Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Physician Relationship Specialist
- simply but rock
- emotera
- smiling face
- has soft heart
- luvs my work
- luvs singing
- luvs hart evangelista
- luvs avril lavigne
- luvs # 14
- luvs pink
- luvs my friends
- ofcurs loves "valyn gallenero", missha (my angel) & my family
matecor was born under the sign of GEmiNi
which has twin personality...
i can easily CoNFoRM myself 2 a given situation
even wen i Don;T knOw ALL thE FActS....
I 'M inquisitive,
ALwaYS WAntiNG 2 knoW everYthiNg..
down 2 the most CRUCiAL DETAiLs...
oFTen i'm two-fACEd,,,,
Providing A FRoNT 2 sum
whiLe showiNG anoTHER siDe of me 2 OtherS...
i'm a humurous person,
no dull moment wenever i'm around
can be versatiLe AN
Users following Tes Sa