Rocket Science, Forensics, electronics, physics
Forensic Scientist with background in Electrical Eng. R&D/Mfg
Bristol Aerospace, R&D 75~79 SCADA, Rocket Science
Interdiscom Sys. Ltd, Sr Eng '79~'82 "Project IDA"
Burroughs/Unisys, TE Mgr '83~'94 ~ Disk Drives/DVT
IRIS , Ops Mgr '95~'98 SMD Mfg ~ Wireless AMR
Unisys San Diego, Test Eng 1999-2000
CMAC Contract Mfg , Eng Mgr & Designer '99~'04 Design for Liquid Image, AVAYA, DVT testing,
Second Source Electronics (SSE) '05 ~ now, Owner Forensic Consultant, custom solutions
From paper napkin concept to production of electronic products,
Custom Lighting Solutions, custom LEDs
No technical problem is too difficult to solve.
Can mend anything, except a broken h