Metodologia PBL i ghidul de aplicare 樽n nvm但ntul Profesional i Tehnic - VET PBL METHODOLOGY & E-GUIDE
Prezentare realizat de Partenerul Italian: Centro Studi Villa Montesca, Italia, tradus/adaptat de Partenerul Rom但n: Colegiul Tehnic Matei Basarab, Caracal, Rom但nia, 樽n cadrul Proiectului European
Yourvid YESdigital / 2012-1ES1-LEO05-49498
(VET Vocational Education and Training)
My version to share college updated friday april 20 updatedMrFattman
The survey gathered information from 107 respondents at a community college about the availability and affordability of healthy foods on campus. Key findings included:
- 59% of respondents were between 56-65 years old. 91% identified as students.
- 52% said nutritious foods were sometimes available, while 30% said they were rarely affordable compared to unhealthy options.
- The most common improvements respondents wanted to see were increased affordability (82%), availability (37%), and quality (34%) of foods.
- 38% felt the food environment sometimes supports healthy eating, while 35% felt it rarely does.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan definisi sistem dari berbagai sudut pandang dan aspek penting sistem seperti elemen, proses, batasan, dan kontrol. Dokumen ini juga membahas konsep sistem lup terbuka dan tertutup serta kontrol umpan balik dan ke depan."
The document is a prologue to a novel about a US Army lieutenant named Peter Donovan who is leading soldiers on a mission in Kuwait during the Gulf War. During an ambush, several of his men are killed or injured. In retaliation, the surviving soldiers brutally kill any wounded Iraqi soldiers. Donovan finds a strange figurine and hears the cries of a child coming from a cave amidst the carnage. He enters the cave to help.
The document discusses six rhetorical patterns of organization that can be used when writing effectively: definition, cause and effect, comparison, chronological order, decreasing importance, and developing through examples. It provides examples of each pattern and how they could be applied to describing oneself. The patterns are defined as ways to arrange information and ideas in a text. Matching each pattern to its characteristics is also covered. Lastly, the document discusses different purposes for writing and possible rhetorical patterns that could achieve each purpose.
Desmania Auto Studio is a new automotive design division of the respected Indian design company Desmania, which has over 15 years of experience. The new studio is located in Manesar, Haryana and has over 20,000 square feet of space for design, clay modeling, prototyping, workshops and presentations. It offers services including design research, styling, digital modeling, physical modeling, scanning, and works with partners in Italy, Germany and South Korea for expertise in various areas including motorcycles, modeling, and prototyping.
I have received useful audience feedback on my creative works that will help me improve. The feedback identified areas like adding non-diegetic music in quiet scenes to keep the audience engaged, using more shots to build pace in my trailer, addressing issues with low lighting in night scenes, and making the end title design more creative. Overall, the feedback helped me recognize changes I could make to strengthen my works even though I was already happy with aspects like the color scheme and main image choice in my magazine cover and film poster. Going forward, this feedback will help me enhance my skills and creative products.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tahapan pengembangan sistem mulai dari studi awal, analisis sistem, desain konseptual, desain rinci, hingga implementasi sistem beserta langkah-langkahnya.
Dokumen ini memberikan penjelasan tentang beberapa jenis media sosial populer seperti Skype, Yahoo! Koprol, Plurk, dan Kaskus. Masing-masing memiliki fitur khusus seperti video call, lokasi check-in, mikroblog dengan batas karakter terbatas, dan forum online terbesar di Indonesia.
Para la versi坦n en video eLearning de este curso visita:
The document announces a symposium on the chemistry of natural products that will be held on June 15-17. It will include lectures from experts on topics such as the isolation, structure determination, biosynthesis, and biological properties of natural products. The goal of the symposium is to bring together researchers from different fields to discuss recent advances in the study of natural products.
The document lists various cities around the world, with some cities listed multiple times. The cities mentioned include Rio de Janeiro, Niagara Falls, London, the Bahamas, Brisbane, Chicago, Dallas-Fort Worth, Honolulu, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Las Vegas, Mexico City, Miami, New York, Paris, Perth, Recife, Cape Town, and Sydney. London and Chicago are each mentioned three times, while New York is mentioned three times.
This document analyzes the front covers, contents pages, and double page spreads of three music magazines: Kerrang!, RWD, and Q. It describes the color schemes, layouts, use of images and text, and overall designs of various sections within the magazines. Across the magazines, common design elements identified include the use of high contrast colors to draw the eye, balanced mixtures of images and text, and intentional placement of images, fonts, and colors to guide the reader's attention and interest.
Sir William Jones realized that Sanskrit, ancient Indian language, shared similarities with European languages like Greek and Latin. He proposed they all descended from a common ancestor, Proto-Indo-European. Proto-Indo-European influenced languages like Germanic, Celtic, Italic, and Indo-Iranian. The document then discusses evidence for Proto-Indo-European through cognates in different languages and periods of change for the English language from Old to Modern English due to multiple influences.
The document describes life as a flapper in the 1920s. Flappers broke social rules by cutting their hair short and wearing shorter skirts. They spent nights dancing, drinking, smoking, and doing what they wanted at local joints with their friends. While they enjoyed their freedom and independence, the Great Depression ended the reckless lifestyle of flappers in 1930 as society became more serious and constrained once more. However, some flapper influences like short hair, fashion, and makeup remained parts of mainstream culture.
Second session of workshop YESdigital European ProjectNicoleta Olcott
Aceast prezentare a fost realizat 樽n cadrul Proiectului European YESdigital, finanat de Comisia European prin Programul Lifelong Learning, Programul Sectorial Leonardo da Vinci, aciunea TOI. Conine informaii despre cea de-a doua sesiune a Workshopului PBL & Video destinat profesorilor VET.
The document discusses six rhetorical patterns of organization that can be used when writing effectively: definition, cause and effect, comparison, chronological order, decreasing importance, and developing through examples. It provides examples of each pattern and how they could be applied to describing oneself. The patterns are defined as ways to arrange information and ideas in a text. Matching each pattern to its characteristics is also covered. Lastly, the document discusses different purposes for writing and possible rhetorical patterns that could achieve each purpose.
Desmania Auto Studio is a new automotive design division of the respected Indian design company Desmania, which has over 15 years of experience. The new studio is located in Manesar, Haryana and has over 20,000 square feet of space for design, clay modeling, prototyping, workshops and presentations. It offers services including design research, styling, digital modeling, physical modeling, scanning, and works with partners in Italy, Germany and South Korea for expertise in various areas including motorcycles, modeling, and prototyping.
I have received useful audience feedback on my creative works that will help me improve. The feedback identified areas like adding non-diegetic music in quiet scenes to keep the audience engaged, using more shots to build pace in my trailer, addressing issues with low lighting in night scenes, and making the end title design more creative. Overall, the feedback helped me recognize changes I could make to strengthen my works even though I was already happy with aspects like the color scheme and main image choice in my magazine cover and film poster. Going forward, this feedback will help me enhance my skills and creative products.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tahapan pengembangan sistem mulai dari studi awal, analisis sistem, desain konseptual, desain rinci, hingga implementasi sistem beserta langkah-langkahnya.
Dokumen ini memberikan penjelasan tentang beberapa jenis media sosial populer seperti Skype, Yahoo! Koprol, Plurk, dan Kaskus. Masing-masing memiliki fitur khusus seperti video call, lokasi check-in, mikroblog dengan batas karakter terbatas, dan forum online terbesar di Indonesia.
Para la versi坦n en video eLearning de este curso visita:
The document announces a symposium on the chemistry of natural products that will be held on June 15-17. It will include lectures from experts on topics such as the isolation, structure determination, biosynthesis, and biological properties of natural products. The goal of the symposium is to bring together researchers from different fields to discuss recent advances in the study of natural products.
The document lists various cities around the world, with some cities listed multiple times. The cities mentioned include Rio de Janeiro, Niagara Falls, London, the Bahamas, Brisbane, Chicago, Dallas-Fort Worth, Honolulu, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Las Vegas, Mexico City, Miami, New York, Paris, Perth, Recife, Cape Town, and Sydney. London and Chicago are each mentioned three times, while New York is mentioned three times.
This document analyzes the front covers, contents pages, and double page spreads of three music magazines: Kerrang!, RWD, and Q. It describes the color schemes, layouts, use of images and text, and overall designs of various sections within the magazines. Across the magazines, common design elements identified include the use of high contrast colors to draw the eye, balanced mixtures of images and text, and intentional placement of images, fonts, and colors to guide the reader's attention and interest.
Sir William Jones realized that Sanskrit, ancient Indian language, shared similarities with European languages like Greek and Latin. He proposed they all descended from a common ancestor, Proto-Indo-European. Proto-Indo-European influenced languages like Germanic, Celtic, Italic, and Indo-Iranian. The document then discusses evidence for Proto-Indo-European through cognates in different languages and periods of change for the English language from Old to Modern English due to multiple influences.
The document describes life as a flapper in the 1920s. Flappers broke social rules by cutting their hair short and wearing shorter skirts. They spent nights dancing, drinking, smoking, and doing what they wanted at local joints with their friends. While they enjoyed their freedom and independence, the Great Depression ended the reckless lifestyle of flappers in 1930 as society became more serious and constrained once more. However, some flapper influences like short hair, fashion, and makeup remained parts of mainstream culture.
Second session of workshop YESdigital European ProjectNicoleta Olcott
Aceast prezentare a fost realizat 樽n cadrul Proiectului European YESdigital, finanat de Comisia European prin Programul Lifelong Learning, Programul Sectorial Leonardo da Vinci, aciunea TOI. Conine informaii despre cea de-a doua sesiune a Workshopului PBL & Video destinat profesorilor VET.
Third session of workshop yesdigital project tcmbNicoleta Olcott
Aceast prezentare a fost realizat 樽n cadrul Proiectului European YESdigital, finanat de Comisia European prin Programul Lifelong Learning, Programul Sectorial Leonardo da Vinci, aciunea TOI. Conine informaii despre ultima sesiune a Workshopului PBL & Video destinat profesorilor VET din Rom但nia.
Workshop Technical College Matei Basarab, Caracal, RomaniaNicoleta Olcott
Aceast prezentare a fost realizat 樽n cadrul Proiectului European YESdigital, finanat de Comisia European prin Programul Lifelong Learning, Programul Sectorial Leonardo da Vinci, aciunea TOI. Conine informaii despre prima sesiune a Workshopului PBL & Video destinat profesorilor VET.
Acest document afost elaborat 樽n cadrul Proiectului Europen YESdigital finanat de Comisia European prin Programul Lifelong Learning, aciunea TOI LdV i conine detalii despre obiectivele i activitile Workshop-ului PBL & Video.
Second session of the Workshop YESdigital Economia Verde, PBL & Video pentru...Nicoleta Olcott
Aceast prezentare a fost realizat 樽n cadrul Proiectului European YESdigital implementat 樽n Rom但nia de ctre Colegiul Tehnic Matei Basarab din Caracal. Proiectul YESdigital este finanat de Comisia European prin Programul LdV (Leonardo da Vinci), aciunea TOI (Transfer Of Innovation), prin intermediul Ageniei Naionale din Spania (APEE)
Workshop YESdigital Economia Verde, PBL & Video pentru PT VET Students - ...Nicoleta Olcott
Aceast prezentare a fost realizat 樽n cadrul Proiectului European YESdigital implementat 樽n Rom但nia de ctre Colegiul Tehnic Matei Basarab din Caracal. Proiectul YESdigital este finanat de Comisia European prin Programul LdV (Leonardo da Vinci), aciunea TOI (Transfer Of Innovation), prin intermediul Ageniei Naionale din Spania (APEE)
Program workshop VET students, Romania - Proiectul European YESdigitalNicoleta Olcott
Acest document a fost elaborat 樽n cadrul Proiectului European YESdigital finanat de Comisia European prin Programul Leonardo da Vinci, aciunea TOI - Transfer de Inovaie. Evenimentul este concentrat pe "Aplicarea metodelor inovative de 樽nvare 樽n contextual dezvoltrii Economiei Verzi la nivel global". Un numr de 52 elevi ai Colegiului Tehnic Matei Basarab, Caracal, Rom但nia 樽i vor dezvolta competenelor digitale 樽n vederea adaptrii la cerinele secolulului 21 i vor contientiza necesitatea corelrii competenelor verzi cu competenele profesionale.
Green Economy, PBL and Video to VET - YESdigital European ProjectNicoleta Olcott
This document was created in the frame of YESdigital European project. The aim of this activity with VET students is to "Increase the awareness, understanding and knowledge of the importance for developing green skills concurrently with applying digital skills, real problem solving skills and professional skills.
Vet & Green Economy for Sustainable Development Nicoleta Olcott
The document discusses linking vocational education and training (VET) with green skills and a green economy for sustainable development. It aims to raise understanding of these topics among VET teachers and students. It defines key terms like green economy, sustainable energy, sustainable development, and green skills. A green economy is low carbon, resource efficient, and socially inclusive. It conserves resources and reduces pollution. Sustainable development meets present needs without compromising future generations' ability to meet their own needs. Green skills support resource efficiency, low carbon industries, climate resilience, and natural resource management.
Prezentare realizat de Partenerul Italian: Centro Studi Villa Montesca, Italia
tradus/adaptat de Partenerul Rom但n: Colegiul Tehnic Matei Basarab,
Caracal, Rom但nia, 樽n cadrul Proiectului European
Yourvid YESdigital / 2012-1ES1-LEO05-49498
Metodologia PBL i ghidul de aplicare 樽n
nvm但ntul Profesional i Tehnic - VET
(VET Vocational Education and
Abordarea PBL pentru VET promoveaz 樽nvarea
Video i PBL
Problemele reale sunt prezentate i discutate
Metodologia PBL se va utiliza pentru
explorarea/soluionarea problemelor reale din viaa
3. Specialitii PBL ai Centro Studi Villa Montesca din
Italia ofer un website despre abordarea
metodologiei PBL specific nevoilor
nvm但ntului Profesional i Tehnic (VET)
e - Ghid pentru
5 uniti de
pentru profesori
4. Website-ul respect ideea unei platforme MOOC:
MOOC: Massive Open Online Course Cursuri Online
interactive Deschise (Open - Free) la nivel Global
Ce este MOOC?
Sunt cursuri online cu participare interactiv, la nivel global, cu
acces liber prin intermediul web-ului. n plus, fa de cursurile
tradiionale cu materiale educaionale cum ar fi video, lecturi,
seturi de probleme, MOOC asigur interactivitate 樽ntre utilizatori,
care-i ajut pe elevi, studeni, profesori s construiasc o
comunitate de 樽nvare online. MOOC este o recent dezvoltare
din cadrul 樽nvm但ntului la distan. Dei MOOC, 樽nc de la
樽nceput, a subliniat de multe ori caracteristici accentuate de acces
deschis, cum ar fi licene deschise de coninut, structur deschis,
obiectivele de 樽nvare, i conectivism, pentru a promova
reutilizarea i remixuri de resurse, anumite MOOC-uri notabile noi
folosesc licene 樽nchise pentru materialele lor de curs, pstr但nd 樽n
acelai timp accesul liber pentru studeni .
5. Ideea, 樽n cazul nostru, este de a lsa
utilizatorii s se conecteze prin
intermediul contului de Facebook.
- Difuzarea cursului ctre un public larg
- Acces simplu ctre toi utilizatorii
interesai de tematica cursului
-Sprijin 樽n construirea comunitii de
樽nvare online a elevilor i profesorilor
7. Introducere
Ce este PBL -nvarea Bazat pe Probleme- i de ce
profesorii VET ar trebui s o foloseasc?
Elevii VET vor fi pui 樽n postura de a rezolva situaii problem
reale i de a gsi soluii la evenimentele critice din viaa
profesional i personal.
Ei, de asemenea, au nevoie s fie autonomi 樽n procesul de
樽nvare pe parcursul vieii profesionale, iar pe msur ce
toate tipurile de cunotine vor evolua, ei vor face fa la noi
i neateptate provocri.
Acest curs, intenioneaz s prezinte un program de 樽nvare
despre PBL nvarea Bazat pe Probleme.
PBL este o schem de 樽nvare bazat pe probleme din lumea
real, centrat pe elev, autonom, care va permite
profesorilor i elevilor s dezvolte o abordare unic,
personalizat nevoilor lor individuale.
8. e-Ghid - Unitatea 1
Ce este nvarea Bazat pe Probleme (PBL)?
nvarea Bazat pe Probleme, este un program de 樽nvare
care provoac elevii s 樽nvee prin rezolvarea problemelor
reale din viaa profesional.
PBL dezvolt strategii de rezolvare a problemelor, cunotine
din domeniul profesional i abiliti, plas但nd elevul 樽ntr-un rol
activ 樽n procesul de soluionare al problemei.
Elevul se confrunt cu o situaie nestructurat, care simuleaz
un fel de probleme cu care este probabil s se confrunte 樽n
viitor, odat implicat 樽n activitile profesionale.
9. Principii i aspecte importante ale metodei PBL:
nvarea are loc 樽ntr-un context de sarcini autentice, aliniate
cu situaii din lumea real.
Elevii i profesorii colaboreaz 樽n procesul de 樽nvare i
evaluare pe msur ce impelmenteaz sarcinile.
Elevii sunt stimulai s-i asume responsabilitatea pentru
propria 樽nvare, at但ta timp c但t ei nu au prelegeri (coninuturi
educaionale scrise) sau orice secven structurat de sarcini
Aceast metod promoveaz colaborarea 樽ntre elevi,
subliniaz dezvoltarea abilitilor de rezolvare a problemelor
樽n contextul practicii profesionale.
(PBL a fost creat 樽n anul 1950, av但nd ca scop dezvoltarea unei noi
abordri 樽n formarea personalului medical, unde viitorii medici trebuiau
s se familiarizeze cu problemele medicale reale.)
11. Unitatea 2
Cum funcioneaz PBL?
Cercettorii din domeniul psihologiei educaionale au
descoperit c prin abordrile tradiionale din 樽nvm但nt, 樽n
ciuda eforturilor intense ale elevilor/studenilor i ale
profesorilor, majoritatea cunotinelor acumulate sunt
uitate, iar abilitile de rezolvare a problemelor naturale,
specifice, de fapt, nu pot fi dezvoltate.
Elevii vor lucra 樽n grupuri mici/echipe pentru a investiga i
soluiona problemele pe care le-ar putea 樽nt但lni, 樽n viitor, 樽n
viaa lor profesional.
Profesorii vor propune elevilor o anchet PBL prin
prezentarea unui scenariu sau a unei probleme
organizaionale nestructurate, specifice domeniului pentru
care elevii se formeaz. O astfel de prezentare poate fi sub
form scris, un clip video sau un vorbitor invitat sau 樽n
orice alt form.
12. Unitatea 2
Fiecare echipa va numi cel puin un "lider" i un membru
care 樽nregistreaz /secretar. n orice caz, toi
elevii/studenii trebuie s fie implicai 樽ntr-un grup cu un rol
specific. Atitudinile pasive nu sunt permise!
Echipa va aplica procesul de rezolvare a problemei, prin
informare /cutare, analiz, decizii, finaliz但nd cu o soluie a
Investigaiile PBL pot culmina cu un miniproiect realizat de
echip, expoziii sau alte produse care explic rezolvarea
Un video poate fi un produs foarte eficient care s prezinte
at但t problema c但t i soluia ei.
13. Unitatea 2
n timp ce lucreaz pentru a rezolva problema, echipa poate:
1. Dezvolta abiliti analitice de rezolvare a problemelor.
2. Stabili i fixa cunotinele necesare pentru a 樽nelege
3. Descoperi cele mai bune resurse pentru a obine informaiile
relevante conectate cu problema i rezolvarea acesteia.
4. Beneficia de o personalizare a studiului, folosind o gam
larg de resurse.
5. Utiliza informaiile pentru a rezolva problema.
14. Unitatea 3
Procesul de rezolvare a problemei 樽ncepe cu un scenariu
Scenariul este definit ca o situaie critic la care soluia poate fi
gsit prin diferite strategii
Scenariul trebuie:
1. S capteze interesul elevilor cu privire la problemele din
lumea real.
2. S atrag 樽nvarea i experiena anterioar a elevilor.
3. S integreze obiectivele de coninut cu abilitile de
rezolvare a problemelor.
4. S solicite cooperarea, 樽n mai multe etape, pentru a analiza
posibilele soluii.
5. S stimuleze elevii s efectueze cercetri independente
pentru a aduna informaii relevante pentru problema.
Gsii un scenariu realist! n mod evident legat de
disciplina/modulul pe care elevii/studenii 樽l studiaz. (O
modalitate de a prezenta un scenariu, foarte atrgtoare i
stimulativ ar putea fi, prin video creat de elevii 樽nii, sau
selectat din resurse video deja existente, de exemplu, de pe
site-ul You Tube)
16. Unitatea 5
Ce este de fcut? (樽n practic)
Odat ce grupurile au fost formate i scenariile definite,
abordarea PBL este apoi descompus 樽n urmtoarele faze (etape)
1 - Grupurile vor str但nge i vor organiza informaii pe o list ce
are ca titlu 樽ntrebarea: "Ce tim deja? , evident legat de
soluionarea problemei.
n aceast etap, elevii vor aborda problema 樽n funcie de
cunotinele anterior dob但ndite i de propria lor experien.
Grupul va discuta situaia actual din jurul problemei aa cum a
fost prezentat. Aceast analiz necesit discuii i acord cu
privire la toate cunotinele/abilitile pe care le dein i au
legtur cu soluionarea problemei.
17. Unitatea 5
2. n aceast etap elevii se angajeaz 樽n analiza problemei
i vor 樽ntocmi o nou list ce va avea ca titlu 樽ntrebarea: Ce
avem nevoie s tim?" (pentru a rezolva aceasta problema)
Aici grupul va 樽ntocmi lista ce cuprinde 樽ntrebri sau
probleme referitoare la cunotine/abiliti nedob但ndite, la
care care trebuie s rspund pentru a dob但ndi cunotinele
lips necesare soionrii problemei.
Aceast activitate este un fel de sesiune de "brainstorming"
cu evaluare am但nat a soluiilor, timp 樽n care toate
explicaiile sau soluiile sunt scrise pe un flipchart sau pe
18. Unitatea 5
3 - Discuii, evaluri i organizarea de ipoteze provizorii.
Grupurile, rspunz但nd la 樽ntrebarea: "Ce s facem?", vor
樽ntocmi o list cu evidenierea i formularea clar a aciunilor de
fcut cum ar fi:
ce resurse s consulte;
ce persoane s intervieveze;
ce articole s citeasc, etc.
Aceste lucruri de fcut, odat specificate, se va trece la
distribuirea sarcinilor 樽n cadrul grupului, eventual se va realiza
un tabel 樽n care se trec explicit sarcinile, timpul, persoana
delegat s rezolve, forma rezultatului i modalitatea de a
comunica rezultatul celorlali membrii din grup.
Aceasta este faza 樽n care grupul va identifica i va aloca
sarcinile de 樽nvare, planurile de a descoperi i de a obine
informaiile necesare.
Grupurile pot gsi, de asemenea, informaii 樽n format video,
deja existente, corelate cu problema de investigat, pe diverse
n aceast etap, echipa are nevoie de timp suficient pentru a discuta problema,
pentru a genera ipoteze, pentru a identifica fapte relevante, pentru a cuta
informaii i resurse, aceasta fiind o etap foarte important pentru PBL.
19. Unitatea 5
4 - n aceast etap echipa concepe posibilele soluii i
exploreaz noi concepte i abiliti pentru a rezolva problema.
5 n etapa final se prezint soluia final printr-un scurt
film (clip video) despre conceptele discutate i analizate.
20. Exemple de scenarii:
1. Eti curator (administrator) pentru Muzeul de Art din Philadelphia.
Comoara Naional tocmai a fost gasit! Treaba ta este de a proiecta o
camer 樽n muzeu care va afia toate obiectele de art . Zona camerei este de
450 de metri ptrai . Ce form , lungime i lime ar trebui s aib camera?
Va trebui s prezini modelul plan de podea pentru muzeu ( profesorul i
clasa), p但n vineri . Prezentarea soluiei poate fi 樽n orice format dorii
(plan/schi, video).
2. Nivel 2 de instruire - tiiine: Elevii 樽i asum rolul de consilieri la NASA. O
planet asemntoare Pm但ntului a cunoscut o distrugere a plantelor din
biosfera sa. Care este cauza distrugerii? Poate NASA s introduc cu succes
plante de pe Pm但nt pentru a salva mediul celeilalte planete?
3. Biologie : Datorit densitatii sczute a populaiei dintr-o zon, o
comunitate din apropiere a fost selectat pentru a primi un guvern un
laborator federal de izolare P4. Cetenii solicit consiliere din partea
elevilor/studenilor cu privire la ce s-ar 樽nt但mpla 樽n cazul 樽n care germenii ar
scpa cumva din laborator . Autoritile nu au specificat exact ce ar deine
laboratorul, dar a fcut aluzie la oricare dintre urmtorii ageni patogeni :
antrax , Clostridium botulinum , sau ali ageni patogeni ( selecia va fi
realizat de ctre profesor pentru a satisface nevoile de cunoatere ale
21. Thank you for your attention !
Italian team:
Fabrizio Boldrini
Virginia Marconi
Maria Rita Bracchini
3rd Meeting of YESdigital European Project
3-4 October 2013