Presentation about Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia and its activities, products, etc. during my visit of CCS HAU, Hisar, India (Department of Agrometeorology), February 2013
River flows are above normal and air temperatures are increasing slowly. The spring phytoplankton bloom is slow to develop with visible blooms limited to smaller bays such as Sequim and Bellingham Bays. Noctiluca observed in East Sound on Orcas Island, coinciding with high numbers of jellyfish. Debris lines are mostly confined to Hood Canal. Pockets of colder water observed in Central Sound and Hood Canal, likely from the colder, saltier conditions that developed during the winter in the northern regions. Oxygen is variable yet close to expected ranges. Sizable oil sheens were sighted in Gig Harbor and Carr Inlet.
Regional Climate Information: Small Islands - Regional sea level rise and oce...ipcc-media
The document summarizes key findings from the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report regarding the impacts of climate change on small island nations. It finds that relative sea level rise continues to threaten small islands and will likely increase substantially by 2100 under high emissions scenarios. Coastal flooding and erosion are also projected to significantly worsen due to sea level rise and more intense marine heatwaves. Other climate impacts addressed include increasing ocean acidification, changing ocean salinity patterns, and reduced dissolved oxygen levels. The author concludes by thanking the IPCC and providing contact information.
The development of this new edition of the Baltic Sea presentation package was inspired by the Gulf of Finland Year 2014, in order to contribute to the intensive work on augmenting the scientific knowledge base and awareness of the Baltic Sea.
The content of the presentation package demonstrates, on one hand, the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the Baltic Sea and, on the other hand, the challenges presented by the Baltic. The last parts of the presentation package demonstrate various ways in which society is already acting, and can in the future continue to act to influence the future of the Baltic Sea to ensure
the sustainable use of its environment. At the end, the question is posed to all of us: what can I personally do for the Baltic Sea?
Version of the presentation with the internal hyperlinks can be downloaded at
This presentation package can be downloaded and used free of charge. The editorial group owns the copyright to the slide series. Petri Kuokka owns the copyright to the figures and layout. The package can either be downloaded or used directly from the Internet.
The Joint Finnish-Russian Commission on Transboundary Waters: Trends in infor...Iwl Pcu
The Joint Finnish-Russian Commission on Transboundary Waters oversees cooperation on water management of shared water bodies under a 1964 agreement. The Commission includes working groups that facilitate annual information exchange on water quality monitoring, hydroelectric operations, and fisheries. Recent trends show information exchange has accelerated through faster technologies and wider dissemination, including real-time water level and discharge data online. Preparedness for exceptional situations is also improving with emergency communication plans.
This powerpoint presentation is produced by IPCC Working Group I for outreach purposes. It is based on the figures and approved text from the Working Group I Summary for Policymakers with some additional information on the process. The IPCC Working Group I website provides comprehensive access to all products generated by Working Group I during the fifth assessment cycle of the IPCC.
The document discusses the World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) work in agricultural meteorology. It describes key questions in agrometeorology, users of agrometeorological information, and roving seminars held in West Africa to educate farmers. The seminars distributed rain gauges to farmers and provided climate and crop advice. Projects include the METAGRI project across 15 West African countries, a soil moisture decision support system for Africa, and the Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project for Eastern Africa.
This document discusses the composition and structure of the atmosphere. It describes the atmosphere as composed primarily of nitrogen and oxygen, with variable amounts of water vapor. It notes that the troposphere, the lowest level of the atmosphere extending up to around 10 miles, is where weather occurs. Within the troposphere, temperature generally decreases with height at an average rate of around 0.6属C per 100 meters. Atmospheric pressure also decreases with increasing height above sea level. Heating of the lower atmosphere is discussed, as well as the variation of temperature lapse rates within the troposphere over time and location.
Checking the weather before you depart on a boating trip is critical to help ensure a safe journey. In this session, a National Weather Service Meteorologist walks you through the new NWS Marine Weather Portal and shows you how to obtain site specific forecasts, marine weather observations, seawater temperatures, radar and satellite images and any hazards that may threaten the area.
1. The document discusses possible climate scenarios up to the year 2100 based on climate changes and impacts. It covers topics like paleoclimate, recent global warming, precipitation trends, shrinking snow and ice cover, ocean processes, climate extremes, and global climate projections.
2. Key points include that recent global warming is very likely (90%) caused by human activity like burning fossil fuels. Climate models project continued global warming and temperature increases in most regions of the world by 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced. Sea levels are also expected to continue rising.
3. The conclusion emphasizes that climate has changed before in the past over long timescales, but recent warming is occurring over a very short timescale likely due to human
The document discusses climate monitoring and prediction in the Philippines. It provides definitions of weather, climate, and the global climate system. It then discusses how human activities such as fossil fuel combustion and deforestation contribute to climate change by increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The document notes that the Philippines is vulnerable to impacts of climate change such as rising temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and more intense tropical cyclones. It concludes by outlining international responses to address climate change through agreements like the UNFCCC.
The document defines and compares weather and climate. Weather is defined as the short-term atmospheric conditions of an area, such as temperature, wind speed, and precipitation. Climate is defined as the average weather conditions over a long period of time, such as the typical hot summers and cold winters of Alaska. Several factors that influence both weather and climate are discussed, including temperature, ocean currents, winds, and altitude.
Neighborhoods at Risk of Drowning in Alexandria in Light of Climate Change, C...ijtsrd
This document discusses threats to Alexandria, Egypt from climate change and rising sea levels. It notes that while some have claimed Alexandria will be "drowned" by climate change, the ancient city itself is at elevations of 5-25 meters above sea level and therefore not directly threatened. However, urban expansions to the south at lower elevations are at risk, particularly from the Abu Qir Bay to the north and Max Bay to the west. These low-lying areas could be protected by constructing armored concrete walls, but political will and funding would be needed. A few small depressions within the original highlands of Alexandria totaling around 3.5 square kilometers are also at risk of flooding if subsurface water levels rise.
This document discusses various factors that can be used to determine the optimum shipping route, including monthly routeing charts, wave charts, ice charts, current information, prevailing winds, ice conditions, and other weather information sources like Navtex. Monthly routeing charts provide data on winds, temperatures, currents, and ice limits to assist navigators in planning ocean passages. Wave charts show actual and predicted wave heights and directions. Ice charts indicate ice amounts, pack locations, and iceberg positions. Current information is important for reducing travel time and fuel costs. Prevailing winds are the dominant wind patterns in different regions. Ice conditions vary by location and season. Navtex broadcasts navigational warnings and weather updates to ships.
Presentation at the 3rd European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference (ESPC3), Helsinki, 11 - 13 June 2018, co-organised by the Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) and the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP), brought together nearly 300 participants from 30 countries talking about nutrient recycling and stewardship.
See for all information and outcomes
Climate change will impact water resources in Egypt through changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and increased frequency of droughts and floods. Hydrological modeling is used to evaluate these climate change impacts. Such models are forced using downscaled output from global climate models to project changes in streamflow under different climate scenarios. This allows assessment of climate change impacts on water resources systems and evaluation of adaptation policies to mitigate impacts. However, uncertainties remain regarding climate projections and how to scale global data to local levels, highlighting the need for improved modeling approaches.
The document discusses several key factors that influence climate:
1) Latitude determines tropical, temperate, and polar climate zones.
2) Pressure systems and winds influence where tropical rainforests and deserts are located.
3) Ocean currents impact regional climates.
4) Distance from the coast (continentality) affects temperature, as land warms and cools faster than oceans.
Increasing Relevance of Weather Reports for Different UsersTanja Likso
This document discusses climate monitoring in Croatia in 2014. It notes that 2014 was one of the warmest years on record for Zagreb. Heavy precipitation in May 2014 led to catastrophic flooding across eastern Croatia and neighboring regions. International cooperation on meteorological and hydrological data sharing is important for flood forecasting and management, as weather events do not stop at political borders.
This document discusses climate change impacts in Wales and the need for adaptation. It summarizes the Met Office's research including operating a high-resolution 1.5km climate model over Wales to better understand local weather extremes and projected changes. The Met Office aims to provide climate services including regional predictions of hazards to help infrastructure planning and resilience in Wales.
DSD-INT 2021 Keynote - The IPCC AR6 assessment - Whats in it for FEWS - van ...Deltares
Presentation by Bart van den Hurk, Scientific Director at Deltares, at the Delft-FEWS User Days (Day 1), during Delft Software Days - Edition 2021. Monday, 8 November 2021.
3 luc debontridder climate change and its effects on transport flowsbdm2012
- The document discusses the increasing frequency of extreme weather events like rogue waves and winter storms due to climate change. It may soon be possible to sail directly over the North Pole as Arctic sea ice is rapidly disappearing.
- Rogue waves, which can be over twice the size of surrounding waves, are still not well understood but may result from wave interference or focusing. The Draupner wave in 1995 measured 26 meters high.
- Winter storms in Europe are projected to increase slightly in frequency, while hurricanes in the Atlantic could become more intense with higher rainfall amounts due to warming oceans, though the link remains uncertain.
- As Arctic sea ice reaches record lows, shipping
Crop Damage due to Frost across two Diverse Agro-environmentsTanja Likso
This document discusses crop damage due to frost in Croatia and India. It provides background on the climates of Croatia and the agrometeorological observatory in Hisar, Haryana, India. The document then examines a cold spell that occurred in late April 2016 in Croatia, which caused over 105 million euros in damage to fruit crops. Visual symptoms of frost damage are shown for various crops in both countries. The conclusion emphasizes the need for accurate weather forecasts and warnings, and contingent measures to mitigate frost damage.
This document provides information about the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) and Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS). It describes how C3S and CAMS use satellite observations, models, and reanalysis to provide data and services related to climate change and atmospheric composition. It also discusses the development of a potential anthropogenic CO2 emissions monitoring system building upon CAMS and C3S modeling capabilities with complementary satellite and in-situ observation components.
Worldwide weather observations are taken four times daily and include surface and upper air measurements. Surface observations include temperature, wind, and precipitation while upper air observations come from weather balloons. These observations along with remote sensing data from satellites, weather radar, and wind profilers are used to construct surface analysis charts and upper air soundings to analyze current weather conditions.
Climate change in Sudan and related tasks for the science, Extreme events and...ipcc-media
Climate change is affecting Sudan in several ways:
- Temperatures are increasing in most parts of the country based on temperature anomaly data from several cities between 1980-2016.
- Rainfall patterns are also changing, with some areas like Dongola receiving less rain and others like Elgadarif receiving more variable amounts.
- Sudan has experienced increased extreme weather events like droughts, floods from heavy rain and Nile River overflow in recent decades which have caused loss of life and property damage.
- More work is needed to improve climate modeling and better understand how to adapt to and manage the risks from a changing climate through approaches like sustainable farming and water management.
This presentation was edited adn addressed By Guillem Chust (Azti_Tecnalia) in the intensive three day course from the BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change and UPV/EHU (University of the Basque Country) on Climate Change in the Uda Ikastaroak Framework.
The objective of the BC3 Summer School is to offer an updated and multidisciplinary view of the ongoing trends in climate change research. The BC3 Summer School is organized in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country and is a high quality and excellent summer course gathering leading experts in the field and students from top universities and research centres worldwide.
Likso obiljezja i pracenje vremena i klime u hrvatskoj tl(2)Tanja Likso
ADA project - Procjena genetske adaptabilnosti hrvatskog sortimenta kukuruza i soje u funkciji oplemenjivanja prema tolerantnosti na su邸u/Adaptability assessment of maize and soybean cultivars of Croatia in the function of breeding for drought tolerance
This document discusses the composition and structure of the atmosphere. It describes the atmosphere as composed primarily of nitrogen and oxygen, with variable amounts of water vapor. It notes that the troposphere, the lowest level of the atmosphere extending up to around 10 miles, is where weather occurs. Within the troposphere, temperature generally decreases with height at an average rate of around 0.6属C per 100 meters. Atmospheric pressure also decreases with increasing height above sea level. Heating of the lower atmosphere is discussed, as well as the variation of temperature lapse rates within the troposphere over time and location.
Checking the weather before you depart on a boating trip is critical to help ensure a safe journey. In this session, a National Weather Service Meteorologist walks you through the new NWS Marine Weather Portal and shows you how to obtain site specific forecasts, marine weather observations, seawater temperatures, radar and satellite images and any hazards that may threaten the area.
1. The document discusses possible climate scenarios up to the year 2100 based on climate changes and impacts. It covers topics like paleoclimate, recent global warming, precipitation trends, shrinking snow and ice cover, ocean processes, climate extremes, and global climate projections.
2. Key points include that recent global warming is very likely (90%) caused by human activity like burning fossil fuels. Climate models project continued global warming and temperature increases in most regions of the world by 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced. Sea levels are also expected to continue rising.
3. The conclusion emphasizes that climate has changed before in the past over long timescales, but recent warming is occurring over a very short timescale likely due to human
The document discusses climate monitoring and prediction in the Philippines. It provides definitions of weather, climate, and the global climate system. It then discusses how human activities such as fossil fuel combustion and deforestation contribute to climate change by increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The document notes that the Philippines is vulnerable to impacts of climate change such as rising temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and more intense tropical cyclones. It concludes by outlining international responses to address climate change through agreements like the UNFCCC.
The document defines and compares weather and climate. Weather is defined as the short-term atmospheric conditions of an area, such as temperature, wind speed, and precipitation. Climate is defined as the average weather conditions over a long period of time, such as the typical hot summers and cold winters of Alaska. Several factors that influence both weather and climate are discussed, including temperature, ocean currents, winds, and altitude.
Neighborhoods at Risk of Drowning in Alexandria in Light of Climate Change, C...ijtsrd
This document discusses threats to Alexandria, Egypt from climate change and rising sea levels. It notes that while some have claimed Alexandria will be "drowned" by climate change, the ancient city itself is at elevations of 5-25 meters above sea level and therefore not directly threatened. However, urban expansions to the south at lower elevations are at risk, particularly from the Abu Qir Bay to the north and Max Bay to the west. These low-lying areas could be protected by constructing armored concrete walls, but political will and funding would be needed. A few small depressions within the original highlands of Alexandria totaling around 3.5 square kilometers are also at risk of flooding if subsurface water levels rise.
This document discusses various factors that can be used to determine the optimum shipping route, including monthly routeing charts, wave charts, ice charts, current information, prevailing winds, ice conditions, and other weather information sources like Navtex. Monthly routeing charts provide data on winds, temperatures, currents, and ice limits to assist navigators in planning ocean passages. Wave charts show actual and predicted wave heights and directions. Ice charts indicate ice amounts, pack locations, and iceberg positions. Current information is important for reducing travel time and fuel costs. Prevailing winds are the dominant wind patterns in different regions. Ice conditions vary by location and season. Navtex broadcasts navigational warnings and weather updates to ships.
Presentation at the 3rd European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference (ESPC3), Helsinki, 11 - 13 June 2018, co-organised by the Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) and the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP), brought together nearly 300 participants from 30 countries talking about nutrient recycling and stewardship.
See for all information and outcomes
Climate change will impact water resources in Egypt through changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and increased frequency of droughts and floods. Hydrological modeling is used to evaluate these climate change impacts. Such models are forced using downscaled output from global climate models to project changes in streamflow under different climate scenarios. This allows assessment of climate change impacts on water resources systems and evaluation of adaptation policies to mitigate impacts. However, uncertainties remain regarding climate projections and how to scale global data to local levels, highlighting the need for improved modeling approaches.
The document discusses several key factors that influence climate:
1) Latitude determines tropical, temperate, and polar climate zones.
2) Pressure systems and winds influence where tropical rainforests and deserts are located.
3) Ocean currents impact regional climates.
4) Distance from the coast (continentality) affects temperature, as land warms and cools faster than oceans.
Increasing Relevance of Weather Reports for Different UsersTanja Likso
This document discusses climate monitoring in Croatia in 2014. It notes that 2014 was one of the warmest years on record for Zagreb. Heavy precipitation in May 2014 led to catastrophic flooding across eastern Croatia and neighboring regions. International cooperation on meteorological and hydrological data sharing is important for flood forecasting and management, as weather events do not stop at political borders.
This document discusses climate change impacts in Wales and the need for adaptation. It summarizes the Met Office's research including operating a high-resolution 1.5km climate model over Wales to better understand local weather extremes and projected changes. The Met Office aims to provide climate services including regional predictions of hazards to help infrastructure planning and resilience in Wales.
DSD-INT 2021 Keynote - The IPCC AR6 assessment - Whats in it for FEWS - van ...Deltares
Presentation by Bart van den Hurk, Scientific Director at Deltares, at the Delft-FEWS User Days (Day 1), during Delft Software Days - Edition 2021. Monday, 8 November 2021.
3 luc debontridder climate change and its effects on transport flowsbdm2012
- The document discusses the increasing frequency of extreme weather events like rogue waves and winter storms due to climate change. It may soon be possible to sail directly over the North Pole as Arctic sea ice is rapidly disappearing.
- Rogue waves, which can be over twice the size of surrounding waves, are still not well understood but may result from wave interference or focusing. The Draupner wave in 1995 measured 26 meters high.
- Winter storms in Europe are projected to increase slightly in frequency, while hurricanes in the Atlantic could become more intense with higher rainfall amounts due to warming oceans, though the link remains uncertain.
- As Arctic sea ice reaches record lows, shipping
Crop Damage due to Frost across two Diverse Agro-environmentsTanja Likso
This document discusses crop damage due to frost in Croatia and India. It provides background on the climates of Croatia and the agrometeorological observatory in Hisar, Haryana, India. The document then examines a cold spell that occurred in late April 2016 in Croatia, which caused over 105 million euros in damage to fruit crops. Visual symptoms of frost damage are shown for various crops in both countries. The conclusion emphasizes the need for accurate weather forecasts and warnings, and contingent measures to mitigate frost damage.
This document provides information about the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) and Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS). It describes how C3S and CAMS use satellite observations, models, and reanalysis to provide data and services related to climate change and atmospheric composition. It also discusses the development of a potential anthropogenic CO2 emissions monitoring system building upon CAMS and C3S modeling capabilities with complementary satellite and in-situ observation components.
Worldwide weather observations are taken four times daily and include surface and upper air measurements. Surface observations include temperature, wind, and precipitation while upper air observations come from weather balloons. These observations along with remote sensing data from satellites, weather radar, and wind profilers are used to construct surface analysis charts and upper air soundings to analyze current weather conditions.
Climate change in Sudan and related tasks for the science, Extreme events and...ipcc-media
Climate change is affecting Sudan in several ways:
- Temperatures are increasing in most parts of the country based on temperature anomaly data from several cities between 1980-2016.
- Rainfall patterns are also changing, with some areas like Dongola receiving less rain and others like Elgadarif receiving more variable amounts.
- Sudan has experienced increased extreme weather events like droughts, floods from heavy rain and Nile River overflow in recent decades which have caused loss of life and property damage.
- More work is needed to improve climate modeling and better understand how to adapt to and manage the risks from a changing climate through approaches like sustainable farming and water management.
This presentation was edited adn addressed By Guillem Chust (Azti_Tecnalia) in the intensive three day course from the BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change and UPV/EHU (University of the Basque Country) on Climate Change in the Uda Ikastaroak Framework.
The objective of the BC3 Summer School is to offer an updated and multidisciplinary view of the ongoing trends in climate change research. The BC3 Summer School is organized in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country and is a high quality and excellent summer course gathering leading experts in the field and students from top universities and research centres worldwide.
Likso obiljezja i pracenje vremena i klime u hrvatskoj tl(2)Tanja Likso
ADA project - Procjena genetske adaptabilnosti hrvatskog sortimenta kukuruza i soje u funkciji oplemenjivanja prema tolerantnosti na su邸u/Adaptability assessment of maize and soybean cultivars of Croatia in the function of breeding for drought tolerance
This document presents a methodology for estimating wind speed in suburban areas. Wind speed data was collected at the Zagreb-Maksimir Observatory in Croatia. The study estimated wind speed at 2m using gradient methods and Monin-Obukhov similarity theory, taking into account stability corrections. Effective roughness length was estimated according to wind direction, with higher values for western winds. Estimated wind speeds matched observed values well, with closer matches when accounting for roughness length variations. The methodology allows extrapolating wind data to other heights for modeling and applications in the wider suburban area.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1
Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
Chapter 1. Basic Concepts of Strategic Management.pdfRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
How to Unblock Payment in Odoo 18 AccountingCeline George
In this slide, we will explore the process of unblocking payments in the Odoo 18 Accounting module. Payment blocks may occur due to various reasons, such as exceeding credit limits or pending approvals. We'll walk through the steps to remove these blocks and ensure smooth payment processing.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
Managing expiration dates of products in odooCeline George
Odoo allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy. By using Odoo's expiration date management, companies can minimize waste, optimize stock rotation, and maintain high standards of product quality. The system allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Increasing relevance of meteorological informations for various stake holders including growers
1. Increasing relevance of meteorological
informations for various stake holders including
Tanja Likso
Head of Department for Climate Monitoring
Meteorological and Hydrological Service
Zagreb, Croatia
4. Historical review
Beginning of meteorological
observations in 1851 at Dubrovnik
Continuous meteorological observations
at Zagreb-Gri since 1862
The first hydrological station was
established in 1817 at Stara Gradi邸ka
12. Climate monitoring
Air temperature trend in Croatia is in
accordance with the global warming
trend which is mainly a consequence of
greehouse gasses concentration rise
due to fossil fuel burning in energy
production, industry, transport, etc.
19. Climate monitoring
The average annual air temperature for
the year 2012 is 13.7属C - the second
warmest year since the beginning of
observatioins, i.e. 1862
Air temperature trend at Zagreb-Gri is
in accordance with the global warming
trend with a cetrain inter-annual
20. Weather prediction (NWP)
0-3 hours
Medium range forecasts
Long-range Ensemble Prediction
Regional climate modeling
up to 25 years
Air pollution models
up to 72 hours
up to 72 hours
up to 10 days
up to 6 months
26. Agrometeorology
Agricultural reports warnings,
desciption of weather conditions and
forecasts for different regions in Croatia
It is made on weakly basis and updated
twice a week
27. Agrometeorology
Agricultural meteorology data for the past 7
Air temperature (属C) max., min., min at 5
Precipitation: RR (mm), vs (cm)
Relative humidity (%)
Total sunshine duration (h)
Soil temperature at two depths (5 cm and
20 cm) in 属C - max and min value
28. Agrometeorology
Since 1951 soil temperature has been
measured systematically at a number of
meteorological stations.
At first, soil temperature was only
measured down to a depth of 20 cm
during the vegetation period.
33. Climate change and Croatia
The Croatian economy has many sectors that
are directly influenced by climate and
therefore may be affected by climate change
In Croatia temperature are already
increasing, in some areas rainfall appears to
be decreasing, and there apper to be more
extreme weather events especially droughts
and heat waves
34. Climate change and Croatia
Climate model suggest if emissions of CFC
compounds continue to increase, the period
between 2040-2070 will be between 3 and
3.5属C warmer throughout Croatia during the
By the end of the century, increase in
temperature would be more severe
35. Climate change and Croatia
Tourism Most model predict that climate
change will create uncommfortably hot
summers along the Adriatic coast which may
cause many tourist to avoid these
destinations. Instead, tourist will visit
locations in Northern Europe which will
become more attractive with climate change.
However, the spring and autumn seasons are
more attractive for tourists at the Croatian
36. Climate change and Croatia
Coastal zone and sea-level rise
Global sea level is expected to rise
between 9 and 88 cm by 2100 though
large-scale melting of ice in the
Antarctic or in Greenland could mean
that sea level woud rise much higher
37. Climate change and Croatia
According to the approximation, the total
amount of land submerged with sea-level rise
of 50 cm would be over 100 million square
Hoever, there is a lot of uncertainity about
sea-level rise and it will occur slowly, meaning
that there will be time to adapt. At the same
time, plans for infrastructure and long-term
investments should consider possible sealevel rise
39. Climate change and Croatia
Health impacts The future health risks of climate
change in Croatia are not fully understood because
there has not been sufficient research. However, the
effects may include:
- higher cardiovascular risk due to heat waves
- increases in allergic reaction and increased
frequences of heat stroke
- increases in vector-borne illneses carried by
mosquitoes and other organisms
40. Climate change and Croatia
In the summer 2003, it is estimated
that 185 additional deaths occured due
to the heat wave
While heat related health problems may
occur, deaths due to cold weather may
decrease during the winter time.
41. Climate change and Croatia
Water resources Climate change is
expected to result in changes to evaporation,
soil humidity, ground water recharge, and the
amount of water flowing through the rivers
Agriculture In the future, crop models
predict that maize production will likely be
affected by climate change resulting in
losses of between 6-16 million EUR in 2050
42. Climate change and Croatia
Fishing and mariculture Marine fish
populations in the Adriatic are already
showing fluctuations and changes in
behaviour/migration patterns due to
It is expected that climate change will
change the growing season and rearing
time for farmed fish such as tuna
43. Climate change and Croatia
In addition to the migration of existing
species of commercial fish, there is the
potential for increase of invasive species
Fishing fleets are interested in having
available sea surface temperature it
helps them to find fish shoals
44. Strategic goals
To be the WMO Information
System (WIS) Centre
on meteorological information
relevant for marine safety and
the related tasks for the
(eastern) Adriatic
45. Strategic goals
Radar network on the Adriatic sea
Modernization of the old radars
National and international radar network
radar composite
Lightning detection system integrated with
neighbouring countries
46. Strategic goals
Climate Monitoring and Prediction
proactive role in global climate change and
research adaptation and mitigation
Air Quality Monitoring
Public Relation and Relation with the Users
47. Strategic goals
Strenghtening of the units responsible for
Outsourcing of the hail suppression activities
to local authorities
New law on the meteorological and
hydrological activities (the role and duties of
the Meteorological and Hydrological Service)