Judson ISD implemented identity management and a web portal to provide single sign-on access to cloud applications in order to reduce costs and staffing needs. The portal authenticates users and passes credentials to automatically log them into Live@Edu for student email and Schoology as a learning management system. Automating account creation and management from existing user directories simplified deployment and administration of cloud services.
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Case study using idm and a web portal as a gateway to the cloud june 2012
1. Case Study: Using Identity
Management & a Web Portal as a
Gateway to the Cloud
Steve Young, CTO
Judson ISD, San Antonio, TX
2. About Judson ISD
4th largest public school district in Bexar County,
Texas (San Antonio area)
22,500 students and 3,000 employees
31 IT staff members
Over 7500 desktops, laptops, tablets
Additional 3,200 virtual desktops
189 virtual servers
More info at
3. Why A Cloud Approach?
We cannot do it all
Staff size decreasing
Budgets are shrinking
Student population & number of schools increasing
Huge value proposition with many online services
Constituents want 24/7 services and cloud services
are 24/7
Classroom learning can be extended outside of
normal school day
4. Cloud (SaaS) Advantages
Generally very high up time
Offer cutting edge services
Low Cost or predictable recurring costs
Quick Deployment
Lower technical barriers to entry
Often can implement without additional staff
5. We Can Automate Account
Judson ISD had automated creation, update, & retiring of
student & staff accounts, file shares, email accounts and
groups with UMRA (User Management Resource
This allows MANY systems user information to be automated,
not just Active Directory
Timeliness of data is increased, as is security
Users do not have to wait for accounts to be created, as they
are created when the source HR or SIS data is created
6. Leveraging Identity in a Web Portal
We offer web/Cloud applications via our MyJISD
Stoneware portal to:
All users (staff and students)
To any device
To any location (in or out of network)
At any time
On guest network or in Starbucks
To do this we must know who users are and pass
their credentials to disparate web applications
8. Live@edu
We did not want to host student email accounts too
much time, $$, etc.
We also wanted to automate account management
We used Tools4Ever and their UMRA product to
automate Live@Edu account management from AD
We authenticate students via AD into our portal and
auto log them into Live@Edu
This could also be done via UMRA for Google Apps
9. Schoology
We wanted to provide a simple to use LMS for staff and
students to use at will without any technology
intervention chose Schoology.
My team worked with them to be an early adopter of
their API/SSO to synchronize account data and manager
We wrote a custom web app to synchronize and manage
Schoology users
We authenticate students via AD into our portal and auto
log them into Schoology
10. In Summary
Cloud (SaaS) deployments can be extremely efficient and cost
But managing users can require a lot of staff time
Automated identity management from source systems is critical
Identities must be further synced with SaaS systems to keep
costs and staff time to a minimum
A portal that can pass credentials from AD and from an SSO
lockbox allows users an easy one stop shop for all their
applications from anywhere on any device