at a temperature
below the solidus temperature of the metals being
joined and below 450属C.
BRAZING: Is defined as the joining of metals by the
fusion of filler metal between them, at a temperature
below the solidus temperature of the metals being
joined and above 450属C.
6. WELDING: Two pieces of similar metal are
joined together without the addition of another
metal; that is, the metal pieces are heated to high
enough temperature so they join together by
melting and flowing
8. It should melt at low temperature
When melted, it should wet and flow freely over
the parent metal
Its colour should match that of metal being
It should be resistance to tarnish and corrosion
It should be resistance to pitting during heating
10. Soldering is often used in construction of dental
Components of solder joint:
1. Parent metal
2. Flux
3. Anti-flux
4. Solder/filler metal
11. The parent metal is the metal or alloy to be
It is also known as substrate metal or base
Soldering operation is the same for any
12. The composition of parent metal determines:
1. Melting range
2. Oxide that forms on the surface during heating
3. Wettability of the substrate by the molten
13. In Latin flux means to flow
Purpose of flux is to remove any oxide coating
on the metal surfaces.
They protect the alloy surface from oxidation
during soldering and dissolve metallic oxides as
they are formed.
1. According to their primary purpose / activity
a. Surface protection type
b. Reducing agent type
c. Solvent type
15. 2. According to the pH of the flux:
a. Acidic fluxes SiO2
b. Basic fluxes CaO, lime CaCO3 LIMESTONE
c. Neutral Fluoride flux (Ca.F2),Borax
16. 3. Based on boric or borate compound:
a. TYPE I protective fluxes by forming a low
temperature glass
b. TYPE II reducing fluxes for low stability
oxides such as copper oxides
c. TYPE III fluoride flux
They are based on
boric or borate
compounds such as
boric acid/boric
anhydrate and borax.
It is usually a white powder consisting of soft
colourless crystals that dissolve easily in water.
They act as protective fluxes and reducing
fluxes for low stability oxides such as copper
18. They are available in
Liquid form: Solution of borax/boric acid in water.
Indicated for soldering of orthodontic appliances and
bridges in which minimum amount of flux is required.
Paste form: Formed by mixing borax with petroleum
jelly. Required when fluxes are needed in large
Powder form: Contains a mixture of borax, basic acid,
silica and finely divided charcoal. Charcoal is reducing
agent and silica holds molten flux in surface of hot
metal. This is usually used for casting operation.
20. The fluoride flux is used with alloys containing
base metals even if a gold/silver solder is used.
Some fluoride containing fluxes involve toxic
fluorides when heated, so inhalation of fumes
should be avoided.
A combination of high melting salts is used as
fluxes to combine the good characteristics of
each ingredient and create superior flux.
A formula for super flux is
Borax glass 55 parts
Boric acid 35 parts
Silica - 10 parts
22. B) Ideal Properties of Flux
Its melting point must be lower than that of solder.
It should lie quietly on the work while being fused
and should not increase in volume.
After fusing, it should spread evenly and remain on
the parent metal without volatization.
It must dissolve metallic oxides or other surface
impurities likely to occur on the surface metal.
It should be easily removable after soldering.
Painted on the substrate metal at the junction of
pieces to be joined.
It may be Fused onto the surface of the parent
metal strip.
24. Anti-Flux Materials used to restrict the flow of
solder are known as anti flux.
It is applied on the surface of specific area
where the solder should flow. It is applied
before applying flux or solder.
E.g.: Graphite in the form of lead pencil.
25. Disadvantage of graphite is that it can burn off
on prolonged heating at high temperature. In
such cases whiting (CaCO3 in Alcohol and
water suspension) is used.
26. Desirable properties of dental solders:
The fusion temperature must be at least 50-
100属C i.e. lower than the melting temperature of
the alloys to be joined.
It must have good affinity for the metals upon
which it is used.
27. It must flow freely, quickly and smoothly over
the surfaces of the parts to be joined. Adhesion
of the solder to the metal is essential.
Its strength and hardness should be
comparable with that of parent metal.
It should not cause pitting of soldered joint.
It must be resistant to tarnish and corrosion.
1. Soft solders & Hard solders
They have low melting range of about 260属C
Soft solders lack corrosion resistance, so they
are not suitable for dental use.
Eg. lead- tin eutectic alloy (plumbers solder).
Hard solders have higher meting temperature &
have greater strength and hardness.
They are melted with gas blow torch or with
electric furnace.
Two types of hard solders are used in dentistry:
gold solder & silver solder.
30. Gold Solder:
Gold solders Has good
tarnish and corrosion
Extensively used for crown
and bridge applications.
Gold 45-81 wt %
Silver - 8-30 wt %
Copper -7-20 wt %
Tin 24 wt %
Zinc 24 wt %
They are high fusing with a fusion temperature range
of 750- 900属 C
31. Silver Solder
Silver solders Used in
orthodontic appliances
They have low fusion
temp-600-750属C Used
with stainless steel or
other base metal alloys.
Resistance to tarnish and corrosion is not as good
as gold solders But have strength comparable to
gold solders.
Silver -10-80 %
Copper -15-30%
Zinc -4-35%
33. It is most important part of brazing and
The most commonly used heat source is gas-
air or gas- oxygen torch. And other is electric
various gases used are
1) Hydrogen: lowest heat content(1000*C)
slow heating
So not indicated for soldering of large
34. 2) Natural gas: Temperature of 2680*C
4 times that of hydrogen
Available in non uniform in composition
35. 3) Acetylene: Highest flame temperature
Higher heat content than hydrogen and natural
Chemically unstable and decomposes readily into
carbon and hydrogen.
36. 4) Propane: Highest heat content (2385*C)
Having good flame temperature (2850*C)
Best choice
38. Thoroughly clean the parts to be joined by
immersing in dilute hydrochloric acid and then
polish with pumice.
The parts to be joined must be placed in closest
possible contact with each other.
Excessive amount of solder must not be used.
The strength of the soldered joint is greatest
when the minimum of solder is used.
39. The temperature of flame must be carefully
controlled and flame held at proper distance.
Over heating must be avoided.
Solder must be heated to its melting point as
quickly as possible, when the solder has melted
and filled the space between parts, remove the
flame and work is quenched in water.
Oxidation must be avoided by using suitable
reducing flux and reducing zone of torch flame.
Free hand soldering is used for soldering
orthodontic appliances.
In this technique the parts to be soldered are
held in proper position by maintenance of gap
between parts manually.
42. Principle of free hand soldering:
The parts to be soldered are cleaned and polished
Parts should be in close approximation
The liquid solder flows into the joint due to capillary
So optimum gap should be in 0.13 to 0.3 mm range
for proper flow and strength of joint
Parts should be stable during application of heat
43. Flux is applied to the joint area to allow a free
flow of solder and to prevent oxidation.
The bridge assembly is preheated by the
application of reducing zone of flame.
Oxidation of filler and parent material may
occur if proper zone of flame is not used.
44. Flame provides protection from oxidation
especially at brazing temp.
The solder is placed on the joint parts so
solder melts and flow into the gap
As soon as soldering is completed, the
assembly is quenched in water.
Parts to be joined are mounted on a soldering type
of investment and are held in position by the
hardened investment during application of heat
and solder
Parts to be soldered are assembled on a cast and
the parts are joined by sticky wax with the
And wax is eliminated with the help of boiling water
Suitable solder is placed in the gap and subjected
to flame until completion of soldering
The flame can be divided in to four zones
Cold mixing zone (unburned gas)
Partial combustion zone (oxidizing)
Reducing zone
49. 2) Gap:
The liquid solder is draw into the joint through
capillary action.
Thus optimum gap should be there for proper
flow and strength of joint
Gap width should be ranging from 0.13 to
50. What happens if gap is too narrow?
Low strength
Porosity caused due to incomplete flow
What happens if gap is to great?
The joint strength will be the strength of solder
51. Temperature:
Should be minimum required to
complete the brazing operation
Prior to the placement of the solder,
parent metal is heated till it is hot
enough to melt the filler metal as soon as it
A low temp will not allow the filler to wet the
parent metal
52. Time:
The flame should be kept in place until the filler
metal has flowed completely into the connection
Shorter time increases chances of incomplete
filling of joint
Longer time increases possibility of diffusion
Both conditions results in weaker joint
This machine converts Water into oxy-hydrogen
fuel for an extremely hot and precise reducing
flame operating at 4850F.
This machine is perfect for soldering and
brazing in the orthodontic laboratory
55. 1) Porosity or pitting:
It may occur during finishing and polishing
due to volatilization of lower melting
components as s result of higher temp. and
longer time
Incorrect fluxing
Incorrect flaming
Incorrect cleaning
Incorrect spacing of parts
56. 2. Distortion of parts being soldered.
Thermal expansion of the metal parts
58. Wire to wire.
Tube can be soldered to the bridge of the
Adams clasp.
Attachment of springs to arch wire,
Soldering lingual arch or palatal arch.
Soldering of various type of space management
60. Two pieces of similar metal are joined together
without the addition of another metal.
The metal pieces are heated to high enough
temperature so that they join together by
melting and flowing.
61. 1. Cold welding is done by hammering or
pressure. An example of cold welding is the
gold foil filling.
2. Hot welding uses heat of sufficient intensity to
melt the metals being joined.
The heat source is usually an oxyacetylene
flame or high amperage electricity.
62. Basically two methods are followed:
1) Fusion welding: where the parts are melted
and joined, but pressure is not applied.
E.g: Gas welding, Laser welding
2) Pressure welding: where parts are heated and
pressed , but not melted.
E.g.: Spot welding
64. 1) Spot welding:
The two clean metal surfaces to be welded are
placed together under pressure.
Two ends of wire or band to be welded are
placed between two copper electrodes of
welder and pressed together
When switch is pressed large current passes
through the wires or band on the copper
Combined heat and pressure fuses the metal
pieces at that point.
65. 2) Pressure welding:
This is also called cold welding and does not
require heat application
Gold foil is welded by pressure or cold welding
Two layers of gold foil are joined by application
of pressure at room temperature.
66. 3) LASER welding:
LASER (Light Application by Simulated
Emission of Radiation)
It is clearly documented that laser welding is
stronger than solder joints of comparable size.
67. LASER micro welding:
The laser micro welder is high power industrial
laser capable of delivering 20J/pulse for
maximum of 6 mili seconds at a wire length of
1.06 microns.
Micro welding can be done in intra-oral
orthodontic appliances such as normal arch
wire, ortho-surgical splint simulation, space
maintainers, retention devices etc
68. Spot welding may be used as method of fusing
Stainless steel strip for making bands.
Securing attachments to the bands
Attaching springs to a rigid bow wire, or to
It is used more in the construction of fixed
69. References
Kenneth J. Anusavice(2004). PHILLIPS Science Of Dental
Materials, ed 11, Chapter 33 Gold Alloy Solders, Soldering
Procedure, Page 563,564.
William J. OBrien(2002). Dental materials and their selection, ed
3, chapter 18, soldering, welding and electroplating. Page 249.
SH Sorature (2002). Essentials of dental materials, ed 1, chapter
25, Soldering and welding, page 315.
B.W.DARVELL (2001). Materials Science For Dentistry, Chapter
22 soldering and welding, 9th edition, page 486.