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Leftist Heap

A Leftist (min)Heap is a binary tree that satisfies the follow-ing conditions.
If X is a node and L and R are its left and right children, then:
    每      X.value ≒ L.value
    每      X.value ≒ R.value
    每      null path length of L ≡ null path length of R

where the null path length of a node is the shortest distance between
from that node to a descendant with 0 or 1 child.
If a node is null, its null path length is ?1.
Example: Null Path Length

                                                  ?node 4 violates leftist heap property
                                             4    ? fix by swapping children

                              8    0                           19   1

             12       1                               27   0               20   0

    15   0                25      0          43   0

    node          4       8       19   12   15   25    27      20   43
    npl           1       0        1   1     0    0        0   0      0
Example: Null Path Length


                     19   1                                8        0

            27   0             20   0            12    1

      43    0                           15   0             25   0

      node       4   8    19   12   15       25       27   20       43
      npl        1   0     1   1        0    0         0    0           0
(晟惤必奈丞 2009-11-23 Leftist Heap (http://d.hatena.ne.jp/propella/20091123/p1) 及扔件皿伙皿伕弘仿丞卞袚樓仄化妏勻化狟今中)

   -- Copied from CS231 Algorithm Prof. Lyn Turbak Wellesley College

   -- make a leftist heap with one node.
   singleton x = T 1 x E E

   -- make a leftist heap from list
   fromList :: Ord a => [a] -> Heap a
   fromList [] = E
   fromList xs = mergeLoop (map singleton xs)
      mergeLoop [] = error "shouldnt: mergeLoop []"
      mergeLoop [t] = t
      mergeLoop ts = mergeLoop(mergePairs ts)
      mergePairs [] = []
      mergePairs [t] = [t]
      mergePairs (t1:t2:ts) = (merge t1 t2):(mergePairs ts)

   prop_Heap2 :: [Int] -> Bool
   prop_Heap2 xs = isSorted (heapToList (fromList xs))

   test2 = verboseCheck prop_Heap2




 n   n          n        2          n          n
   + 2 log 2 + 3 log 2 + ? + (log n+1) log 2
 2   2          2               2
                         2              n
   n   n log 2    log 2         log 2
 = + (         +       2   + ?+      n    )
   2   2 2           2             2
                      2             n
     1 log 2    log 2         log 2
   ㄗ (        +     2
                         +?+      n
                                       ) < 1 方 曰ㄘ
     2 2          2             2
   n       3n
 < +n=
   2        2

?Clemson University CpSc 212, Section 001 (Roy P. Pargas)
 p.3, p.6-7

?Wellesley College CS 231 2001 (Lyn Turbak)
 p.2, p.5

?晟惤必奈丞 2009-11-23 Leftist Heap

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  • 1. Leftist Heap Definition A Leftist (min)Heap is a binary tree that satisfies the follow-ing conditions. If X is a node and L and R are its left and right children, then: 每 X.value ≒ L.value 每 X.value ≒ R.value 每 null path length of L ≡ null path length of R where the null path length of a node is the shortest distance between from that node to a descendant with 0 or 1 child. If a node is null, its null path length is ?1.
  • 2. Example: Null Path Length ?node 4 violates leftist heap property 4 ? fix by swapping children 8 0 19 1 12 1 27 0 20 0 15 0 25 0 43 0 node 4 8 19 12 15 25 27 20 43 npl 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
  • 3. Example: Null Path Length 4 19 1 8 0 27 0 20 0 12 1 43 0 15 0 25 0 node 4 8 19 12 15 25 27 20 43 npl 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
  • 4. FromList及g蚾 (晟惤必奈丞 2009-11-23 Leftist Heap (http://d.hatena.ne.jp/propella/20091123/p1) 及扔件皿伙皿伕弘仿丞卞袚樓仄化妏勻化狟今中) -- Copied from CS231 Algorithm Prof. Lyn Turbak Wellesley College -- make a leftist heap with one node. singleton x = T 1 x E E -- make a leftist heap from list fromList :: Ord a => [a] -> Heap a fromList [] = E fromList xs = mergeLoop (map singleton xs) where mergeLoop [] = error "shouldnt: mergeLoop []" mergeLoop [t] = t mergeLoop ts = mergeLoop(mergePairs ts) mergePairs [] = [] mergePairs [t] = [t] mergePairs (t1:t2:ts) = (merge t1 t2):(mergePairs ts) prop_Heap2 :: [Int] -> Bool prop_Heap2 xs = isSorted (heapToList (fromList xs)) test2 = verboseCheck prop_Heap2
  • 6. fromList及呾講互O(n)匹丐月仇午 n n n 2 n n + 2 log 2 + 3 log 2 + ? + (log n+1) log 2 2 2 2 2 2 n n n log 2 log 2 log 2 = + ( + 2 + ?+ n ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 n 1 log 2 log 2 log 2 ㄗ ( + 2 +?+ n ) < 1 方 曰ㄘ 2 2 2 2 n 3n < +n= 2 2
  • 7. 統蕉恅瓬 ?Clemson University CpSc 212, Section 001 (Roy P. Pargas) http://www.cs.clemson.edu/~pargas/courses/cs212/common/notes/ppt/1 4LeftistSkewHeaps.ppt p.3, p.6-7 ?Wellesley College CS 231 2001 (Lyn Turbak) http://cs.wellesley.edu/~cs231/fall01/leftist.pdf p.2, p.5 ?晟惤必奈丞 2009-11-23 Leftist Heap http://d.hatena.ne.jp/propella/20091123/p1