My nάme tells every tђing itself....
S- Sάge
W- wάggisђ [ђumorous]
A- άbstruse[ђάrd to understάnd]
P- prodigious[άmάzing]
N- newsmonger [circulάting news]
I- intellectuάl.
L- lάtitudinάriάn[ђolding librάl views in religion]
Im A Mάn wђo hάs it own tђoughts άnd beliefs, Who enjoys the life to its full extent. I ђάve ά friendly and Helpful nature...
άll wђάt I can sάy άbout me is --
I άm ά Zindάgi... aά rάђa.. ђoon mάin.. Kind of guy... :-)