The 13 social media questions and expressions I hate to hear at work. Including "Let\'s make a viral" "What\'s the ROI?" and "Budget, what budget, social media\'s free right?"
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The 13 Social Media questions I hate to hear at work
1. The 13 social media
questions and expressions
I hate to hear at work
Tamasine Johnson
11. 8. Let's run a Facebook competition
Where can I run proms and competitions on Facebook Only in apps
Are there any rules for my app Yes, you need a disclaimer that states
its your app and Facebook is not responsible in anyway. You also need to
link off to your T&Cs and privacy policy so make sure youre not using a
generic one.
Cant I just do a like contest Nope, nor can you ask them to upload a
picture to your wall, or comment to win. And yes, lots of BIG brands are
doing this, it doesnt mean its not breaking the law.
How do I tell someone they have won? Not via your page, or via a PM
you have to gather their data in your app and contact them off Facebook
Inspired and adapted into Tamasine talk from Sam Steiners infographic
13. 10. What do you mean 48 hrs is too slow for a
Twitter customer service response?
14. 11. Shouldn't we have more
Likes by now?
Each and every user who encounters
National Trust on social networks with
be pleasantly surprised
- National Trust social media strategy in a nutshell
18. Tamasine Johnson
( not a social media guru)
You can follow me on Twitter @socialsprout
But much more interesting is @nationaltrust
and dont forget #whitecliffs
Editor's Notes
#3: This quote is a little old, but makes a great point. Social is fantastic for experimenting, and experiment we do but you have to give you self time to learn about the networks youre on, before you move onto something new and exciting >>>>>>>NEXT SLIDE CONINUES THIS POINT
#4: Weve got social presence on YouTube, Twitter, FB, 4square, Google+ and yes even Pinterest. However, we dont throw all our resource at a new network , and we certainly dont just set up an account because everyones mum has heard of it. Take time, allow a network to bed in. By all means reserve a username Costa have had a Twitter account for 2 years and earlier this month just started using it 2 years is a little long, and Im pretty sure in that time they could have worked out Twitter was a safe bet, but still dont just do it cos everyone is talking about it. Also, if youve only got limited resource, you need to focus you time and efforts where the people are so for now, Id advise you focus your efforts where your customers are. ----- iPhone /android mobile app example
#5: This is a quick one NO, its not free. Nor should it be. Dont be afraid to ask for budget and explain that while its free for end users, for a business to succeed, it needs some additional budget Just a few costs include analytics and workflow software Phones so your SMM can tweet all hours of the day and night Resource keeping up 100% engagement and delivering new and exciting campaigns comes at a price App development well come onto this one later Ads should you go down this road. @nationaltrust insight - Twitter better than FB for us
#6: It's not that its not possible, but it takes time and people forget to give warning . Traditional marketeers are used to being able to pull data at the drop of a hat. Suggest using Topsy or Hashtracking. Other tools Hootsuite and Social Sprout ( no relation) are also good for basic analytics but no one tool does it all, unless youre able to throw the big bugs at it.
#7: PLAY VIDEO Point 1 - its a video, not a viral We dont set out to make viral, thats what happens to a great video if youre very very very lucky! Point 2. Its not just about the content, its about who picks it up so having someone tell you its fine, they can do it cheaply cos their son has a video camera still wont make it viral - you need to think about a comms plan around your film seeding the video - social platforms, blogger programs, communities, press and media outlets. That said, some of the best content comes out of a none professional filming if you havent got a flip cam get one, and get your team and your users to tell your stories
#8: This is not about agency bashing we work with a number of great agencies and know they bring great skills and allow us to deliver to timescales we couldnt commit to in-house. However, what Im trying to say is you, and only you know your business best. And yes, you can brief an agency and get them to do it all for you, but why would you? Why would you not want to learn and grow with your customers. I appreciate not everything an always be done in house so heres my tip. Collaborate , Take responsibility. and yes, go and watch!
#9: Great to benchmark yourselves but I know that so many people ask this question so they can go and nab ideas . My suggestion is you need more than ideas you need a strategy to implement them Just because Innocent do humour and the personal touch well, doesnt mean its right for your brand. You need to pick apart what makes your customers tick and learn from this not just steal other peoples creative ideas! That said Innocent do DO social very well they have a great mix of engagement and personal touch mixed with interesting content that sums up their brand. NEXT SLIDE CONINUES THIS POINT
#10: Social Brands Top 100 we are proud to be 24 th this year and this is benchmarking on an epic scale. Best learning so far from this is about charities So many charities in to 100 is down to the fact that they are set up to Care we do this naturally. So the big media owners they have great content , but dont engage Charities, engage really well, but dont always have the budget for content that is instantly sharable. Which brings us back to the Flip cam its old school but could make such a difference to small budget strategies.
#11: Which brings me nicely onto. Strategy . Stand up if you like writing strategies? Thank you Its that age old word. It makes some people feel important, and if fills others with dread. Me, its the dread, and not because I hate writing strategies, but because its so hard to pull people back to a strategy when theyre getting excited about new shiny things. ( see pinterest from earlier) So, not only do you need a good social strategy, I would advise this becomes part of your wider content strategy. what content are you going to use, how does it meet your objectives, how will you share it, will it be UGC or professionally created. How can you integrate SEO into your social? Lots of questions and Im not here to give answers, other that to tell you that if you havent thought about your content strategy, you shouldnt be doing social yet.
#12: Where can I run proms and competitions on Facebook Only in apps Are there any rules for my app Yes, you need a disclaimer that states its your app and Facebook is not responsible in anyway. You also need to link off to your T&Cs and privacy policy so make sure youre not using a generic one. Cant I just do a like contest Nope, nor can you ask them to upload a picture to your wall, or comment to win. And yes, lots of BIG brands are doing this, it doesnt mean its not breaking the law. How do I tell someone they have won? Not via your page, or via a PM you have to gather their data in your app and contact them off Facebook Anything else? Yes READ THE FACEBOOK PROMO GUIDELINES!
#13: Wave goodbye to authenticity You learn from talking to your customers, You need to be there to respond. Yes, we do automate some updates , practically around weekends, or when we are resource poor. But please please dont be under the illusion that you can just broadcast you have to engage its a two way conversation
#14: This is a real life example of how we dealt with a customer service Read bottom up So this took place in space of 12 hours or so. You can see where he complains halfway up, this is because this was in the days before we had a team, it was just me and I went into a meeting for an hour, so dint get his message and forward it on. Were not at the stage of needing a dedicated customer service account, or CS social team for that matter, but it does show the need for others in your business who can solve these issues to see why its so key they prioritise these enquires when you send them over.
#15: Weve all seen those adverts on FB Get more likes instantly CLICK HERE NOW! DO NOT CLICK HERE NOW < and not just because its probably all false advertising! Have you stopped and asked yourself why you want more likes? Its not just about likes cost of a like anything from 30p - 贈8. You need to decide are you in this for the long or short game. For us our communities are about a great place to be - At National Trust we want each of our users to have a great experience and think of us a brand for them be that for volunteering, conservation, great days out, membership, or just for a good place to hang out and chat with like minded people. Oh and cake we are a great place to talk about cake! And while more likes means more people to hear these conversations, the Talking about metric and EdgeRank has changed how many of them see our updates anyway. Focus your time on working out what content works for your existing community , before you try to grow too bit, too fast. Maybe then when you have a big launch promote yourselves. T TOP TIP get it on your products this is your ad space, and costs less than FB ads Its all very well having a great product, but if you cant service the demand, those customers wont hang around long.
#16: Its the elephant in the room so, were giving you money for adverts, were paying salaries when my daughter uses Facebook and could do what you do what are we getting in return? Ive met some people who say refuse to give them figures tell them social is not there yet. And others who wont launch a campaign without having filled in a traditional ROI marketeers' spreadsheet and triple checked the figures. Well, im neither of these people I believe you have to have figures, and you have to KPIs but you have you manage expectations Let your clients know that measurement is evolving for social and that while they can put an value on a like, its much more about the long game NEXT SLIDE CONINUES THIS POINT
#17: Take our White Cliffs appeal launched on Wednesday, as an example. We need to get 贈1.2 million, and we have quite high social targets to meet in terms of conversions. But this stuff is new, there is no other charity in the UK out there doing fundraising like we are now for social yes, we need donations but for us the ROI will be our learnings, - who comes from where, whats average donation via Twitter users etc then we can benchmark against them in the future So for me, ROI is not just about financial gain, its about 2 things establishing a touch point with a customer, that you can nurture, and it may not fruit for 1 year, it may not fruit for 7, but in our world, when it does convert be that to a donation, a membership or a volunteering placement, its been worth it. We have to play the long game 2. Investing in learning giving your social team the chance to read up and learn more about their field after all, its only really 4 years old, and its changing so fast we need time to take it all in and make sense of it all But please, dont make the mistake of refusing to give figures full stop this just makes you look foolish, and fluffy!
#18: PLAY VIDEO Most people, me included have been doing social for no more than 3 years Yes, many of us came from marketing, or journalistic backgrounds , so we get what makes people tick, and were passionate, and desperate, so we stay up late reading articles people weve met at conferences like this one tweet, but Im going to let you into a secret.. We dont know everything, nobody does . And in social, things change so fast that a lot of it is about having the confidence to try things, and learn from our mistakes. So go out there, try things Make mistakes dont sue me, just learn from your mistakes and try something different. Move to Final slide