It's not the clothes. It's not the hair. It's not the looks. It's not the eyes. It's not the appearance. It's the personality. Get to know me ?
Well, again, I am JiE ANNE MALiMBAN ESPiNOSA, 17 years of age. I was born in MARAGONDON, CAViTE && a former student of BUCAL NATiONAL HiGH SCHOOL. [ I am a proud Bucalanian. :) ] These days, I am fulfilling my college life in the CAViTE STATE UNiVERSiTY-MAiN CAMPUS *Indang, Cavite* taking up BACHELOR OF ARTS iN ENGLiSH. I could consider myself as a writer && maybe a blogger. I am a real fan of BOB ONG. When I am bored, I usually get a sleep or worst do day dreaming. When I am down, I love to be with the SECONDHAND SERENADE music. When I am depress