helo gUyZ...mA NaME is SyUIb...U cAN caLL me EiB fOr tHE sHoRt oNE....i staYInG iN AmPAnGAN.sEreMbaN,neGeRi SeMbIlaN...i sTuDyInG In skoLAh MeNenGAh KEbaNGSaAn SeRi AMpAngan...pRoUD 2 say iT.....EvEn ThoUgh Some PeoPLe jUDGE ThaT Ma SkOoL NoT sO So gOoD LiKE u BULLsHit SkOOl..BuT U caN sTiLL sTay AlIve...Im sTill hAvInG HopE 2 MA sKooL...iM taKiNg iCt cOuRsE aLOnG wIf aRTs sTuDyInG,AnD dEgIn n bUiLD....u guys HatE me???!!!dO I cARe??APA KU KESAH!!!i do nOtHiNg WrONg WIF U gUyz..So DOnt Do sOMEtHinG 2 Me...u f..k,b...h,f....t,...n otheReLSe De ruDe nAME peOPLE aLWays tAlK abOUT...mA FrIEnds...tHeY aRe mY dAmn SpecIAl tHing...WE ThRoUGh AlOts oF TrEbIle TrUble iN OUr fRIeNDshIp bOND...sO BAcK
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