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Know your
It is a real risk in your software
Janos Szendi-Varga

Janos Szendi-Varga

Senior Consultant @GraphAware

Twitter: @szenyo

Email: janos@graphaware.com

About me
GraphAware Clients
What is this?
Jenga tower of JavaScript

Azer Ko巽ulu, 273 modules in NPM

Kik module

The story began with an email from a lawyer

Hahah, youre actually being a d#%k, So, f#%k you. Dont email me

NPM statement

Change the ownership

Leaving NPM

Left-pad was fetched 2,486,696 downloads in just the last month

Left-pad incident
The fundamental act of friendship among
programmers is the sharing of programs
Stallman wrote in his 1985 manifesto (GNU Manifesto).
Random LinkedIn Ad
If you develop your open or closed source software, 
you must be aware of a few facts: 

In average 80 percent of the applications consists of third-party components,
mostly open source 

Almost 50 percent of the third-party software components of those applications
are outdated, a few years old 

A more secure version of the software component available in almost every case.

Its estimated that only about 10% of the Fortune 100 companies monitor their
use of open-source code

Theres something like a million di鍖erent open-source projects on the internet,
and any one piece of vulnerable code could be used by hundreds of companies.

In a medium size project there are over 1,500 dependent software packages, not
counting di鍖erent versions of the same package or any packages developed
internally for reuse.
Not so Fun Facts
Technical issues, bugs

New releases

Legal compliance issues

Security threats, vulnerabilities

Bus factor for dependencies:

Issues you involved
You should have the visibility and the control
over your software product dependency, to have
the proper business continuity.
todays takeaway from me
Many-many solutions

Gitlinks https://www.gitlinks.com

JFrog X-Ray https://www.jfrog.com/xray/

Sonatype Nexus http://www.sonatype.org/nexus/

libraries.io https://libraries.io

Neo4j (Neo4j Platform)

The Neo4j native graph database

Graph analytics

Data integration

The Cypher graph query language is the bridge to big data analytic tooling

Graph visualisation and discovery

Enterprise architecture underlies and supports massive graph data

GraphAware Databridge

Graph Algorithms Neo4j plugin

My DIY solution
!"Licenses" !pcs" !

!"MIT" !756425!
! !677470!
!"Apache-2.0" !248775!
!"Other" !110012!
!"ISC" !104508!
!"BSD-3-Clause" !94043 !
!"GPL-3.0" !35251 !
!"BSD-2-Clause" !21201 !
!"Artistic-1.0-Perl" !18516 !
!"AGPL-3.0" !17405 !

	 	 Page Rank (algo.pageRank)

	 	 Betweenness Centrality (algo.betweenness)

	 	 Closeness Centrality (algo.closeness)

Community Detection:

	 	 Louvain (algo.louvain)

	 	 Label Propagation (algo.labelPropagation)

	 	 (Weakly) Connected Components (algo.unionFind)

	 	 Strongly Connected Components (algo.scc)

	 	 Triangle Count / Clustering Coe鍖cient (algo.triangleCount)

Path Finding:

	 	 Minimum Weight Spanning Tree (algo.mst)

	 	 All Pairs- and Single Source - Shortest Path (algo.shortestPath, algo.allShortestPaths)
The Graph Algorithms
rank url score
1 http://expressjs.com/ 8172.573038999997
2 http://junit.org/ 7709.026125499998
3 https://mochajs.org 7324.665977000001
4 https://github.com/ruby/rake 5209.688505499999
5 http://expressjs.com 6950.314272500002
6 http://gruntjs.com/ 3945.8917605000006
7 https://phpunit.de/ 3114.4085855
8 http://gulpjs.com 3021.2432475000005
9 http://github.com/rspec 2979.8457910000006
10 http://chaijs.com 2775.124208999999
PageRank example
Java backend, Maven

55 dependencies (32 external, 23 internal)

32 external project means 90 transitive 2nd degree dependencies

293 3rd degree dependencies

compile, provided, runtime, test scopes

Node.js frontend

121 dependencies (12 internal, 109 external)

109 external project means 1412 transitive 2nd degree

3600 di鍖erent 3rd degree dependencies

Random Corporate System (RCS)
OWASP Top 10: "Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities

CVE: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures CVE-2017-14359

NVD: National Vulnerability Database

CSV 鍖les to download and ingest into our DB

Possible defense or attack strategies:


ElasticSearch for full-text search on descriptions

Security vulnerabilities ingestion

NLP to create knowledge graphs

Embed into releasing process

More insights from the data
Future improvements
Your software looks rather like this than an individual node.
Thank you!

More Related Content

Know your dependencies

  • 1. 赫姻温沿鞄粥敬温姻艶速 Know your dependencies It is a real risk in your software Janos Szendi-Varga GraphAware
  • 2. Janos Szendi-Varga Senior Consultant @GraphAware Twitter: @szenyo Email: janos@graphaware.com About me 赫姻温沿鞄粥敬温姻艶速
  • 5. Jenga tower of JavaScript Azer Ko巽ulu, 273 modules in NPM Kik module The story began with an email from a lawyer Hahah, youre actually being a d#%k, So, f#%k you. Dont email me back. NPM statement Change the ownership Leaving NPM Left-pad was fetched 2,486,696 downloads in just the last month Un-unpublishing Left-pad incident 赫姻温沿鞄粥敬温姻艶速
  • 6. 赫姻温沿鞄粥敬温姻艶速 Quote The fundamental act of friendship among programmers is the sharing of programs Stallman wrote in his 1985 manifesto (GNU Manifesto).
  • 8. If you develop your open or closed source software, you must be aware of a few facts: In average 80 percent of the applications consists of third-party components, mostly open source Almost 50 percent of the third-party software components of those applications are outdated, a few years old A more secure version of the software component available in almost every case. Its estimated that only about 10% of the Fortune 100 companies monitor their use of open-source code Theres something like a million di鍖erent open-source projects on the internet, and any one piece of vulnerable code could be used by hundreds of companies. In a medium size project there are over 1,500 dependent software packages, not counting di鍖erent versions of the same package or any packages developed internally for reuse. Not so Fun Facts 赫姻温沿鞄粥敬温姻艶速
  • 9. Technical issues, bugs New releases Legal compliance issues Security threats, vulnerabilities Bus factor for dependencies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_factor Issues you involved 赫姻温沿鞄粥敬温姻艶速
  • 10. 赫姻温沿鞄粥敬温姻艶速 Quote You should have the visibility and the control over your software product dependency, to have the proper business continuity. todays takeaway from me
  • 11. Many-many solutions Gitlinks https://www.gitlinks.com JFrog X-Ray https://www.jfrog.com/xray/ Sonatype Nexus http://www.sonatype.org/nexus/ libraries.io https://libraries.io DIY Solutions 赫姻温沿鞄粥敬温姻艶速
  • 14. Neo4j (Neo4j Platform) The Neo4j native graph database Graph analytics Data integration The Cypher graph query language is the bridge to big data analytic tooling Graph visualisation and discovery Enterprise architecture underlies and supports massive graph data GraphAware Databridge Graph Algorithms Neo4j plugin My DIY solution 赫姻温沿鞄粥敬温姻艶速
  • 16. も !"Licenses" !pcs" ! !"MIT" !756425! "######################################################################$######% ! !677470! "######################################################################$######% !"Apache-2.0" !248775! "######################################################################$######% !"Other" !110012! "######################################################################$######% !"ISC" !104508! "######################################################################$######% !"BSD-3-Clause" !94043 ! "######################################################################$######% !"GPL-3.0" !35251 ! "######################################################################$######% !"BSD-2-Clause" !21201 ! "######################################################################$######% !"Artistic-1.0-Perl" !18516 ! "######################################################################$######% !"AGPL-3.0" !17405 ! "######################################################################$######% Licenses 赫姻温沿鞄粥敬温姻艶速
  • 17. Centralities: Page Rank (algo.pageRank) Betweenness Centrality (algo.betweenness) Closeness Centrality (algo.closeness) Community Detection: Louvain (algo.louvain) Label Propagation (algo.labelPropagation) (Weakly) Connected Components (algo.unionFind) Strongly Connected Components (algo.scc) Triangle Count / Clustering Coe鍖cient (algo.triangleCount) Path Finding: Minimum Weight Spanning Tree (algo.mst) All Pairs- and Single Source - Shortest Path (algo.shortestPath, algo.allShortestPaths) The Graph Algorithms 赫姻温沿鞄粥敬温姻艶速
  • 18. 赫姻温沿鞄粥敬温姻艶速 rank url score 1 http://expressjs.com/ 8172.573038999997 2 http://junit.org/ 7709.026125499998 3 https://mochajs.org 7324.665977000001 4 https://github.com/ruby/rake 5209.688505499999 5 http://expressjs.com 6950.314272500002 6 http://gruntjs.com/ 3945.8917605000006 7 https://phpunit.de/ 3114.4085855 8 http://gulpjs.com 3021.2432475000005 9 http://github.com/rspec 2979.8457910000006 10 http://chaijs.com 2775.124208999999 PageRank example
  • 19. Java backend, Maven 55 dependencies (32 external, 23 internal) 32 external project means 90 transitive 2nd degree dependencies 293 3rd degree dependencies compile, provided, runtime, test scopes Node.js frontend 121 dependencies (12 internal, 109 external) 109 external project means 1412 transitive 2nd degree dependencies 3600 di鍖erent 3rd degree dependencies 赫姻温沿鞄粥敬温姻艶速 Random Corporate System (RCS)
  • 21. OWASP Top 10: "Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities CVE: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures CVE-2017-14359 NVD: National Vulnerability Database CSV 鍖les to download and ingest into our DB Possible defense or attack strategies: Top-down Bottom-up Security 赫姻温沿鞄粥敬温姻艶速
  • 22. ElasticSearch for full-text search on descriptions Security vulnerabilities ingestion NLP to create knowledge graphs Embed into releasing process More insights from the data Future improvements 赫姻温沿鞄粥敬温姻艶速
  • 23. Summary Your software looks rather like this than an individual node.